chapter 11

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I'd managed to find Kuina and the others pretty easily, despite them being deep in the crowd. Usagi and Arisu were nowhere to be seen. Kuina was dancing with a stranger and Chouta was having the time of his life by himself. Karube greets me with a smile and takes my hand spinning me against him.

We dance for a while to the beat of the music, and I actually started to enjoy myself. 

"Do you wanna have another drink?" Karube shouts over the blare of the music.

I nod and feel him take my own hand in his, pulling me towards the bar.

"2 bloody mary's" Karube orders

"Can we get shots" I ask quietly attaching myself to his arm. I notice how hard his bicep was, i felt myself getting hot.

"Anything you want Mitchiko" He says tapping my head.

I feel myself zone out for a second as the bartender gets our drinks. Was this really a good idea? 

Did I even like Karube? I mean he was attractive, but i wanted someone who was a bit less nice. Karube deserved someone sweet and kind, I don't think i was someone of that nature. I didn't want to lead him on. 

But at the same time, maybe he didn't even want anything serious, maybe he didn't even want me. Maybe he was just being nice.

I'd realised Karube had been talking to me, or maybe talking and I was here. Since he hadn't expected an answer to my luck. So i immediately pretended like i had been listening and tried to piece together what it was he'd been talking about.

By the end of the conversation i'd taken 3 shots and finished the bloody mary. I wasn't too much of a lightweight so on top of the daiquiri, shots and the bloody mary I found myself tipsy but not drunk, yet anyways.

"Karube i'll be back in a bit okay, just going to the bathroom really quick" I tell him before kissing his cheek.

Maybe I shouldn't have done that, i'll blame it on the alcohol.

Truth was I wasn't going to the bathroom, I didn't even know where it was. I was going to have a wander round, get some fresh air, think, and then come back eventually. After only 45 minutes of this environment i'd already gotten exhausted. 

I ventured up a few flights of stairs ending up on the roof. I got a good view of tokyo from up here, the line outside was still hefty, but still less so. The wind brushed my shoulders harshly as a reminder to wear something long sleeve next time.

Lucky for me, everyone who came to the nightclub was too busy getting drunk and having fun to come up here. I got the privilege of peace and tranquility as i swung my legs off the edge of the concrete building. I silently thanked myself for wearing pumps with ribbons that tied halfway up my calf. Otherwise my shoes would have hit someone in the face by now.

I wanted to take a moment to think about my feelings, and assess my priorities. In the hopes of somehow feeling less shitty.

It seemed like all my problems were centred around one person.

"Enjoying yourself?" Chishiya asks me, his hands in his pockets, a small smile on his stupid perfect face as he slowly walks towards me.

"I was" I snap as the bastard ruins my quiet time, taking a seat beside me his legs dangling next to mine.

"Are you okay?" He asks me, a look of not quite concern on his face. Like an expression of obligation, as if he was following instruction.

I burst out laughing "Is this the first time Shuntaro Chishiya has shown any sort of relative human care to a person?" 

"Pretty much yes" he tells me unbothered 

"I don't understand you Chishiya" I admit

"I don't understand you either if it helps" He tells me

"What is there to understand? Since you know everything don't you" I chide throwing my hands in the air

"Unfortunately not everything just yet, but I'm getting there" he sighs. I give him a look but can't help myself and laugh a little.

"I've been here what 3-4 days and have already completely fucked myself over" I express, not quite sure why I was even opening up to him whatsoever.

"Barely, you made the top 3 in such a short amount of time. You should be proud of yourself" This was odd, he was trying to comfort me, console me. It must be the alcohol. This was not the Chishiya i'd met just a few days ago.

"Academics isn't everything" I tell him holding my arms to try warm myself up a bit.

"To me it is" Chishiya says "It was"

This peaks my interest.

"What changed?" I ask

He tells me nothing, gives me a sad look, or as sad as Chishiya can express anyways, and removes his jacket.

"You have goosebumps" He tells me placing his white jacket over my shoulders, it was warm. It smelled like him again and I had to resist the urge to hold the soft fabric to my nose and just swim in the scent.

"What kind of idiot doesn't bring a jacket" He says"We're in the end of January, what were you thinking" 

"I wasn't, this was all an elaborate scheme to get another jacket off you" I say "Oh yeah, you won't be getting this one back either" 

"I'm sorry" Chishiya tells me, and i can see we're no longer talking about his jacket.

"I don't know how to handle people who are just as if not more clever than me" He continues

I say nothing but show him i'm listening.

"I wasn't raised in an environment where it was okay to be second best. I felt threatened by you and said things that were untrue and cold" Chishiya tells me "Mitchiko i'm sorry" 

An apology from Chishiya felt strange, he sounded genuine but it was so hard to believe he was apologising. But in a way I understood him, my father tried to raise me to always be number 1 in anything. Luckily i didn't take any of it to heart thanks to my wonderful mother. I suppose he was not so lucky.

"Your lucky i'm so merciful and forgiving Chishiya" I jest nudging his side with a smile

"Don't expect to hear an apology out of me ever again" He tells me

A moment of silence passes over us, I hold his jacket close to my body.

"Why are you so weird to me Chishiya?" I ask, truly curious.

"How do you mean?"

"You're so...contradictory" I begin trying to think of the right words to explain "You are so cold, distant to everyone. But with me, you're weird. Your not exactly cold, your slightly less distant but I just can't tell how you feel, or what your thinking"

I take a second to think of what to say next.

"I can read anyone, I've never been able to not know how someone feels. But you confuse me, you do things you say things that give me hope. But I just don't know with you" I explain

"Ah, I see" He says "How I feel isn't something I'm used to. It's not something i've ever felt. But when I saw first saw you, it woke something up in me. Something I didn't know existed, something i've been trying to contain for the past few days. But right now you're not helping me out. You look good enough to eat"

He'd finally said something about my outfit, there was no way i'd put all this effort in just for it to go unnoticed. But i remembered what Usagi told me, and i acted.

king of hearts (chishiya x reader) | highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now