Chapter 48 >> Ignite

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Scarlett's POV

Monday 8th March

"How's school been?" I ask Eli trying to catch myself up on the months that I have missed from his life.

"School is fine, Year 8 is a little different but not too much. My teachers are cool as well." He tells me. "Oh and I also got a B in Math."

"Wow thats so good Eli." I smile to him. He had always struggled with Maths throughout the years so to hear that he was improving warmed my heart.

"Yeah well I had a lot of time to kill while being here at the hospital, so I thought I would make the most of it."

"And what about the girls? Meet anyone special yet?" I ask and see a hint of red rise onto the apples of his cheeks.

"No." He says unconvincingly.

"C'mon." I say swatting across his upper arm and pushing him to tell me more. We both laugh as he refuses to give me anymore information of his current love life.

A quiet knock at the door holts both of our laughters as our heads turn to that direction. Standing with his hands deep in the pockets of his jeans, stood Luke. I forget how tall he is sometimes. The top of his head was only inches from the height of the door frame. He is suiting his everyday black skinny jeans paired with a graphic white t-shirt. It is obvious that he hadn't cut his hair since Christmas as he was now sporting long golden curls as opposed to the short quiff that I had become used to.

"Sorry, is this a bad time?" He asks.

"No, I think dad is almost here anyway. I should go out the front and wait for him." Eli tells him looking back in my direction. "Bye Sis."

"I'll talk to you tomorrow." I tell him and we lightly touch knuckles as he stand from his chair.

"Bye Luke." Eli says as he walks further into the room.

"Bye mate." They nod to each other as they part ways.

I haven't seen Luke since I woke up yesterday morning. He had quietly left in the midst of me reuniting with dad and Eli. Luke walks further into the room and stops at the seat that Eli previously sat in.

"Do you mind?" He asks, gesturing to the pale blue chair positioned close to the bed I lay in. I nod my head and watch as he sits down with his shoulders hunched forward.

"How are you feeling?"

"Physically, fine just a little pain in my back and the occasional headache." I answer him "Mentally, that's a different story."

"How so?" I look over into his eyes. They are traced with sadness, something I haven't seen in him in a long time.

"Well, the last thing I remember before I woke up yesterday was just being at Sam's house. Drinking, laughing, watching Ashton enjoy pizza too much, then next thing I know I'm here." I watch as his head drops for a second and then looks back at me. "I've been in here for 3 months. I asked Eli what happened and he said something about the beach and you being there."

"I'm so sorry." He tells me.

"You said that yesterday as well, and that it was your fault. The last time I saw you, we had just had a pretty big argument." His hand washes through his hair pushing is back from his face. "Please tell me what happened."

"Well, after I'd left Sam's, I was too angry to go home and ruin their day so I went to the cliff." Memories, good memories of the first time Luke took me there flood my brain and make me feel warm inside. "I sat there for a while, just thinking and trying to clear my mind, it was probably a few ours later that you showed up."

"I was sitting on the edge, and you came and sat down next to me. You spoke for a while and then decided to leave." He stops as his head falls into his hands.

"Luke-" He looks up at me and I see tears glossing over his eyes. Just seeing his causes my own to do the same.

"You got up and I don't know what happened but you fell, and I tried to grab you but I couldn't and I would have fallen too if I reached any further." A few tears slide down my cheeks. How could I not remember any of this. He stands up out of the chair and paces to the door and back. 

"And now its all my fault, I should have never sat on the cliff, I should have never even been there."

"Luke its not your fault." I grab his hand as he walks back towards the bed. He looks down at it briefly and falls to his knees. His other hand moves so they are both now cupping mine.

"Scarlett, you could have died because of me." His forehead rests upon his hands.

"Look at me." I say and he stays where he is. "Please Luke." He slowly lifts his head and looks at me. His cheeks are wet and eyes as red as I've ever seen them. 

"There is no way you could ever hurt me. There is no way you would let anything happen to me. Clearly I'm right, look where we are. You got me here." I tell him and he remains silent. I hear a little sniffle from him and smile.

"Luke, I didn't almost die because of you. I'm alive because of you." 

He looks up at me, deep into my eyes. For the first time in a long time I don't see anger or sadness, I just see Luke, the one I feel in love with. One of his hands let go of mine while the other intertwines our fingers. A simple gesture that I have missed.

"I love you." I'm taken back by his words but also feel butterflies swarming my stomach.

"You wha-" 

"I do, I never stopped. This just reminds me how much I care for you and I never want anything to happen to you again." I feel a bit lost for words. "I love you Scar"

"I-I um" I stutter, still trying to wrap my head around what is happening. I feel the warmth of his hand leave mine and see his head drop as he stands up from the side of my bed.

"I'm Sorry, I'm an idiot, I shouldn't have sa-"

"No" I interrupt and grab his hand back.

"I love you too." His head shoots up and I smile. 

I move over as far as I can on my bed and tug at Luke's hand to lay down next to me. He obliges and wraps an arm around me, resting on my shoulders. I rest my head on his arm look up at him. This is a moment I won't forget. A moment I have longed for that is finally here. 

He looks down at me and our eyes lock. His head moves closer to mine and his lips land on my forehead. My eyes close at his touch and I smile to myself. 

This feels right.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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