chapter 19

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After figuring out how to fit a billion bags of blood into our mini freezer, i was finally allowed to relax until dinner. It was perfectly silent, i felt like I was sinking into my mattress.

Chishiya turned the page of his book loudly "You know you lost the bet right?"


My stomach dropped all the way the floor. How did I allow myself to even forget something so important.

"It's not over yet!" I remember sitting up in bed "We agreed before nationals, it is still before nationals!"

I was saved thank god, i could not even begin to think of all the insane possibilities Chishiya would come up with for this stupid favour.

"Oh Mitchiko" He says pitifully "Rankings froze yesterday until till next school year"

That stupid devious smirk stretches across his stupid ludicrously hot face.

"Fuck" I groan pissed off beyond belief.

"You owe me a favour" He tells me before picking his book back up

"I already blew you in the taxi, we can just be even now!" I near beg,

"I suppose i could settle like that, call it even" He tells me sliding off his bed to stand above me. Chishiya leans down and kisses me gently, his hand resting on my cheek till he pulls away staring me in the eyes.

"But I don't want to" He whispers before sitting back on his bed and continues reading his damn book.

"Bastard" I grumble before getting dressed to go take my anger and annoyance out on someone.

"Where are you going?" He asks me not looking up from whatever he was reading.

"I need chilli powder" I tell him honestly, part of my plot to take my anger and annoyance out on someone.

"I have plenty of it don't bother stealing from the kitchen again" He tells me sitting up and turning to his bedside table opening the bottom draw and rummaging through it. He pulls out a cellophane bag full of bright red powder.

"Why do you have so much" I laugh taking the bag from him and smelling it to check it was strong. After making my eyes water a disastrous amount, i could confirm it was.

"Mitchiko, do you really think i've had no dormmate for the past few years just out of coincidence? I've had several, i drive all of them away after a couple months. Chilli powder has come in useful once or twice"

I knew it, i thought he was some kind of serial killer. And i was nearly there, he just tortured dormmates till they dropped out school. Fucking psychopath.

"This is why you have 2 friends Chishiya, if you even try anything with chilli powder on me, i'll put you in a Saw trap"

I slip my shoes on and go to leave opening the door.

"Come with, i need your help with something" I ask

"Don't you owe me a favour? Not the other way round?" He questions but still puts his shoes and jacket.

"I could make myself a really good wig with your hair" I threaten as he trails behind me.

"This plan is stupid" He tells me quietly as we stand outside Niragi's door.

"It's going to work" I hiss trying to convince myself

"Oh its definitely it's going to work, i'm just saying this is stupid" He states

"Must you always be so cynical?" I ask tucking the chilli in to my pocket and slipping round the corner into the shadowed area so I wouldn't be seen.


king of hearts (chishiya x reader) | highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now