chapter 15

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"How did you date with Ann go last night then Kuina?" I ask nudging her slightly as we ate breakfast.

"It was amazing, oh my gosh. She's perfect for me. Mitchiko I think i've met my soul mate" Kuina gushes

I looked across the room to where I noticed Kuina kept trying to catch secret glimpses of. Ann was sat a few tables away from us with a few other students I didn't know. She was beautiful, her hair was short and she had the perfect shade of red on her lips. She was tall, which would be good for Kuina, her skin was flawless.

I shipped them hard.

"I hope it works out for you both. I'm so happy for you Kuina" I tell her

Chishiya had gotten up much earlier than me, and I hadn't seen him since. So today it was just Kuina and I.

"Students please assemble in the auditorium for the usual Monday address in 5 minutes" Mr Kuzuryu's voice announced over the intercom

"Mitchiko!" Usagi half shouts quickly dragging a chair to sit with us

"How have you been?" Usagi asks me
"Completely fine" I tell her
"Are you sure? You got drugged, don't you want to go to the police or anything?" Arisu asks me coming out of nowhere
"Don't worry about that, i'm dealing with it"

As all the classes from each grade filed in to the auditorium I realised how small a school it was, in comparison with most. There were only a couple hundred students whereas at my old school there were thousands.

As I walked through the doorway I was pulled out by a hard grip on my hand. I turn my head and see Chishiya pulling down the hallway.

"What the hell? Where are we going. We have the monday address" I remind him

"That's where we're going" He tells me like it was such an obvious fact

He opened a door I'd never seen before. And pushed me inside, the door closing behind us, it was pitch black and I didn't have my phone on me for light.

"Chishiya?" I call out unable to find where he'd gone

I feel him take my waist with his hand and guides me further down wherever we were.

"Step" he tells me.

We walk up the stairs together, I wondered how he could see anything in here when there wasn't even a fragment of light coming in.

His hands were icy cold, so cold I could feel them through the thin fabric of my school shirt. I still needed him to tie my tie, it had been stuffed in the pocket of my skirt since I got dressed. So far everyday of school, Chishiya had tied it for me. But obviously due to his unexplained absence this morning, I had no one to tie it for me.

Last night, in the pool, we made out once. And then again in the elevator, and then again on my bed, but we didn't go any further. Chishiya was worried the Ketamine was still in my system and would affect my decision making.

And though I knew he was wrong, I truly wanted him to be right. We both wanted each other, it was clear to me now but Chishiya somehow can't accept it. I was unsure whether he believed he couldn't love me, or he didn't want to love me.

But somehow, someway, I would change his mind. I had to.

Chishiya pushed a door open when we got to the top of the staircase, and I could finally see where he'd taken me. We were in the auditorium, on the balcony away from the other students taking their seats.

We stand against the glass railing waiting for Principal Hatter to appear. There was very minimal light up here, I doubted we could even be seen.

"Good morning students" Hatter announced into his mic stand. In his left hand he held various pieces of paper, the other he used to hold the stand.

"I have a few announcements to make this morning" He tells us ruffling his paper around in his hand as he frantically searched for the right one. After finding it, he continued "First of all we are currently investigating the vandalisation of the front gate via electricity"

I kicked Chishiya's leg gently knowing he was responsible.

"If anyone has any information please do not hesitate to come forward. We have the January sports results"

At this point I tuned him out as he went through the scores and places of our athletes and sports teams.

"As you all know the Japanese National Academic Competition is coming up, I feel another win coming round the corner. I will now announce the top three students in each grade, there may have been some rank changes so please pay attention. Those whose names I read out, please remain here after the address to see talk to Mr Kuzuryu " He says, obviously I begin to pay attention.

I swear to everything, if they put my picture up on that huge screen that Hatter played his powerpoint off of i would throw myself of this balcony.

"In grade..." He begins going through the names of the three students in each grade going.

"In grade 11, Shuntaro Chishiya, Yoshida Mitchiko, Ryohei Arisu"

After announcing grade 12, he moves on, giving us an anecdote and a motivational speech before we're released. Luckily my picture did not come up on the board.

"Let's go" Chishiya tells me opening up the damn door we came through.

"It's so dark in there, I don't see why you couldn't bring a flashlight" I grumble as I begin making my way down the steps, trying my best not to slip and fall.

"There's plenty of light in here, I can't understand how you can't see" Chishiya counters from in front of me. How he got in front of me I didn't know.

"'Plenty of light'??" I question "What are you seeing? Light where?"

I believed he either has night vision, or was just hallucinating. There was not even a singular beam of light in here.

"It's not my fault you're astronomically blind" He retorts.

After nearly falling to my death in between one and eighteen times i managed to get to the bottom of the steps without killing myself. Chishiya waited at the bottom for me for a drastic amount of time. We managed to slip into the auditorium without anyone noticing. Arisu was sat in one of the middle rows and I hurry to sit with him, Chishiya trailing behind me.

"Excited for the trip?" I ask Arisu

"Kinda, last year was brutal. We almost didn't win, and then Chishiya just went crazy on the other team. I felt embarrassed for them. It was harder to compete when Ann was off exploring everywhere but the competition" He laughs as we wait for Kuzuryu to begin

"This year should be easier since you don't seem like someone who likes to lose" Arisu finishes

There were nearly 20 students in the room and Mr Kuzuryu.

"Most of you I understand have been to Nationals before" He begins, sitting on a the edge of the stage to address us more personally. "Those that haven't please be attentive, there is alot of information"

"The trip will be led by myself and Ms Mira, it is a 4 days and 3 nights trip. We will be going to  Fukuoka where the event is held, The first night shall be spent on the coach. You will be required to wear school uniform during each competition, outside of which feel free to wear your own attire. Most of the competitions are team participation, but there are a small amount of individuals. You will each have your own room in the hotel we stay at, curfew is 11 as usual. You may visit Fukuoka city if you wish but you are forbidden from going out alone. Always take at least one person with you at all times. We shall be leaving on the 2nd of February"

That was just over a week from today

"If you have any other questions feel free to come see myself or Ms Mira anytime. Off to class everyone, study hard"

guys should i put some smut in the next chapter/s?

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