♡ 45 - Unsteady ♡

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TW: This next chapter includes sensitive and potentially triggering topics, such a harassment, alcohol abuse and domestic violence flashbacks. Proceed with caution and take care of yourself, there is a chapter summary at the end for anyone who wishes to skip the detailed content <3

"Oh, pardon me sir- OUCH?!" Y/n's attempted apology was followed by a sharp yelp. The male demon slayer had grabbed the mirror hashira by the wrist; when she looked up at him, her stomach dropped.

"What are you doing, l-let me go!" Despite having superior physical strength, Y/n's voice trembled as she confronted him. His eyes were unfocused, his cheeks were flushed, and his breath smelt foul with alcohol. He dragged her closer to him and pinched the skin of her thigh sharply, chuckling unsteadily to himself in the process.

"Ya didn't think I'd just let yer walk away, did ya? Disobedient gals like yerself need to be taught a harsh lesson..."

Something about this scene felt all too familiar to Y/n, and her mind began to fog as the man's voice grew quieter in her ears.


"It's okay honey, just go stand in the cupboard while mama and papa have an adult conversation.." The smile on the tired woman's face was forced, and the bags beneath her eyes seemed even darker in the dim hallway light. From behind the closed door that loomed over the pair, a loud, slurred voice echoed into the hallway.

"Where did that little bitch go, she spilt my fuckin' drink and didn't even clean that shit up!"

The drunken man's footsteps sent a dark, twisty feeling into the depths of little Y/n's stomach. A small pearl of a tear-drop gathered in the corner of her eye and she looked up helplessly at her mother.

"M-mama, I dint mean to spill the *sniff* drink!"

"Shhhh..." The woman nervously smiled again and wiped the tear from her daughter's cheek with her thumb. "Quiet down now, you know papa doesn't like it when you cry too loud. Just stay in here, mama will sort it all out."

Before she could choke out another cry, the young girl felt a hand over her mouth. Squirming slightly from the uncomfortable feeling, she fought to get loose from her mother's grip; until she heard those booming footsteps once again, right outside the cupboard door.

"Don't tell me... Are yer hiding in there with that little bitch? Let me at her, I'll put 'er back in 'er place-"


"Look at 'er, she ain't even fightin' back! For a hashira, yer sure are pathetic. Hell, the way you threw yerself at me, I almost mistook yer for a-"

The drunken corps member didn't even have time to finish his sentence before a blur of turquoise and black hurled itself at him.

Muichiro lunged for the man's throat without hesitation, knocking all three of them to the ground with a thud. Y/n felt as if she were underwater and could barely comprehend the chaos; all she could do was stare in shock as Muichiro pinned her harasser to the floor, his usually calm face contorted in disgust.

Y/n felt the cold floor against her skin, and snapped back to reality.

Why... why couldn't I fight him? I'm a hashira... I slayed an uppermoon! So why am I so terrified that I can barely move?

Muichiro's voice was deadly serious and oozing with malice as he spoke to his victim. His fingers dug deeper into the man's neck, and he grabbed him by the collar to hold him down against the dirty floor.

"Do you realise how dangerous this is, perving on a young girl like this? Do you want your head chopped off? Or would you prefer to lose both of your arms?"

His voice was cold, and the man choked slightly at the grip on his collar.

"Or perhaps... Should I let her have some fun first? She already kicked the ass of an uppermoon, I'm sure she'd take her time teaching you exactly what it means to respect young women. Then we'll see if you still think she's pathetic after that."

Y/n stared up at Muichiro as he dished out a torrent of insults. Every calculated word he uttered was completely right... She had no reason to be scared of a pathetic man like that. And yet... She still felt frozen.

Get up... don't cower like this! Get up!

Her body would barely let her. Y/n had to drag herself to her feet, her knees quaking as she did so. Throwing an icy glare at the man on the floor, she watched him attempt to pry Muichiro's hands away from his neck. Unfortunately, he decided to open his disgusting mouth once again.

"Calm down son, what are you, her boyfriend? Or perhaps her bodyguard?" His yellow teeth and alcohol laced breath made Muichiro's stomach heave in anger and disgust.

Y/n clenched her jaw at his words. "Y-you had no right to grab me like that... It's disgusting and dishonourable behaviour."

He smirked at her. "Well forgive me for mistaking you for a prostitute... After all, you're dressed like a slut for sale, so why shouldn't I treat you like-"


You don't have to be scared anymore.

He can't hurt you anymore.




You're stronger now.

Don't let your strength go to waste.


The perpetrator's slurred sentence was cut off by Y/n's fist in his mouth and Muichiro's foot in his groin. His face contorted in pain as blood began to spurt from his broken teeth, and he yowled like a feral animal as Y/n twisted her fist into his jaw. Then, the two hashira wasted no time throwing him back against the wall, sending a loud thud echoing throughout the hall.

Despite being a short guy, Muichiro loomed over the crumpled form of the beaten man.

"Did you just call Y/n a prostitute?" The mist hashira hissed, his tone colder than ice.

Pressing his foot down against the man's crotch, Muichiro shifted his weight and earned a hiss of pain from the pervert. He smiled coldly.

"Why don't you repeat what you said to this nice young girl for everyone else to hear? Speak, you worthless piece of scum."

Sure enough, a few heads were turning. The man gasped in pain, choking on his knocked out teeth; Y/n grimaced at him and favoured her knuckles that were quickly turning red from the punch she delivered. The sight of Muichiro treating him like this (plus the growing bruises on his lips and cheeks) was making her feel a little better about her momentary failure to defend herself.

It's what he deserves.

The incident had attracted quite a crowd, and many people were watching on with gaping jaws. Gyomei elbowed through the crowd to his fellow hashira and the man on the ground, his face as hard and cold as a rock-face. Clearing his throat, the stone hashira promptly took control of the chaos.

"Young Tokito, allow that man to stand up at once. Go with Y/n to the kitchen so that she can calm down and ice her knuckles." He felt where the man lay with his foot, and grimaced as he nudged his limp body.

"Kocho, Tomioka, escort this man from the premises. He is no longer welcome here... Or anywhere in relation to the demon slayer corps."

Chapter summary for people who took notice of the trigger warning: A strange man tries to intimidate Y/n after she mistook him for Muichiro. When he takes it too far, the mist hashira and mirror hashira fight back and the man ends up getting kicked out by Gyomei, Shinobu and Tomioka.

A/N: Happy new year everyone! Let me know what you think of the new chapter! <3

(Btw, I'm writing on my new phone now lol 🤑)

Chapter 46 will be published on: 10/01/24

1330 words

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