Chapter 24 >> Caves

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Saturday 14th March

Scarlett's POV

My eyes flutter open and look straight up to the plain white ceiling. I smile at the realisation that tonight was the first night since Monday that i didn't have a traumatising dream.

My arms spread out to the side and close my eyes tightly and stretch. In that moment I feel a heavy weight on my stomach. I look down and see Luke's head resting firmly on my torso. I smile and move my hands up to run through his hair.

"Morning." Luke mumbles from my touch.

"Morning. How long have you been awake?" I ask him and continue brushing his golden locks.

"Not long, only like ten minutes I think." His hands move up to my stomach and I feel him lift my shirt up just past my belly button. His fingers start wiggling and playing with my belly peircing.

"Luke stop! That tickles." I say and try to bat his hands away, but he is too strong and just catches them with his other hand.

"Do you remember when I accidentally hit you and made it bleed?" Luke asks and I laugh at the memory and how he is still tickling it.

"Yeah of course I do, it hurt like a bitch." I say to Luke and he laughs and shakes his head at me.

"Yeah well at least I helped you. If it was anyone else I would have just left."

"Wow Luke, thats so sweet." I say in a sarcastic tone and pull my hands from his grip.

"Shut up." He says and places a kiss on my belly button. He shifts his body up to mine and I roll onto my side to face each other.

"Lets go out today."

"Okay, where do you want to go?" I ask Luke and watch his face as he tries to think of where to go.

"I know! Whats the time?" I reach over Luke and grab my phone from the bed side table.

"Wow, it's already after two thirty. We slept in so much." I tell him and lock my shine after checking the notifications.

"You don't have anything on today right?" He asks making sure, before he made any official plans.

"Nope. I'm free all day." I say giving Luke my cheesiest smile.

"Cool." He says and kisses my forehead.

"Make sure you are ready to go by four." Luke stands up from the bed and rushes around trying to pull his pants on. He almost trips trying to slip into his skinny jeans. "Okay I gotta go and get some stuff before our date."

"Date?" I ask mocking him. "Have you even been on a real date before?"

"Shut up, thats not the point. My version of a date will be ten times better than all the dates you have ever had." He leans down and pecks my lips. Luke puts his phone into his pocket and walks over to the window.

"Don't you want your shirt back?" I ask and he turns back around, half way out of the window.

"No, you keep it. It looks better on you. My house is only down the street anyway. Bye Scar." Luke smiles and climbs back down the front of my house.

All I want to do right now is snuggle back into my bed but I only have an hour until I have to be ready to go out. Out on a date. With Luke. I think this will be quite interesting seeings that Luke has never done the whole dating thing before.

I quickly get out of bed and run straight to the bathroom and turn on the nozzle of the shower.


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