Chapter 16 >> Argue

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Thursday 5th March

Luke's POV

I can't believe Scarlett would do that to me. It was embarrassing enough getting a boner in front of her, and then she just stops when it's getting good. I can't stay mad at her though, she's just so amazing and some punk ass kid like me so doesn't deserve her.

I walk back into my room after dealing with my little problem. She's still there like I had hoped, lying on my bed. I lie down beside her and wrap my arms around her waist. She looks up to me from the TV and she smiles at me.

"I'm sorry for doing that, it probably wasn't that fun working you up like that." She tries to say seriously but I can tell that she just wants to laugh.

"It's okay, I can't stay mad at you forever." I tell her and lean in for a kiss. My lips linger on her soft ones for a bit and I lift my hand up to her cheek. Suddenly she rips my hand from her face and pulls away from the kiss.


"Did you wash your hands?" Out of all the things that were running through my mind of what she was going to say, she asks this?

"No" I lie to her and smile to her.

"Eww Luke! Don't touch me." Scarlett laughs while trying to squirm out of my grip. I pull her tighter into me so she can't get out.

"I'm joking, I did. Don't worry." I laugh back at her and kiss her forehead. We both lay there in silence for a moment until she speaks.

"What's the time?" Scarlett asks and I reach for my phone on the bedside table.

"It's nearly six." I tell her and slide it into my pocket.

"I have to go, my parents will be home soon." She sighs and starts shift off the bed.


"So, last time I came here I was grounded for four weeks, remember?" She smiles to me.

"Oh yeah that's right. I forgot that your mum hates me." I laugh to her and she picks up her bag from the corner of the room.

"But it doesn't matter what she thinks. It only matters what I think and I think you are amazing." She says walking over and leaves a kiss on my lips. How am I so lucky to have Scarlett? Although she isn't my girlfriend, she is still all mine.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I nod to her and she walks out of my room and out of the house.

Scarlett's POV

I walk into my house, knowing that my parents aren't home yet but they will be soon. I honestly don't like when they come home from work because they are still really moody, well mainly my mum is.

On cue I hear the sound of the front door being opened and closed. Proceeded by high heels clicking their way towards me in the kitchen. Great.

"Scarlett, how was school?" Is all she asks me when she sees me in the kitchen.

"School sucked like every other day."  I tell her and she looks at me disapprovingly. Well its true, school does suck and all the work that comes with it.

"That's not the kind of attitude some one wanting to go to university should have." She scoffs at me and I stifle a laugh.

"Do I want to go to uni mum?" I question her, wondering if she has already planned my future for me.

"Don't be stupid Scarlett of course you do. How do you expect to do anything with your life if you don't?" She asks me with a serious face.

"Maybe by doing what I want and pursuing my own dreams instead of yours." I say, starting to raise my voice.

"What dream? Playing that silly little guitar of yours? You and I both know that will get you no where." She yells to my face and I am taken back by her words.

"Gee mum, thanks for believing in me." I tell her and walk to the front door. I wish she would just be happy with what I want to do with my life for a change.

"Where are you going?" My mum interrupts me before I can leave.

"Back to Luke's." I tell and slip my shoes on at the same time.

"Back?" She questions me. I look up at her and she looks pissed.

"Yes back, I was there before you came home." I swear I can almost see steam coming from her ears. I quickly leave the house before she can say anything else and walk back over to Luke's.

The adrenaline of what just happened is rushing through my veins. I can't even imagine how long I am going to be grounded for now. Sometimes I wish I could run away and buy my own apartment somewhere and live by myself', but there something called money and I have none of it. That reminds me, I probably should get a job soon.

I walk up to Luke's driveway and notice that there is a car there now. I stop at the front door and knock three times and wait for someone to answer. I hear the door creek open and I look up to see a woman, Luke's mum.

"Hi Mrs Hemmings." I smile to her, hoping that she remembered me from the last time I came.

"Scarlett, what can I do for you sweetheart?" She asks me sweetly.

"I was just wondering if Luke was still home?" I ask, eager that he still would be.

"Yes, he is just up in his room. Would you like to go and see him?" She asks me and I nod in reply. She opens the door some more allowing me to walk through.

"Thankyou." I tell her and walk up the stairs. I reach his door and it is shut. Do I just walk in or knock and wait till he answers it. I decide to knock trying to nice and not just walking in like it's my own house.

"Come in." I hear him ask from the other side of the door. He probably just thinks it's his mum. I open the door and close it slowly. Once he hears the door shut he finally looks up from his phone and sees that it's me.

"Scarlett? What are you doing back?" He asks me, looking confused and places his phone down. He sits up on the edge of his bed and pats me over next to him.

"I got into a fight with my mum, what's new?" I tell him and he hugs me from the side.

"Does she know that you came over here?" Luke asks and I nod to him.

"And she was okay with that?" He asks and I laugh.

"What? Of course not, she looked like she had steam coming form her ears when I told her." I say and drape onto his waist. I just want to hug him forever. He may look like a tough punk on the outside with the tattoos and piercings, but he is really just a teddy bear. And I love it.

"Are you okay?" He says and I look up to him.

"Yeah, she is just one person's opinion." I smile to him and he laughs pulling me down onto the bed.

We both lay there in silence for a while just embracing each other's company. How did I fall so hard and fast for this guy? I wish I could stay cuddling him for the rest of the night but I know I have to go home and face my parents sooner or later.

"Scarlett?" Luke breaks the silence and I can feel his hot breath on my cheek.

"Mhmm?" I answer him but keep my eyes closed.

"Look at me." He chuckles and I slowly lift my eyelids.

"Yes?" I say looking deep into his ice blue eyes.

This time Luke doesn't answer. He smiles at me and moves slowly towards my face. I close my eyes again and feel his soft lips on mine. I don't know how but he gives me butterflies every time. His lips move in synch with mine and it's amazing. I feel his tongue swipe the bottom of my lip and I open my mouth a little bit more. The kiss doesn't get rough; it only gets more passionate and wonderful.

Just like Luke.

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