You and I, and our Fate.

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I saw you standing in front of our house. You were wearing your bluish-white shorts, a plain white shirt and a suspender. I smiled seeing how cute you looked. I thought I could have spend my whole day by just staring at your face.

I was attracted to you, I no doubted it. I love how your dimples show whenever you smile. Your smile that makes your eyes sparkle. Your eyes that make me feel secured, peaceful and loved whenever they meet mine.

I thought it was normal. It's normal to find you appealing. It's normal to be captivated by your charms. It's normal to find your every move pleasing. So, I never gave a malicious meaning to what I feel towards you. Not even once. Because I thought, it was nothing.

I invited you inside and you cheerfully greeted my parents. You headed straight up to my bedroom and I followed you inside. You stepped inside my closet to get some pieces of cloth. You made me wear a veil before you wore your white tuxedo, which suited you better as ever, and you held my hands with yours after.

"I will give you the world," you said facing me and I smiled. "I will be your superhero. I will be your prince charming. And I will be your defender. I will not let anyone hurt you because you are too precious and too special," you added and I laughed. It sounded so cliché. It was like what a typical boy says to his girl playmate of our age. But I realized that I was too stupid not to understand what you really meant by those words. And that realization came too late.

"Why are you laughing?" you asked frowning and I shook my head.

"Nothing. I just find you so cute," I retorted.


"Yes," I was quick to answer and your smile went from ear-to-ear.

"I love you," you said as you brought my hands to your lips.

"I love you too," I answered and we started dancing. "I'm such a great actress!" I beamed and you smiled.

"Yes you are. Let's play another game?" you queried and I nodded my head. We played. And played. And played, until we got tired. And at the end of the day, here I was sleeping securely wrapped in your arms.

We were too young and too innocent that time. I was too young and too innocent. Too young not to recognize my feelings. And too innocent not to know the underlying meaning behind every word you utter.

Years have passed and many things have changed. I had my first boyfriend and my first heartbreak. But, you never left my side. You were always there for me even when your heart was breaking too because of me.

You were also always teasing me. But, I never thought that behind all those jokes were the unspoken feelings you have towards me for years; that behind all those pranks were what your heart has been shouting. Not until you confessed.

It turned my world up-side-down. At first, I laughed and didn't want to believe what you told me but you insisted that you're serious. I didn't know what to react and how to react that time. Everything felt surreal but so genuine at the same time.

I was baffled. I felt happy to know that you love me and that's what made me confuse. You're giving me different emotions that I shouldn't feel towards you. You're making my heart drum crazily against my chest and I'm always finding myself awake at the middle of the night and thinking about you.

Yes, I love you too.

But I chose not to tell you. I chose to reject you. Because I chose to follow all the values, principles and norms that this cruel society upholds.

I thought that was the right thing to do. But that made my heart bleed with agonizing misery. And that's when I realized that what's wrong is when you do not fight for what you feel.

So, I came back to you.

I hoped you were still there.

I wished you didn't get tired waiting.

I prayed you held on.

Please, come to me and let me love you like no other.

Author's Note:

I do not know what happened to my previous account but I cannot open it for days and I felt so frustrated. I want to continue writing my stories so I decided to make a new account.

I have finished this one in my previous account but I still want to share it to the Wattpad world so I am reposting the whole thing. I am editing each chapter before posting an update because I want to give more justice to this story. It is so special to me since its the first ever story I've written and completed. The characters are so dear to my heart that I always wish they were real. I just so love them. ♥

I hope you read, enjoy and support it 'til the end. This is a Tag-Lish novel. :))

I'll update as soon as I can and if my schedule permits me to do so. I am on a higher level of being an Accountancy student and I am bombarded with major subjects. I hope you understand! :D

Votes, comments and reviews are highly-appreciated! Feel free to share your thoughts regarding this story! They are of great help for me to continue writing! :D

Thanks for reading! :*

-- CaNe

The Sweetest Scheme of Fate (Defying Fate Trilogy #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon