Chapter 20 >> Sick

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Sunday 8th March

Luke's POV

I groggily wake up on this Sunday morning still majorly tired from last night. I open my eyes and look down into my chest where I see Scarlett still snuggled up.

I lift her chin slightly, trying my best to move it not too much that she will wake up. I push her hair out of her face and behind her so I can see Scar's face properly. Studying every detail on her face from the small black smudges around her eyes, the cute faded freckles on her check bones and the way her plump light pink lips look so irresistible.

Everything about her was just so amazing. She is honestly the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I knew it from the first time I laid eyes on her back in year 10. But me being the stupid asshole I am never did anything about it. Instead I followed my friends and tried to fit in by flirting and sleeping with random girls from our school.

I almost did that to Scarlett as well, but I am so glad she stopped me. I think she made me realise that it isn't all about sex. Even though I was mad at the time and a couple of days afterwards, I was grateful. After that night she rejected me, I still couldn't stay away. No other girl has ever said no to me and I guess that made me want her more.

With that last thought, I felt stirring at my chest and see Scarlett's eyes flutter open. It takes a few seconds for her to fully regain consciousness and realise where she is. She looks up to me and smiles, showing me her pearly white teeth.

"Morning beautiful." I say and kiss her forehead, holding it there for a couple of seconds.

"Morning." She says tiredly and kisses my bare chest. "How long have you been awake?"

"Not long, only like ten minutes." I say and rub circles onto the small of her back.

"Okay, whats the time?" Scarlett asks. I reach my arm behind me and grab the first phone off my bedside table. When I pull it in front of me see that it is Scar's and not mine.

"It's thirteen past eleven, and there is a message from your dad." I tell her and try to slide her screen to unlock but there is a code.

"What does it say?" She asks still snuggling into my chest.

"What's your code?"

"One-seven-three-nine." She says and I type it in, unlocking the phone.

"It says 'Be home by twelve to look after your brother. I have been called into work and I have already left. Thank you xx'".

"Well I guess I better get up then." She tells me but I just cling my arms around her tighter. She shall not leave.

"Seriously Luke, my brother might burn the house down. You can come if you want, you just have to let go of me first." She chuckles but I don't budge. Scar tries to pry my arms off but I am too strong.

"No, I just want you to stay with me all day, in my bed and let me tell you how amazing your cuddles and kisses are." I tell her and slowly place kisses around her face.

"Yeah you wish Hemmings, now let go before I call for Liz." I chuckle at her comment and start to let go. I almost forgot to ask her something and pull her back in.

"Wait! I need to ask you something before we leave."

"Oh my god Luke, What is it?" She laughs to me and I smile at how cute her laugh is.

This is so out of my nature to ask a girl this and I am actually quite nervous. I like Scarlett so much that I can't hold it off any longer.

"Will you please be my girlfriend?"

"Of course, Luke!" She smiles to me and a wave of relief washes over me. I don't hesitate in quickly placing my lips to hers and passionately kiss.


Scarlett's POV

Monday Morning

It is now back to school today and I feel like absolute shit right now. It must have been something I ate yesterday. I literally sat at home at home and did nothing. Luke said he had to be somewhere that was really important and Sam was doing homework all day.

I was so slow at getting ready this morning and made my dad drive me because I felt so sick. I don't even know why I am going to school.

I walk to my locker and try my best to get my locker open. Thankfully I do and put my bag inside and take out my psychology books. In the corner of my eye I see a blonde quiff stand next to my locker.

"Hey Scar." He says happily and I feel so shit that I can't even smile to him.

"Hi." I groan and shut my locker, leaning against it.

"What's wrong?" Luke asks me with a concern expression on his face.

"I just feel really sick, like I am going to throw up." I tell him and close my eyes.

"Why did you even come to school then?" Luke laughs at me and I push at his shoulder with all the energy I have.

"I don't know, okay? If I still feel sick after Psychology I am going to leave."

"Good idea, but if you are leaving so am I. You will probably faint if you walk home by yourself and you won't be able to get up the stairs." He chuckles and I nod knowing that he is right.

"Okay Thank you." I say and hug around his waist.


It is now the end of my first class, and I still feel really sick, probably even worse. I walk to my locker and pull my bag out and walk over to Luke's.

"Still feeling ill?" He asks me and I nod, leaning my head against the locker next to his. He grabs his bag out as well and slings it onto his back.

"Okay lets leave then." He says and grabs my hand, pulling me towards the school exit. We don't even say goodbye anyone, we just leave.

With me not being able to walk too fast, we take our time walking home. It's so weird to think of Luke as my boyfriend now. Although it isn't any different from before, its still weird to think and gives me butterflies. We eventually make it home and Luke stops me in front of my house.

"You can go inside, I just have to quickly run to my house and grab something." Luke says.

"Okay, I will leave it unlocked, so just come up to my room." I tell him and walk up to the front door.

I pull my keys out of my bag and shove the key into the door handle. When I shut the door, I hear a rustle come from the kitchen. Maybe mum came back today. I make my way to the kitchen quietly just incase it wasn't my mum, but a robber.

I come to the corner wall of the kitchen and start to peer my head around the corner inch by inch. The side of my mums body comes into sight and she is siting on the kitchen bench. I inch my head more and- oh my god they are making out on the kitchen bench.

Wait! Oh no! Thats not dad. I see the man pull back and smile at my mother. I am ashamed to call her that right now. My eyes focus on the mystery man's face.

No! No! No!

Andy? Mr Hemmings? Luke's Dad? This is a nightmare come true. Tears start to prick my eyes.


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