♡ | 2 - Oblivious | ♡

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The pair of hashira had been walking together for a while now. The wind gently rustled leaves beneath their feet, Y/n found the noise to be quiet relaxing. They had been talking about their hobbies- he had asked her about sewing...

"... and that's how I learned about all that! I hope that answers your question." She smiled, trying her best to seem friendly.

Muichiro looked up at Y/n and nodded slowly at her explanation. His eyes were deep and bottomless, a pit of turquoise swirling with mist-like colours. He pondered for a moment, before finally speaking and changing the subject.

"So.. do you have any special people in your life?" Muichiro asked curiously.

"Hmm?!" She blushed violently. If this was his way of asking if she was single, he was being rather straightforward with it!

"What do you mean by, s-special?"

Muichiro cocked his head to the side. Is she... embarrassed?

"You know.. family, friends.. people you care for." He seemed to be completely oblivious to the fact he was making her feel so flustered.

"Like, people you care for especially much." He clarified.

Her heart thumped inside her chest. What the hell Y/n, he was being totally innocent! Why would you go jumping to conclusions like that? She told herself off mentally. God, she was so hotheaded sometimes...

"Well... I'm actually a little embarrassed to admit that I have nobody. My parents were killed by a demon, so were all my friends from the lower ranks of the corps, I never had siblings..." She trailed off, feeling slightly pathetic. His eyes were difficult to read, so she couldn't tell what he was thinking like she could with most people... He could be judging her right now and she wouldn't have a clue thanks to that stoic demeanour of his.

"So yeah. I guess my answer is no, I don't have anyone special in my life. I'm hoping that some of the hashira might fill those positions since I can trust them not to go dying on me like everyone else!" She forced a laugh, trying to lighten the mood.

H-Hm? She doesn't have anyone? Muichiro was surprised that such a friendly-seeming girl didn't have anyone who enjoyed her company. That might be why she's talking to me.. Because this is really pleasant. Maybe I could be special to her? ...

A soft smile spread over his face as he listened to Y/n's story, not judging her in the slightest. After all, he knew better than anyone what it felt like to loose your family and friends; although, he couldn't quite recall having any in the first place.

"You don't have to be embarrassed.. I'll be your special person." He replied, his tone slightly soft. Muichiro looked up at her, unaware as to what that suggestion sounded like. She was blushing even more than before, which confused Tokito.

"E-EH?!" Her cheeks blew up and turned bright red. She covered her face with her hands and shuffled around on the spot a bit. "That's um... v-very nice of you to offer, T-Tokito..." She peeked at him between her fingers, embarrassed. Is he really that airheaded? Does he not realise how this conversation sounds?

"Would you.. like to get to know each other better..?" Muichiro spoke softly, his cheeks dusted with pink. He had never been good at meeting new people... But this seemed to be going okay. The wind blew once again, as if it was a movie scene or something similar, the breeze making their hair flow in the wind.

Muichiro looked down after he spoke, a small smile still on his face. He couldn't believe how well it was going.

"Uh- yeah! S-sure!" She nodded shakily, suddenly she was feeling weak in the knees. Behind her a familiar voice sounded.

"Ara ara, seems you have finally met Tokito, Y/n!" Shinobu Kocho, the hashira who recruited her to the corps, was standing a few paces behind her.

Y/n jumped at her voice and attempted to compose herself. She wanted to earn Shinobu's respect, and she certainly wasn't going to do that by getting all worked up over some boy she barely knew.

"Haha... yes, lady Shinobu. Tokito and I were about to go and train." She gave the butterfly hashira a wobbly smile. She saw that Muichiro was still staring at her and couldn't contain her embarrassment.

"WELL UM- We should be going Tokito! She began marching in the direction they had been headed, leaving a suspicious Shinobu behind her. Humiliation twisted around inside her as the butterfly hashira giggled at them.

Ugh, I'm making such a fool of myself...

Chapter 3 will be published on 15/08/23

A/N: Since these first few chapters are quite short, I'll be publishing a chapter per day. Later on in the story, as the plot thickens, the chapters increase a lot in length... It gets spicy, I promise. For now, bare with me while I set the scene <3

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