♡ | 24 - Spooned | ♡

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(Headphone users, try not to get jumpscared by the video above lmao 😊)


Y/n smiled. Muichiro was warm... So warm.

She shuffled closer, so that she was half resting on her futon and half on his. She leaned her head on his chest and sighed.

More than anything, she wanted to be as close to him as possible. The panic she felt when she thought he was gone... Calling his name and not getting an answer... Y/n had to hold him close to convince herself that he was really alive.

Placing her ear over his heartbeat, she listened. Muichiro's heart was racing and his body felt strangely warm, making Y/n smiled to herself.

Muichiro was feeling so many different emotions right now; much more than he was used to.

He liked what she was doing, leaning on him. It gave him the sense that he was special to her for some reason, although he couldn't pinpoint why. His hand jerked slightly, he felt the urge to wrap his arm around her... But he thought that she might be overwhelmed, so he hesitated.

Instead, he slowly moved himself over to where she was, laying his head on her chest and putting his ear over her heart to mimic her previous actions. Y/n understood what he was doing, and moved her arm so that he could listen. She could smell his hair... it was... sweet. She breathed in deeply, and placed a kiss on his forehead.

All she wanted to do was be close to him... Muichiro felt the kiss and his face flushed. He didn't move his head from her chest though.

Mui smiled slightly, hearing her heartbeat. It was calming for some reason, its rhythmic thumps playing a comforting tempo into his ear, a melody he felt he could listen to forever.


As night fell, the light in the room dimmed. Everytime a draught got into the room, Y/n quivered and held tightly onto Muichiro. Everytime she closed her eyes, it was as if she was out there again in the snow... floundering...

(In her dream)

She could feel the snow in her boots, the ice whipping against her face, the feeling of her very eyes freezing. She could see Muchiro infront of her, a dark shadow in the storm... he was so close, but no matter how far she stretched, she couldn't reach him. Suddenly, she realised that the snow was at her hips; she couldn't move. She thrashed desperately, trying to free herself from the ice.. but it was no use. She watched as Muichiro was swept away into the night, and all she could do was wait to die as the snow suffocated her-

"AGH-" She woke with a gasp, and clutched at her injured throat. Muichiro jumped and groggily rubbed his eyes... She had accidentally woke him. He looked over at her, and was about to say something, when he noticed her clutching at her throat.

Instead of speaking, he wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. He didn't say anything else, he didn't need to.

He could feel her still shivering.

Closing his eyes and squeezing her tightly, he held her close. His body heat was some comfort for her, ber Y/n still didn't sleep that night. She simply lay awake, in his arms, waiting for the sun to rise.

People were out there getting frozen to death, eaten by demons, and crushed by snow. How could she possibly sleep when that was almost her? Muichiro didn't go to sleep either but didn't notice that she was also awake.

He looked down at their hands, watching their interlocked fingers.

He knew that he probably should let go of her, but he just couldn't.

It was oddly comforting, and he didn't want to let it go..

He just let out a sigh and closed his eyes.


"Mmmph..." Her eyes fluttered open.

When Y/n woke, Muichiro was tucked behind her with his arms around her waist. Her groggy heart began to speed up...

Is he... Is he seriously spooning me right now?

His gentle snores tickled her ear and neck, his breath was warm on her skin. She smiled. He's adorable... I'm so thankful that he's here right now.

Breathing was still slightly painful, since her lungs and throat hadn't fully recovered... but other than that, Y/n wasn't in pain. She was just tired... so... very tired...

Behind her, Muichiro stirred. He turned slightly in his sleep, and accidentally bumped his hand against her waist.

It was then he woke and realized that he was spooning her.

Not knowing how to react, he simply went silent and felt himself turn completely red.

Tightened his grip without thinking, he pulled in her as close as possible. Muichiro wanted to stay in this close position, he felt so comfortable. A breeze crept into their thin bedsheets and y/n felt him tense against the cold... She stretched her arm out and grabbed as many blankets as she could.

Y/n brought the blanket up over his head, and made him a tight, warm cocoon. Shuffling upwards slightly, she blocked the draughts with her back, protecting him entirely from the cold.

"Mhmm... gud.. mornun.." It felt so strange to talk after her throat injury, her words came out slurred. He closed his eyes and smiled, feeling the gentle warmth of the blanket combined with Y/n's warm body against his.

The warmth felt nice, he felt almost as if he'd been here with her before. Even though he couldn't place why he felt so nostalgic, kept on smiling, his mind a sleepy haze.

His ears pricked up slightly as he heard her talking, but it was like the voice was coming from a distance, he could barely make out what she was saying.

Instead of replying he just looked up at her, still happy and a slight bit drowsy at the same time.

He reached out and took her hand, interlacing their fingers once again. She kissed his bandaged fingers and smiled. He looked so peaceful and content...

I could stare at him all day.

Suddenly, she heard a knock at the door. The innkeeper stuck her head in their room, the medicine girl standing behind her. She raised her eyebrow in disapproval at their closeness; the doctor just giggled.

Surprisingly, Y/n didn't feel all that embarrassed. Their thoughts... their judgements... they didn't matter. The only one that mattered to her was the boy she was holding.


A/N: I didn't really know what to do for this chapter so I did fluff, things will get interesting again next chapter don't worry! <3

1116 words

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