Chapter 45

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The black eyes reflected the night outside the window, staring at him motionless, at that moment, Xiao Tu felt like a dream. She stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyes, making sure it was Ling Chao, and then she regained her senses: "You...don't come back until the day after tomorrow?" 'Ling Chao told her before that the company will not be on holiday until the day after tomorrow.

'Anyway, there's nothing to do, so I'll be back first. As he said, he leaned on the window sill with one hand, and jumped in lightly, and he knew he was a veteran at a glance.

After entering the room, he was not polite, sat directly on the bed, and stretched out his hand to embrace Xiao Tu who was in a daze into his arms.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Tu bumped into his arms, felt his heart beating faster, and wanted to break free.

'Hush! ' He gently held her struggling hand, and said softly, 'Let me hold her for a while...'

A hoarse and soft voice came into his ears, like a calming spell, Xiao Tu was stunned suddenly, and the movements of his hands stopped unconsciously.

He must be tired. Since the holidays, he has been leaving early and returning home late without rest. Even a hard-nosed person can't bear it. Thinking about it this way, he couldn't help rubbing his head against his chest twice, and found it for himself. a comfortable position.

Sensing the subtle movements of the person in his arms, Ling Chao tightened his arms holding her even tighter.

For so many days, I can only listen to the voice and look at her appearance in the video. The heart that longs to hold her in my arms can't wait for a long time. Only when I hold her like this, the whole heart is full, and I feel She belongs to her... She couldn't help but leaned over and kissed her forehead.

The warm lips touched his forehead, and Xiao Tu suddenly realized that this is her room after all, and Dad was still watching TV outside, in case he was like before...

She blushed, and hurriedly stood up from his arms, eyes lowered, her long eyelashes fluttering under the soft light, like the antennae of a butterfly, casting a shadow on the eye sockets. The already healthy cheeks became more rosy, and the pink lips were slightly pursed because of nervousness.

For some reason, Ling Chao thought of the word 'Kekou'.

kindness! Now she is very delicious.

Reaching out, he lifted the messy bangs on her forehead, and before she could react, he quickly leaned over and took a light bite on her lips.


Xiao Tu's face suddenly turned red like a tomato, he didn't sit or hide, his eyes swept wildly, and he caught sight of **'s dress, and his eyes lit up immediately. 'That... I bought you a dress! As she said, she hurried back, picked up the ** dress, and placed it between the two of them.

Sure enough, you have to stay away from him so that you don't have a heart attack.

Seeing her retreating quickly, Ling Chao couldn't help curling his lips. He wanted to go deeper, but he didn't expect that she had already found the 'shield'.

'You bought it? ' He raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I went shopping with my mother in the morning, and I bought it for you by the way..." Before I said it, I felt that it seemed a little deliberate, and hurriedly added, "I bought a lot myself. 'The implication is that you really bought this one by the way! Really just by the way.

Ling Chao smiled, and reached out to take the clothes in her hand: the black wool trench coat, which is both warm and fashionable, is indeed his favorite style, and his daughter-in-law is getting better at living. Smiling, he handed her the clothes in his hand: "Help me wear them." '

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