Chapter 13 >> New Do

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Wednesday 4th March

Scarlett's POV

It has been about three and half weeks now since Elijah's birthday party. I haven't tried to sneak out of the house since then, considering last time I didn't end up coming home, and almost got caught too. I also haven't spoken or text Luke in over three weeks, which has been incredibly hard.

These past few have consisted of not much at all really. It was just me going to school, coming home and doing homework. The only people that I have really talked to are Sam and Elijah. I have barely spoken to Rachel since the party and if I did it was very blunt. I did feel bad for her though. She had no idea why I was being a bitch to her and no idea that I liked Luke before they kissed.

Yer, I do, I like Luke. I'd never admitted it to myself until a couple of days ago that I did. Maybe it was the fact that I hadn't spoken to him in weeks, that made me realise it. Even if it was the random chats we would have in the hallway between classes, or the cheeky texts he would send me, I missed it.

A thought also crossed my mind over the grounded time period. What if it was Luke's plan all along to get me jealous? What if my mum was right? I mean he did have a reputation of just using girls. He did try to have sex with me at the first party and I didn't give him what he wanted. Then he was nice to me and maybe he thought that I eventually would. But then he saw Jake kiss me and thought he couldn't use me any more.

I quickly tried to erase that theory from my mind the second I thought it. Deep down I was hoping that that wasn't the case at all. And why would he have reacted the way he did if I was just another girl that he was using. It was all too confusing and I hated it.

Moving on from Luke though, things with my mum didn't get any better either. We continued to fight over things like homework and that I should spend more time studying instead of listening to music. She didn't understand that music was my life, and that one day I wanted to spend my days writing songs, and travelling the world to perform them to everyone. She wanted me to have a real job. My parents didn't believe in the only dream that I have ever had.

I was currently sitting in Music and it was the last two periods of the day. I didn't really have any close friends in the class but I did have Ashton. We have been speaking a lot more since he saved me that night after the party, and it has been really fun to get to know Ash again. Calum and I think his name was Michael, who were sitting on the other side of Ashton were also in this class, but I didn't speak to them that much.

We were all sitting there listening to Mr Kelly when there was a knock on the classroom door. The other music teacher, whose name I cant remember, walked in and spoke to the teacher. She was trying to be quiet but everyone silent and could hear her.

"Mr Wells," who was the principle, I think, "said that I have to come and bring one of my students over to this class to even up the numbers. I asked the class if anyone wanted to come and one student said that they were more then happy to." She finished and looked towards the door.

"Okay no worries bring them in." Mr Kelly said as he took a piece of paper from the other teacher's hand. Everyone looked towards the door as she gestured the student to come in. I looked up from my book and just to my luck, it was the person that I least wanted.

"Everyone, welcome Mr Luke Hemmings, he will now be joining our class." I let my head fall in my, hands and glide through my hair as I let out a big sigh. Ashton, Calum and Michael all cheered as he walked to the back of the room. I looked up to him and locked eyes, he had no expression on his face when he looked at me, it was blank canvas. He continued to walk past me and sat on the other side of Calum, high-fiving the three boys and cracking a small smile.

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