Chapter 25 >> Wasted

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Saturday 14th March

Scarlett's POV

"You what?"

Did he really just say what I think he did. Luke Hemmings, the guy who told me he doesn't date, just told me he Loves me. He says such a sweet thing and all I reply with is, 'you what?'. He probably thinks I don't feel the same way about him. Do I though? Am I in love with Luke? But at the same time he probably doesn't even know what he is saying at the moment, he is drunk.

"You heard me. I'm not afraid to say it anymore." Luke whispers to me and I can feel his breath hitting my lips.

"Luke, you're drunk, you don't know what you're saying." I tell him but he just shakes his head at me disagreeing to it.

"You're wrong, I know exactly what I am saying. Sober or drunk, I feel the same way." He makes my heart melt and I have absolutely know idea what to do.

I've never told someone that I love them before except my family. I think I love Luke. I mean I'm ninety nine percent sure of it but I'm scared that I'll confess it to him and he won't remember it tomorrow? How embarrassing will that be. We've been quiet for a while now, mostly me unsure of what to do or say. But the more I lay and look into Luke's eyes, the more sure I am about how I feel.

"What's wrong? Do you not feel the same way about me?" Luke asks me and I see confusion evident on his face.

"Luke it's not tha-" I say but he interrupts me half way.

"Then what is it Scarlett? Do you even realise how much that took for me to do?" His voice starts to raise and he stands up from the sand. He walks over to his bag and starts putting his stuff away.

"I do realise and that's why-" I try to explain myself but he won't let me.

"No you don't." He snaps and I step back at the aggression in his voice. He turns around and mumbles to me. "Let's just go."

"Luke would you just let me talk?" I yell to him as he walks back towards the makeshift stairs. He doesn't turn around and just makes his way up the cliff.

I quickly pick up my shoes and follow him to the steps. Luke is a few metres in front of me, so when I reach the top of the cliff, I bolt to his car door and block him from getting in.

"Scarlett. Move." Luke says to me through his gritted teeth.

"No." I say, our eyes piercing to to each others. "And don't even think about driving home. We are both piss drunk and will end up in hospital."

"Scarlett this isn't funny, get the fuck out of the way. I wasn't planning on driving anyway!" Luke is practically yelling at me know. I can see the veins popping from his arms and the knuckles turning white.

"You're being such a fucking jerk right now! Maybe if you just listen to me, you might have gotten to hear what you wanted." I scream back into his face and push at his shoulders. He doesn't say anything and just stares at me, no emotion on his face.

"Thanks for the best night of my life." I lower my voice, almost to a whisper and walk past him.

I stumble upon a park bench about fifty meters down the road and sit down. Tears threaten to spill from my eyes but I don't let them. My mind tries to focus on the calm ocean but I hear rumbling of gravel coming closer to me. I look to my left and see Luke slowly making his way over. Hands deep in his pocket and head hanging low. The bench makes a loud creek and I see Luke sit down next to me out the corner of my eye.

"I'm sorry." Luke mumbles and its barely audible. I stay silent not knowing whether he will continue or not. "I should have listened to you when you were trying to talk to me. I just got myself worked up."

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