chapter 6

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I skipped towards the cafeteria, Chishiya stalking behind me. I tried to convince him to skip with me but obviously he was too much a moody bastard to go with it.

I'd also robbed him of his jacket, when he threw it up in the elevator i took my opportunity and slipped it on whilst he pulled himself up. In my defence he smelt really good, but for several obvious reasons I couldn't tell him that.

The cafeteria was completely empty not to my surprise, curfew was at 11 it was now just after midnight. Everyone would have left hours ago.

We made our way threw the tables to the kitchen doors, i push on them lightly but they were locked.

Fuck sakes.

 I groan and kick the door not knowing what the next plan was.

Chishiya pulls a set of plastic keys out of his jogger pocket. He takes a moment looking for a certain one before smoothly slipping into the key hole and unlocking the door.

"Why do you have those?" I ask pushing the door open and walking through

"I stole Hatter's keys and 3D printed them. I have keys for every door in the school" He explains like that's a normal thing to do

"I'm not going to ask why. Your scary man" I say immediately rinsing my hands of that. It was a bit unnerving to know he could just get into any room he wanted to.

"Get what you want so we can go Niragi and his idiots will be roaming around anytime soon" He tells me

"Niragi?" I question sorting through the confectionary fridge. I'd hit the jackpot, it was completely stocked with tomorrow's sweets.

I take some to go boxes from the cupboard besides me and start packing small amounts of everything away.

"Niragi is an individual who lacks the ability to even use 1% of his brain. He thinks with his dick and nothing else" Chishiya begins leaning against the counter next to me "He's very...pushy. Only not been expelled because his father sends massive donations every time his son fucks up, which is quite often."

"Oh i see" I say still focused on these sweets

"You'd be surprised how brutal this academy can get out of the light"

Damn, now I kinda wanted to meet this dickhead. I think a good kick to the groin will sort him out.

We head out the doors again walking in utter silence, my bag rustling with all the little card boxes in bag. 

We keep walking till we to the elevators, of course they had to be blocked up by a group of boys.

I notice Chishiya's face holds his usual smug smirk as we come closer and closer to them.

They were right in front of the elevator buttons. About 5 or 6 of them. Immediately i could tell who the leader was, he had some of his hair tied back and an eyebrow piercing. His followers were all crowded around him like he was some kind of messiah.

He was Niragi.

"Chishiya, who's this little thing you're dragging around" He asks coming to stand in front of us, his followers scurrying  after their leader.

Their faces were pissing me off, looking at me like I wasn't human. I'd slap one of them in a minute if they didn't back off.

Chishiya ignored them and held my wrist and manoeuvred round them all. I guess we weren't taking the elevator anymore. He hadn't let go of my wrist yet, my heart rate had sped up drastically. I was scared to death he could feel my pulse, which he most definitely could considering all the medical books he kept on his side of our dorm.

"Are you having a heart attack Mitchiko?" Chishiya asks me he his thumb moving over the part of my wrist with my pulse. I could hear his smirk. He hadn't let go yet, I could hear Niragi and his group walking after us.

"Yes, now shut up" I say sarcastically 

They catch up to us and form a barrier in front of us.

"Quite rude to walk away in the middle of a conversation isn't it Chishiya?" Niragi snarls.

Chishiya subtly pulls me a bit closer to him, his grip tightening.

"You're right Niragi. Now what do you want? I'm starting to feel stupider just talking to you" Chishiya's tells him cooly

Niragi grits his teeth, anger flashing by his eyes, he fakes another smile. "I was hoping to have a turn with her after your finished"

"What the fuck is wrong with you" I spit at Niragi trying to come away from Chishiya's hold but without any luck.

He bursts out laughing like I've told some joke, and reaches out to try to try to grab my waist and my shoulder. Chishiya pulls me back hard, this time half of me is behind him.

"You can't have her" He says his voice still monotone as usual, but slightly more...aggressive.

Niragi's laughing becomes heavier and suddenly ceases altogether.

"I don't like being told what I can and can't have Chishiya, i wasn't asking" he sneers

"You remember what happened last time don't you Niragi? 30 Volts of electricity turn you on does it?" Chishiya asks amused by Niragi's stupidity

His eyes flash like he remembers something traumatic but his determined face and stance don't wither.

"If you take me i will bite your dick off" I tell in all seriousness "Why do you think I got sent to this place huh? There was a stupid little man just like you, stepped a bit too far just like you trying to do. And do you know what I did? I locked my jaw around his penis and ripped it off with my teeth." I say enunciating each word I say to make sure my message was clear

"Crazy fucking bitch" He mutters before shooting us both a dirty look and spinning on his heel, his group follow him and before we know it they were gone.

Jesus Christ, Chishiya was actually right about the out of the light shit. We walked back the way we had come and entered the elevator, pressing the button for our floor.

Chishiya stared at me his arms crossed and back against the glass.

"What? Why are you staring at me again?" I ask adjusting my bag on my shoulder

"So you bit someone's dick off?" He asks surprised and intrigued 

"No of course not" I laughed "I only said that so he'd leave us alone"

Chishiya's head tilts to the side "Your a very good liar i'll give you that" 

Our lights were out, together we'd eaten the cakes and such id stolen and I was so ready to sleep. Sounded like Chishiya was completely gone by now.

"Chishiya?" I call out quietly "Are you asleep"


"Why did you go to the library?" I ask still keelung my voice quiet.

"I was worried about you" he admits. My chest flutters, and my stomach feels tingly. I need to stop reacting to everything this man does like that. 

"Thank you" I tell him before drifting off to sleep.

king of hearts (chishiya x reader) | highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now