Chapter 17

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That day, when Xiao Tu was listening to the class seriously, he suddenly felt that someone next to her was poking her arm. She turned her head and saw that it was Yin Zihan.

Strange, he didn't listen to the class, what was he doing stabbing her arm? After a closer look, he found that he seemed to be holding something in his hand, as if he was going to give it to her.

Xiao Tu took it and took a look.

Ah! It turned out to be a note with words written on it——Xiao Tu, are you coming to the basketball game this afternoon?

Xiao Tu thought, why Yin Zihan had nothing to do and wrote a note asking her if she would go to the basketball game?

But she didn't think much, nodded to him, and went back to the class again. On the other hand, Yin Zihan, when he saw her nodding, it was as if he had won the lottery, and his eyes behind his glasses curved with a smile.

There was a reason why Yin Zihan was so happy.

Since Ling Chao provocatively declared ownership of Xiao Tu at the classroom door last time, Yin Zihan's fighting spirit has finally been fully aroused, and he vowed to snatch Xiao Tu from him.

However, Young Master Yin lived in a wealthy family since he was a child, so he couldn't do the confession in person, so he had to make indirect remarks every time.

Fortunately, he made side-steps many times and found that Xiao Tu didn't seem to recognize the relationship between Ling Chao and her, which made Yin Zihan spoiled, so he decided to find an opportunity to perform well in front of Xiao Tu and leave a good impression on her.

Yin Zihan's chance came soon. On Friday afternoon, the school's basketball team was going to play a game against other schools. The main players were all on the field, including him and Ling Chao.

Speaking of playing basketball, Yin Zihan is not bragging, he really plays very well. First, he is tall, has strong jumping ability, and has good physical condition. Secondly, because he likes basketball, he has been hired a tutor who specializes in basketball since he was a child, and his skills are not a problem.

First Young Master Yin firmly believed that with such conditions, his performance in this ball game would definitely surpass Ling Chao, overwhelming the audience, and Xiao Tu's girlish heart would definitely fall for him.

Thinking of this, Yin Zihan couldn't help laughing, but unfortunately, because he laughed too loudly, the whole class stopped and stared at him blankly, so that he almost found a crack to slip down.

This incident was later subtly summed up by Jia Siwen. He said: "People with good grades are generally under a lot of pressure. If you are under pressure, you will easily become abnormal. It is not easy for Yin Zihan!"

Yin Zihan: T____T

The ball game was held that afternoon. Since there was only one class on Friday afternoon, many students rushed to the gymnasium to join in the fun, and the four in Xiaotu's dormitory were no exception.

When I arrived at the gymnasium, I saw that the audiences from both sides had already opened up. It turned out that this game was an annual basketball friendly match between A Middle School and Z Middle School, another key middle school nearby. Since A Middle School and Z Middle School are both key middle schools, they are competitive in everything, and naturally they will not miss the opportunity of the basketball game, so Z Middle School even brought its own support team, which is very suspected of kicking the stadium.

Jiang Juanjuan is a master at grabbing seats, and besides Ouyang Mei, a well-known martial arts master in the whole school, the four of them soon occupied a good row of seats in the stands.

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