Chapter 26 >> BJ?

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Friday 20th March

Scarlett's POV

 I'm currently in Music at the moment and its the last two periods of the day and then the weekend. Yayy. Seeings it was Friday afternoon, the teacher let us jam on a few of the instruments in small groups. I automatically assumed that I was going to just hang around with Luke, Ash, Calum and Michael, but Luke pulled me into a small room just us two.

"What's going on? Don't you want to hang out with your friends?" I ask as passes a guitar over to me and keeps the other for himself.

"No way. I have to live the next eight months in a house with those idiots. I think I'd much rather spend the next three weeks with you." Luke says and sits down on the floor. I blush at his comment and sit as well.The room is a tiny practice room, probably only built for one person. So by the time I sit on the floor as well, Luke and I are only centimetres apart.

"So what do you want to play?" Luke asks me and I shrug in response.

"Why don't you teach me one of your songs?" I suggest and he nods. He sits there for a few seconds trying to think of a good song. Once he does his face lights up.

"I have one, well I didn't really write it. It was mostly Calum, but I helped him with a couple of things. It's quite easy to play though." He tells me and I nod along.

"Yeah, whats it called?" I ask and watch as he tunes a couple of the strings.

"I think Cal decided on 'Gotta Get Out'. Okay so first it's third fret on the A string." Luke tells me and I nod along. " Then the picking pattern is, A string, D string, G string and then back to D string. You keep repeating that pattern over and over again."

I get into the habit of nailing the picking pattern and get it down pretty quickly. 

"Then after you pick on the third fret twice it should only play for one bar, then slide up to fifth, and pick that twice over one bar." Luke says and waits for me to play and I do. "Then down to second fret for a bar, and then back to third for one" Luke tells me and I slid my finger down to second and then up to third. "And then you start it all over again. Do you want to play it together now?"

"Yeah sure." I tell him and he counts us in. We both start at the same time and I concentrate on moving my fingers to the right frets. After continuously playing the same tune for a while, I hear Luke's voice start singing along to the guitar.

"Even when the sky is falling down, 

Even when the earth is crumbling 'round my feet," 

I look up from guitar, now being able to hit the right notes without looking. I watch Luke as he sings and the emotions on his face. He looks at up and his eyes meet mine. He smiles, a little touch of red rising to his cheeks. This is a smile that will make thousands of girl's hearts melt when he becomes a rockstar. 

"Even when we try to say goodbye,

You can cut the tension with a knife in here."  

"What, why did you stop? You were sounding great." I ask Luke and he just shrugs back at me.

"I'll teach you the rest some other time." He tells me and rests his guitar against the wall. He takes mine from me and does the same. 

Luke takes my hand and pulls it towards him, hinting for me to come closer and sit on his lap. I roll my eyes and move over to him. His legs are still criss crossed and I sit right in the middle, one on my arms resting on his shoulder, and my hand playing with the hair on the nape of Luke's neck. One of his hands rest on the small of my back and the other on my thigh.

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