Chapter 30 >> Nothing Will Change

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Thursday 16th April

Scarlett's POV

"I can't believe you leave in two days." I utter to Luke as I lean my head back on his chest. We are currently at the back of school where no one goes. Luke is sitting on the ground leaning against a tree with me resting between his legs.

"I know baby." He says wrapping one arm across the front of me. Luke brings the cigarette from his side and places it between lips. He takes a deep breath in and blows it off to the side away from us. I watch as he swiftly flicks the excess ash of the end of the smoke. He does it so quick and smoothly like it is now an automatic process for him.

"Everything went so quick." Its true, it feels like ever since Luke told me he was leaving for London, time has sped up. Luke stays quiet as I lightly trace the swirly ink that covers his forearms.

"I'll miss this. Just being silent with you, absorbing each others presence."

"Nothing will change, I will back before you know. I promise." I felt sick when Luke spoke those words. He said it with such confidence that our relationship wouldn't break. He trusted me.

"Are you okay?" Luke nudges me and I realise that I zoned off a little.

"Sorry, I was just thinking." I admit and intertwine our fingers.


"Just how happy I will be to see you when you get home." I lie and twist my neck around to look at him. I feel guilt.

"I can't wait." Luke leans down and attaches our lips together, moving slowly.


I walk into Geography as the last class of the day and take a seat next to Sam. I am pretty sure she is in the same emotional state that I am, seeings that she will also have to go without seeing her boyfriend for eight months.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and pull it out.

From Luke:

I'm taking you out tomorrow for an amazing last night xx

I smile at the text, knowing that he wants to make every last moment special.

To Luke:

That's fine with me xx

"Who are you texting?" Sam asks from beside me. Her head is resting in her hands and she looks like she is bored out of her mind.

"Just Luke, we are going to go out tomorrow night before they all leave." She nods back at me. "Are you and Calum doing anything?"

"Umm I don't know, I suppose so but plans aren't official yet." She says in a warn out voice. I can tell she is really upset that Calum is leaving. She must be putting up a brave face around him though because she is always smiles when he is here.

"Are you going to go to the airport on Saturday?" I ask.

"Yeah but I have a feeling there will be a lot of tears." Sam tells me and I nod in agreement. "Are you?"

"I don't know, I haven't made up my mind yet." I hadn't decided yet if I wanted to go to the airport or not to say goodbye. Hopefully I don't regret whatever I choose.

"I mean what if I go to the airport and cry and have an emotional breakdown as I watch the plane leave or what if I just say goodbye to him when he leaves home, but then regret not being with him for that little bit longer. Its hard, you can decide for me." I tell her and she shakes her head at the last bit.

"No thank you, that's way too much pressure for me to handle at the moment." I laugh at how serious she was.

"Thanks for your help then." I say sarcastically and she rolls her eyes at me.

Our teachers starts talking to the class not long after and I try paying attention to what she is saying. I try to focus on the words coming out of her mouth and the areas she is pointing to on the map, but with Luke leaving in two days, my head is somewhere else.


"So I was thinking that maybe we should all hang out tonight, you know like us and the guys." Sam suggest to me as the teachers dismisses the class and we start packing up our books.

"It is kinda our last night with them seeings tomorrow night we will probably be off doing our own thing." I nod as she finishes up her sentence.

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea, I'll ask Luke and you can ask Cal and Ash and Mike." I tell her and walk out the door.

I turn down the corridor and see Luke in front of my locker. He is rocking back and forth on his heels, and his eyes staring down at the ground.

"How is it that you are always at my locker before I am?" I ask, interrupting his thoughts. He shakes his head a little and chuckles.

"You just must be a slow walker." He says stepping closer to me. I close my locker and we turn to walk out of the school. Luke takes my hand in his and we head towards home.

"So Sam wants everyone to hang out tonight, because you're leaving soon." I tell him after we cross the road. "So are you in?"

"I don't know, will you be there?"Luke questions and I give him a confused look.

"Well yeah-"

"Oh I'm not going then." He quickly interrupts and I dramatically gasp, and slap his chest playfully.

"Shut up. I'll let Sam know we are coming."


Our night at Sam's house didn't encounter much at all. We literally sat around watching classic movies and made Michael order food to the house so no one had to leave. It was an amazing way to spend one of the guys last night here, and I wouldn't change it if I had the chance.

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