Chapter 5 >> Boy Troubles

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Wednesday 28th January

Scarlett's POV

I was walkin back to my locker and notice sam at hers next to mine. She had a sad look on her face and i had no idea why. "Sam, whats wrong?" I asked.

She looked up at me and i saw sadness in her eyes. I could see the tears buildin up in her eyes and my heart started to ache. "It's Matt, he has been a dick lately and I dont know what I have done wrong."

"Oh Sam it's okay dont cry! How about we all to the park?" I said with a smile to try and make her feel better. Matt was usually a really good guy, so I don't know what has casued him to act like this.

We walked out to the school gates and found Jake, Elijah, Daisy and Rachel waiting for us.

"Hey guys, do you want to go to the park? Sam needs some cheering up." As i said that they all relised how upset she looked. They flooded her with questions but she just looked at her feet and walked off.

As Sam walked off they all looked at me waiting for and answer. "Matt", was all I said and followed Sam to the park.

We manaed to crack a couple of smiles form Sam as we reachedx the park. We sat our usual bench and continued to talk about anything that didn't relate to Matt or boys at all. We were having a great time until Elijah elbowed me in the side lighty.

"What?" I asked looking at him. He pointed across the park behind Sam and i saw matt and his friends walking through. Well it was fun while it lasted. I saw Matt look over an d notice Sam with us.

"Sam" She looked up at me with a smile "Matt is over there and he has seen you... and now he is walking over."

Sam looked like she was going to have a panic attack but she got up slowly and walked over to him.

Sam's POV

I slowly walked over to Matt who looked angry and I was scared.

"Where were you?" He asked impatiently.

"Excuse me?" What was he on about? he doesn't need to know where i am all the time.

"Why didn't you wait for me?" I was slowly becoming angry at his attitude.

"I was with my friends and you have been a total dick to me lately! Why?" I was so confused at why he was acting like this.

"I think you know why, I can't trust you anymore. We're done." I felt like he ripped my heart out of mu chest and stood on it multiple times.

"So that's it? You're just going to let our whole relationship slip away?" A single tear fell down my cheek.

"Yes Sam, it's over, go have a cry to calum!" He spoke harshly and then I realised what this was actual about. He started to walk back to his friends but I caught his attention before he could.

"So that's what this is about? That I am friends with Calum?" He had a blank expression on his face. "Fuck you, and you know what that is exactly what I am going to do!" I saw his fist ball up as I said that last part, but I didn't care.

I quickly walked out of the park and reached for my phone in my pocket. I knew Calum's house was close to here so I was hopping that he would let me come over.

To Calum:

Hey is it ok if I come over for a bit?

Within a few seconds he responded to my text.

From Calum:

Of course xx

I soon arrived at Calum's house and knocked on the door. I waited there patiently till it opened. Calum welcomed me with the biggest smile on his face.

"Hey Sam!" He walked up to me and gave me a massive hug and I couldn't help, the tears just pouring out and I sobbed into Calum's chest. "Sam? What's wrong? Did I do something?"

"No, no its not you Calum. Matt just broke up with me, he said couldn't trust me but I didn't do anything wrong." He continued to hug me until he broke the silence.

"Do you want to sit down and talk about it?" He questioned.

"Not really, can we please just watch a movie or something?" I asked, whipping the tears from my eyes.

He led me up stairs and into his bedroom. It was so cool with all the band posters on the wall. I sat at the top of his bed and waited for the movie to start. I was lad when he put The Hanover on, I wasn't up to watching a sappy love story and I was pretty sure he was aware of that.

I noticed that Calum had the cutest laugh while we were watching the movie. I was surprised when I felt Calum's arm snake around my waist. I looked up at him in confusion but he just smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"What was that for?" I whispered.

"It made you feel better didn't it? I don't want you to be upset anymore Sam." He smiled and kissed my forehead. I just smiled and I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Aww you look so cute when you're blushing."

Scarlett's POV

I was really worried after Sam left the park. I tried to call her but she wasn't picking up. I just hope she was safe and with Calum, although I don't really trust him that much yet.

I was looking down at my phone about to turn into my street, when someone pumped into me and made me fall on my bum. I looked up to see who it was and I was utterly disappointed. Why is it always him?

"Dude! Watch where..." He started to say but then stoped when he looked up. "oh its you".

"So polite" I smiled at him sarcastically and stood up. "What are you even doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be at home or hanging out with your friends?"

"Actually FYI I live on this street, so technically I was at home." He said.

"Are you joking? I live on this street."

"Nice to know" Luke said bluntly and walked past we and in the opposite direction.

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