Chapter 1 >> First Day Back

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Monday 26th January

Scarlett's POV

I was woken up by an awful nightmare I was only seconds ago immersed within. I dreamt that I was being kidnapped and they were going to do terrible things to me and my little brother.

I laid there for a little while longer before I checked the time and saw that it was 1:30am.

I couldn't get the horrible dream out of my head so I walked out to the kitchen to get some water. I also needed fresh air and went out into the front yard.

You would think that at 1:30am it wouldn't be 30 degrees outside. Summertime in Australia was always like this and I loved it. I laid on the grass and watched the stars. The warm breeze and the way the wind rushed through the trees leaves was the most calming experience of my whole life.

My mind was completely free of all the negative thoughts that I had experienced earlier. I decided that this was enough adventures for one night and went back to my room.

Before I entered the house I heard arguing coming from the neighbours, a couple of houses away. I never really met my neighbours cause my parents told me that it was a waste of time and I should focus on school and school only.

I tiptoed quietly back through my house and up the stairs, trying not to wake my parents and little brother. When I got back to my room I flopped back down on my bed just thinking of school tomorrow and the first day back from summer break. I was excited to see all my friends again, I didn't see them as much as I hoped because of my parents.

I could feel sleep overtaking my eyes and I was out like a light.


I wake up to the sound of my alarm at 7:30am and the blinding rays of sunshine trying to squeeze their way through my long curtains.

I'm not in need of a shower cause I had taken one last night. I get up lazily and rummage through my closet to find an outfit for my first day back to school. Our school was one of the lucky ones that didn't have to wear a uniform to school and you have no idea how thankful I was for that.

I end up settling on denim shorts and a fitting white top with a picture of a girl on the front of it. I put my dark golden hair up in a messy bun because I was aware that it was going to be really hot today. I applymy face with only light makeup because i was afraid that it I put too much in it would sweat off.

"Scarlett, we are leaving in fifteen minutes" my mum yells from downstairs. I roll my eyes and quickly rush to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I slip on my brown sandals and make sure I have everything packed in my bag for school. I walk down stairs and put my lunch in my bag and grab an apple to eat on the way to school.

"Let's go Scarlett" my mum says as she leaned against the front door and waits for me patiently.

"Okay mum, I'm coming."

The car ride there is silent and my brother, Eli, is in the back as we now are attending the same school. Great. It is his first day of high school and he was now in year 7.

We arrive out the front of the school and I am quick get out of the car. "Concentrate you two, your grades are the most important thing right now and I expect big things." I roll my eyes at the words my mum just spoke. "Bye Scarlett, Bye Eli, have I great day!"

"Bye mum, love you." My brother says cheerfully. I wave and lead my brother through the school to where the other year 7's have to meet.

It was obvious that Eli is nervous so I give him a hug and say "Don't be scared, if you have any trouble come find me and I will deal with it". He knows I am joking and laughs at me. We say our goodbyes and I set off to find my friends.

It isn't long before I spot the back of my best friend Sam's head. She is standing with her boyfriend Matt when I run up behind her and give her the biggest hug. A small scream comes out of her mouth and I start laughing.

"Don't do that!" she whines while hitting me three times on the arm.

"I'd say sorry but it was too funny" I say still having a laughing fit and noticing that people are now starting to stare.

"Anyway, how was your summer?" She asks. "Absolutely boring, my parents are ridiculous, you?" I question.

Just as she was about to respond the bell rings and we head to go to our first class. Luckily I have psychology first with Sam and I have a friend, well my best friend.

Sam gives Matt a kiss and hug goodbye and I wave him off. They have been together for 6 months and it is so adorable.

We walk through the door of the classroom and take our seats at the back. The rest of the students start pouring in and a group of boys come and sit at the table next to us. I recognise the boy that was sitting right next to me but I had never spoken to him. Luke? I think his name is. I had heard stuff about him before like how he smokes, drinks, parties and flirts with all the girls.

The class begins and we  start copying notes off of the board after the teach had rambled on for what felt like and hour. I feel someone nudge me from the side and look up to find Luke. Our eyes meet and I can't believe how amazing his were. The most beautiful shade of blue that I had seen in my life. I look up to his hair and observe his blonde loks and how it was in a quiff.

"Do you have a spare pen?" he whispers and I am snapped back to reality.

"Yer sure here you go" I say and reach into my pencil case to gave him a blue pen.

"Thanks" he smiles and I can't help but observe how perfect his smile was.

The class is finally over and Sam and I start to walk out of the room until I am jolted back by someone grabbing my arm.

"What the.." I spoke until i turn around and realise who it is.

"Here's your pen back babe" he says so calmly.

"Oh uh thanks I guess"

"So what's your name lovely?"

"Uh it's Scarlett" I am hoping that he can't hear the nervousness in my voice.

"What a beautiful name, I'm Luke."

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