Chapter 42 >> Concrete

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Sunday 20th December

Scarlett's POV

One after the other, my feet scurry their way down each step. Its hard to remember the last time I had ever run this fast in my life. As soon as my foot hit the ground floor a sigh of relief flew from my mouth. I pull the heavy door open, quickly find my way to the hotel lobby and past the young receptionist. 

Pushing myself through the revolving door, the wind from outside hits like a ton of bricks. I stop looking to right looking for a sign of Luke and not seeing any. My head swings around to my left, my eyes scan the few people on the street at this time of morning. Close to fifty metres up the sidewalk I see a tall blonde boy pacing his way up the street. 

"Luke." The word is quiet so only I can hear. My body starts moving again in his direction.

"Luke." I say louder this time in hopes that he will hear me, but he doesn't flinch. I move into a light jog to try and catch up to someone who hates me. Who's idea was this again? Only a few metres, maybe five behind him now and its certain that he will be able to hear me.

"Luke please stop!" I say loud even though it isn't necessary with the distance between us. I now he can hear me but his feet are still travelling as the same pace. The only sign I get from him is a slight shake of the head before looking down. He was getting on my nerves now and I even said please.

"LUKE LISTEN TO ME!" I scream almost at the top of lungs and to the point where I was starting to feel light headed. My feet were at a halt and soon enough Luke's were too. In the blink of an eye his body spins around and is large steps bring himself very, very close to me.

My eye level is only at the height of his chest and while he towers over me. I can feel his vicious stare on me but I can't bring myself to look up. With Luke being only being an inch or two away from me, I can smell the familiar cologne he wore everyday when we were together. Instinctively my eyes close shut and I take in every sense possible in this moment. I haven't been this close to him in over eight months and yet the only thing I feel is sorrow.

"Luke." I whisper now under my breath. Without realising my hand reaches to his and slides right in. His fingers feel warm even though its freezing out here and to my surprise he isn't pulling away. Memories of the last time we were together flood my mind. The amazing memories of our last night and the bad ones of next morning. Both recollections bring tears to my eyes and a soft trail falls down my cheek.

"Look at me." I hear from up above me. I don't move because I don't want him to see my crying. I don't want to look weak yet again in front of Luke. 

"Scarlett." He says now in a more demanding tone. I don't have a choice. I don't want to piss him off any more than I already have, so I do what he says. My dull green eyes slowly look up and meet his blue ones.

"Why are you crying?" Luke questions me and I don't know what to say. It was the same question he asked me eight months ago on my door step.

"I thought we went over this. You don't get to cry." He says to me me in a monotone voice, his eyes never leaving mine.

"I can't help it, you remind me of so many memories." I whisper to him while my left hand attempts to wipe away tears from my cheeks. 

"Why do you continue to do this?" He asks and my eyebrows furrow together not knowing what he is talking about.

"Do what?"

"Fuck up my life." He states and soon enough his hand is ripped out of mine. The lost of contact makes my stomach drop. His words hurt like a stab to the heart but I can't fight it because he is right.

"I come back home eight months later, finally at a point where I am emotionally stable and then you fuck my best friend in my hotel room!" Luke says and his voice slowly gets louder as the words continue out of his mouth. "Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? You have fucked me over more than I could have imagined. To think I still had a shred of hope for us deep down inside was a fucking joke. We are so done, Its over."

"No, no, no." I scramble out. I don't want to believe those words are coming out of his mouth. This cant be over, at least not forever. The tears start following heavier than before and my breaths are hitched. Luke shuts his eyes to my dismay as all I want right now it to see and feel the warm comfort of his blue eyes.

"Luke don't say that, you don't mean it." My hands cling onto him desperately trying not to let him go. One hand rests firmly one his shoulder and the other around the back of his neck. 

"Please don't do this, please don't let go of us. I love you. I still love you and you know it." I try pleading to him with his eyes still firmly shut. My forehead falls upon his chest and I wait for Luke to do something, anything.

A few moments later I feel movement from beneath me and then two large hands on my shoulders, and a gentle push against them. My body moves back away from Luke and the only word I hear fall from his mouth is "Sorry" before his body turns around and walks away.

The guy I love walking away from me again and its still all my fault. My legs give way and I fall to the hard concrete. My arms engulf my legs as my forehead rests on my kneecaps and tears pour into my lap. I don't think I was there long before I heard another voice behind me.

"Excuse me miss, are you okay?" A voice says and I feel a hand on my shoulder. I lift my head up and in an attempt try and wipe all the tears and crap off my face.

"Scarlett?" The person asks, and I now start to recognise that voice. I slowly turn my head and to my surprise, it is exactly who I had hoped it would be.

"Ash." I sigh relief, quickly getting up and clinging my arms around his neck. I can feel his arms wrap tightly around my waist and I've never been so relieved to see him in my life.

"What are you doing sitting on the concrete ground? Its freezing out here." Ash pulls back to look me in the eyes and questions me. 

"I ran into Luke." I tell him and his face instantly drops.

"Oh." Is all he says and looks over his own shoulder. Its only at this moment that I notice Calum standing not too far behind him. 

"You need to go home." He tells me and I nod. "Here I'll take you."

"No, you need to go take care of Michael." I say reaching down in my pocket and handing him the room card. 

"Calum can you pleas take me to Sam's?" I ask and he nods and holds out his arm.

"Michael? What happened to him?" Ashton asks me as I make my way over to Cal.

"Luke punched him." I say and start to walk off with Calum. Ashton was definitely still confused but went and thankfully did what I asked. 


The next time I chase after someone like that, there better be a happy ending.

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