Chapter 62

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Perhaps affected by the bonfire party that night, the following military training suddenly became easier. Although there are still endless military posture training, endless walking, and endless running on the playground, but in the classmates They no longer had the original complaints in their hearts. Even when facing the still stern Instructor Yang, what everyone thought about was his tone-deaf singing voice that day.

Sometimes, everything depends on the mentality. When the mentality is good, no matter how hard or tiring it is, it is just a process.

In a blink of an eye, a month of military training has passed.

There is such a word called "miracle" in this world. Everyone was dissatisfied when they came, but they were all reluctant to leave when they left. Some girls even hugged the instructor's waist and refused to leave no matter what.

The stern Instructor Yang regained his cuteness this time, while blushing, he pulled the girls' sleeves awkwardly, but there was a little more reluctance on his face, and even his eyes were red.

Instructor Lin in the fourth row has been crying for a long time. One can imagine how outrageous it is for a 1.8-meter strong boy to cry, but none of them laughed at him. Instead, they lowered their heads and wiped their tears silently.

The old military doctor in the infirmary came to see him off, grabbed the hands that were still covered with bruises from his pricking, and told with tears in his eyes: "Students, come again next time!"

The victim wiped away tears: "Okay, but don't get the needle next time."

The scene is indescribably touching.

Such a sad mood was maintained until the bus came to pick up the students. The students got on the bus one by one and watched the car slowly drive away. The artillery unit that had been staying for a month became smaller and smaller until it disappeared from sight.

As a result, many people looked away reluctantly, and turned to seek comfort from their neighbors, and when they raised their eyes, everyone was stunned.

Depend on! How did it become so dark?

Sadness is temporary, but the tanned skin cannot be repaired by the whitening and rejuvenating mask for several months, so the gloomy atmosphere of the whole car was finally swept away, replaced by wailing.

"My face, I can't see people anymore!" T____T

Xiao Tu was also tanned, but compared to Dong Dongdong, it was nothing compared to Dong Dongdong.

Poor Dong Dongdong took off her color contact lenses for sun protection, and replaced them with color-changing glasses, which turned into a brown color when she was in the sun. The instructor said she was colored myopia glasses. As a result, after a month, the circle around the eyes is not tanned, but the face is...

The effect is delightful.

Xiao Tu held back and didn't dare to laugh, and finally couldn't hold back, and said: "Dongdong, I think you have an artistic temperament..."

Dong Dongdong's face immediately darkened: "You, you pay me back my phone bill for a month!"

"Dongdong, what are you up to? You can't finish playing the virtual network for 2,000 minutes, why don't you let me and Tutu solve it for you." Niersi smoothed things over.

So Dong Dongdong looked at her two pairs of white panda eyes and turned to Ni Ersi and choked: "Tutu can be forgiven for calling Ling Chao, why do you keep calling with my mobile phone? You know that sister wants to hide How hard is this phone?"

"Fuck! You put your phone and bra together, who will look at you?"

So Xiao Tu was struck by these two live treasures again.

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