Chapter 29 >> Ask Me Anything

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Saturday 21st March

Scarlett's POV

I have no idea what the hell came over me. I got so angry so quickly and I didn't even cover it. It's bad enough having to live with my cheating mum, but having her and Luke's dad in the same room, acting like nothing happened, it boiled my blood.

I almost blurted it out in there, the way Luke looked at me was awful. He was trying to push it out of me and I just couldn't do it. His eyes were mixed with anger and concern and I had to leave.

Luke is only here for twenty eight more days and then I will handle it myself. That way he is out of the country and isn't in danger of my mother.

When I get home the house is quiet, I search around and no one is here. I let out a long sigh and trudge up to me room, hoping I can lock myself in and all the problems will go away.


Monday Morning

I quickly rush out of the house knowing that I am already going to be late for school. My alarm didn't go off and mum never told me she was leaving either which is weird.

I stop when I reach the foot path and look over to Luke's house. I haven't talked to him since Saturday. I am horrible, I literally had no idea how I was meant to explain why I reacted the way I did without blurting out the whole thing. Now I have to explain why I haven't talked to him since Saturday. This is just one big mess.

As I am about to continue walking, when I see Luke's front door open. Luke himself walks out and after a couple of steps looks up and meets my eyes. At the moment my stomach starts to feel sick and my fingers fiddle with each other. After a couple of seconds his head looks down again and opens the car door.

He must be really angry then because he never drives to school. He always walks with me even though he has a car and his license. I sigh and continue walking to school at a faster pace than normal. I hate being late and the whole class watching as the teacher starts integrating you. It is so awkward.

I hear Luke's car start up from behind and speed down the street towards me. Just as I thought he was going to pass, it slows down on the other side of the road and Luke's tinted window rolls down. His hair is messier than usual and black sun glasses are covering his eyes.

"Get in." Luke says bluntly. I contemplate for a moment but give in and cross the road. I open the door and slip in. As soon as the door closes, Luke speeds down the street and I am involuntarily pushed back into my seat.

The silence between us is awkward. Luke has both of his hands clenched tightly around the steering wheel. I keep my head down and watch as I pick at the rips in my jeans. It's too awkward, I have to say something.

"Luke, I-"

"Don't Scarlett. Whatever it is I don't want to hear it." Luke snaps and his eyes returning to the road.

"Sorry." I say quietly, hoping that it will reduce the tension in here. I turn my head and see Luke take a deep breath in and out.

"Lets just forget about what happened." He sighs and I nod my head. Its really weird that he just dropped everything so quickly, but if it meant that we weren't going to argue then I'm fine with it.

We pull up to the school and get out of the car. I had a few minutes to spare now that Luke drove me instead of walking. I start strolling up to the school gates and feel Luke's presence beside me. I feel our fingers brush against each other's and his hand grasp onto mine. I am surprised at first but when I look up to Luke and he gives me a reassuring nod, and I know he's okay. We're okay.

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