Chapter 17 >> Empty Bottle

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Thursday 5th March

Scarlett's POV

Luke fell asleep not long, about an hour after I went back to his house. I was contemplating whether to go back now or when my mum was asleep. Maybe if I walk in and just ignore her she will stop trying. I wish she would just accept the fact that Luke is my friend now.

I slowly and quietly wiggle out of Luke's grip and walk out of his bedroom. I turn the light off and close the door thinking that he will probably be out for the rest of the night.

When I walk out I don't see Mrs Hemmings anywhere so I just exit out the front door. I cross the street and walk over to my house seeing a few lights illuminating from the windows.

When I walk inside it is silent, I turn my head to the right and see no one in the lounge. That's weird, it's just past seven thirty. I walked through the lounge room and into the dinning. I then see my dad sitting at the head of the table with his face sitting in his hands.

"Dad?" I ask, a little bit scared and worried of what the hell is going on.

My dad looked up surprised to see me and forced a smile to his face. "Hey sweetie how was your day?"

"Umm it was pretty good. Dad, is everything okay?" I ask him, trying not to avoid the elephant in the room.

"It's fine, nothing you need to worry about." He tells me getting up out of his seat and walking into the kitchen.

"Okay well where's mum? Is she still mad at me?" I ask following him and stopping so that the bench is in between us. His back is facing me and he fills a glass with water from the tap. He takes a long gulp and looks back to me.

"She is staying at your aunts tonight and by the way she was acting, I'm pretty sure she was still angry." Dad says and looks back to his glass.

Why would mum leave? She has been angry before but never to the point where she has left and stayed somewhere else for the night.

"Oh, okay well I will just be up in my room if you need me." He nods to me and I turn to walk up to my room.

As I walk up the stairs and past Eli's room his door opens. He immediately pulls me by the jacket and into his room. What the hell? He never lets me in his room.

"What the hell Eli? What are you doing?" I laugh to him but his face stays serious.

"Eli what's wrong? What happened? Is it kids at school? Are they bullying you?" I fire questions at him but he just stands there and shakes his head.

"It's mum." He says in a low voice not breaking eye contact with me.

"What do you mean its mum?" I ask him, confused by what he is saying. He sighs and pulls me down onto the bed so we are both now sitting.

"After you had the fight me mum and left she lost it, like mentally. She was screaming things at me that had nothing to do with me, but I just stayed in my room and tried to ignore her. After that she calmed down, so I went down to check on her but she wasn't calm, well she was but that was only because she was drunk. She had drunk like a full bottle of wine. She started slurring words to me but I couldn't understand her." He stopped and I nodded at him, telling him to continue. "That's when dad came home. He looked at the empty bottle and how mum was slumped over, pointing her fingers at me and slurring. He told me to go to my room, so I did. Then when I was here, I listened to them yell and fight with each other. Well I mainly only heard dad because mum was so pissed. But by the end I saw Aunty Mel pull up out the front and drive away with mum, I'm guessing dad called her to take her."

"Wow, Eli. I'm sorry you had to see that. You should have called me and I would have come back over straight away." I told him, still trying to process everything that he had just said. I cant believe she did all those things though, I mean I have never seen her drunk in my life. Why? Would she all of a sudden get drunk because I am hanging out with Luke? I thought she was crazy before.

"I think it was better that you weren't here, she was really angry and I'm pretty sure you caused it." He stifles a laugh at the end. I chuckle and nod my head agreeing with him.

"Your right, well I am going to bed now. I'm exhausted." I tell Eli, standing up and walking out of his room.

"Goodnight!" I coo to him and walk down the hall to my room.

"Night sissy!" I hear him call and fall down onto my bed.


 I walk into school like every other morning, watching everyone run over to there little group of friends. It was funny, even though I was probably one of those people. I walk straight to my locker knowing that I don't have too much time to spare. Waking up late is a bitch.

As I turn into the corridor that my locker sits in, I see a familiar blonde haired boy leaning against it, with his back facing me. When I am close enough I squeeze at his side, making him jump a little and turn to face me.

"Hey Scar." He says, taking a step closer and pulling me into his chest. He grips me tight and I link my arms around his waist. When he pulls back, he bends down and places a quick kiss on my lips. From that kiss I could tell he recently had a cigarette and tried to cover it with spearmint gum.

"Hey Luke." I smile and turn to my locker, twisting is the combination.

"So you went home last night I see, was everything okay?" He asks, leaning a shoulder onto Sam's locker. I knew he was going to ask, but I really don't want to talk about it. I just woke up and it's still really early in the morning. He is lucky I'm actually in a good mood today after what happened yesterday.

"Actually, quite a bit happened, but I don't want to talk about it right now. Maybe later?" I ask turning to Luke. He nodded to me and smiled with those perfect white teeth.

"We have art together now." He tells me looking down at his phone.

"Your right we do, by the way have you seen Sam? It's almost time for class and she's not at her locker." I ask Luke, but he just looks up to me and shakes his head.

"That reminds me, I haven't seen Calum this morning either. They probably skipped together or something." He tells me, shrugging his shoulders.

We walked to together ready to take on another crappy day at school. As we were walking I spotted a bunch of girls watching Luke and I. I knew who they were and I never wanted anything to do with them. There mean and 'popular' and a bunch of bitches from what I have seen.

As they continued to watch us, I saw one of them start to walk over. No, not her, anyone but her. She wore that signature smirk on her face and I was looking forward to what she was going to do. She was the worst of them all, a bully if you ask me.


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