chapter 31

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"What do you need from the store at half two in the morning" Chishiya asks me as we walk along the street. The alleyway that Banda had pointed too from the roof was behind the supermarket a little further than the one we'd bought alcohol from.

The air was crisp and especially frosty, the snow had raged all night forming a thickness of white collected on the pavements and the rooftops of all the buildings around us. It was beautiful, we had to wear a lot more layers than we usually do. I'd convinced him to wear an actual coat, i was shocked he even owned one in the first place if I'm being honest.

"I'm hungry, sex is tiring" I explain, i wasn't technically lying. I was hungry, and sex was very tiring. With him anyways.

I still hadn't mentioned Banda, i didn't know whether I was allowed to mention it or not. I didn't want to do anything to make him mad, he was obviously fucking crazy and I didn't want anything to go wrong.

"You dragged me out of bed at 2am to buy you food?" He questions

"I can pay for it myself" I answer

"I'm not gonna let you buy your own food, what kind of boyfriend would I be?" I've just come to the realisation that anytime we went to a store or cafe or anything together he always paid.

Adding to my list of stuff to feel horrible about.

"I'll pay for it" I insist ending the conversation. I take his hand in mine as we enter the store.

"What do you want?" He asks still under the impression he was paying. I check the time.

"I'm going to buy a sandwich, do you want anything?"

I pick up a sandwich that looked appealing and a bottle of iced coffee. He gets a bag of sweetened popcorn and a coke cherry.

"You think we should get something for Arisu?" I ask

"No" He says flatly

I pick up something for Arisu anyways in case he was hungry. We'd traumatised him enough whilst we were here it was the least I could do.

At the self checkout we scanned our items and put them into a bag. I pulled a few notes from my pocket to insert into the machine but was too late, Chishiya had already used his card to pay.

"Why did you do that?" I ask sounding angrier than i intended.

"I like doing things for you" He says simply, taking the bag from my hand.

"You don't have to Chishiya" I tell him as we stroll the through the doors. I checked my phone for the time and saw we had two minutes to get to the alleyway. "You do so much for me, you give me your jackets when it's cold or when i need it, you saved my life like ten times, you took care of me when i got drugged, you buy me food. And i don't do anything for you!"

"Mitchiko don't be stupid" He says lightly, keeping his head up as we walked, the snow crunching with each step we took.

"What?" I ask stopping in front of him

"You don't need to do anything for me" Chishiya tells me reaching into the bag and tossing me my sandwich. "You do more than I could ask for by just being with me"

This idiot was melting my heart oh my god. I'll repay him somehow.

But now, i felt guilt eating away at me as we approached the alley. I'd told him i was taking him through a shortcut which he blindly allowed me to lead him to.

We made it to the designated meet spot, not that he knew of course. I munched on my sandwich, i we getting scared. Not for myself, but for Chishiya. If something happened to him i'd never forgive myself. The only thing keeping me from combusting right now was the fact i had a large knife in my coat pocket and self defence training.

"Chishiya I'm so sorry" I whisper as I hear footsteps coming down the pavement towards us, it was too dark to make him out but I knew it was him. The absence of streetlights and the piled up snow made this see a lot cooler than it was. Something I'd put into a pinterest board.

"What for?" He asks slowly, letting go of my hand, by now Banda's face was clear. The moonlight illuminating his features, he placed the bag into my hand and walked forward to meet him.

I was frozen in place for a moment before dropping the bag on the floor and following. Chishiya placed his hands in his pockets practically gliding forward, his white hair blending with the snow.

He looked beautiful, like an angel.

Banda on the other hand needed a good slap which i'd be happy to hand out.

"Chishiya" Banda greets with a bit too much joy "Been so long"

"Sure" Chishiya says emotionally devoid. I stood besides Chishiya waiting for something to happen.

"Thank you for bringing him here Mitchiko" Banda says bowing to me with a devious smile.

Chishiya turned to look at me as I stared back at him scared for his reaction. To my surprise, he didn't seem hurt or betrayed as most would, he just looked...strangely impressed.

"Kill yourself" I spit back at him

"Anyways" He ignores me completely "Chishiya, i want you to throw tomorrow's competition"

"Why would i do that?" Chishiya challenges

It was the last competition tomorrow, the last day was only a ceremony.

"I've changed a lot since you last saw me Chishiya. I've hardened, learned things i was too scared to know when you were around." Banda flips his razor from his pocket and twirls it around in his fingers.

Chishiya watches but shows no signs of emotion or reaction whatsoever much to Banda's annoyance.

"Okay?" He says unimpressed by the razor tricks.

"What do you expect anyone to say that man?" I ask confused by what Banda's point was

"Throw the competition Chishiya." Banda states again.

"What'll happen if i don't?" He asks again, he sounded bored. Like this was the most dull thing that'd ever happened to him ever.

Banda flips his razor blade, extending his arm, so it aligned with my throat perfectly.

"You know i'll do it" He says threateningly, i feel the cold metal against my skin.

"Yeah I get it, put it away" Chishiya sneers

"Why do you care so much about a competition?" I question once the razor was safe in his pocket and my hand on the handle of my knife in my pocket.

"The competition is only the beginning" He says as menacingly as he could

"You have to be the pettiest man i've ever met in my life" I laugh "So he pulled some pranks on you get over it!"

Banda freezes up slightly "Pranks? That's all you think this is? You stupid girl"

"Don't call me stupid you dickhead. Look at the state of you, fucking asshole" I jeered spitting at his shoes after my last word.

Banda reaches into his pocket smooth and fast, pulling out the shiny blade and lurching forward to swipe at me. Chishiya pulls me behind him quickly, resulting in me almost toppling over from the speed, pulling something of his own out his pocket jabbing it directly onto Banda's pulse point.

He drops the blade and crumples onto the floor his face buried in the snow. We each stare at him for a while, before i realise if i didn't move him he'd suffocate in the snow.

With hesitance i kick him over onto his back and throw the blade as far away as I can so he wouldn't find it when he woke up.

I didn't want to say anything, and apparently neither did Chishiya. So i scuffle to grab the bag i'd discarded on the floor that now had a layer of snow over the top of it and we walk. After 5 minutes we were still silent but he reached out for my hand and held it tight. After 10 minutes it was still silent.

When we got back to the hotel, he had still said nothing. And now i was getting really scared, after something like that i'd expect him to have something to say to me but he said nothing at all. Made me feel sick to my stomach.

king of hearts (chishiya x reader) | highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now