A/N - Confession

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I have a confession to make...

I don't know how to end this story! It was supposed to finish after the fight with upper moon 4 Tsukimono, but I couldn't bring myself to stop writing when I was enjoying it so much! Unfortunately this decision has left me at a standstill, and I'm struggling to finish the book at all. If the last few chapters are messy I'm very sorry, my planning has been all over the place 😭

I honestly don't know what I'm going to do about this book now, but I think it's safe to say that I won't be updating it for a while. I need to write an entire new subplot with a whole new climax, and I'll need time to edit the other chapters that were rushed + add any missing lore. I'm so sorry if that upsets anyone, but just know that when it's finished this book will a be much better quality than before! I'm hoping that this temporary hiatus will all be worth it in the end.

Thank you so much everyone for the support on this book, I appreciate it so much! I'll still be updating all my oneshot books from time to time so don't hesitate to leave me any requests! I'll complete them as soon as I find time <3

Thanks again everyone! Xx

- lizzylivesonmars

Edit: I'm going through and editing the chapters one by one, but the main plot will stay the same so don't worry about that. When its done it should be an easier, less cringe-worthy read 😵‍💫

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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