♡ | 43 - Sounds | ♡

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"I was just wondering... If I could kiss you?" He glanced down at Y/n's lips then back up to her eyes, curious as to how she would respond. The mirror hashira's cheeks were dusted pink and her breaths felt slightly warm against Muichiro's skin, especially in the coldness of the balcony air. Both demon slayer's hearts were thumping rapidly beneath their chests; they were only inches away now that Muichiro had her pushed up against the railings.

It took a moment for Y/n to realise what he had asked, since she was so distracted by her own rushing blood. She blinked and peeked out to the area behind Muichiro... It was empty, they were completely alone.

"Mhm, yeah. You can definitely kiss me."

Both of them were smiling as they leaned together, their teeth connecting before their lips. One of Muichiro's hands supported the small of her back and he other held her cheek, his thumb rubbing small circles against her warm skin. Pulling back, he sighed as their lips parted.

"You look really beautiful tonight, Y/n." He murmured breathily, a cloud of white mist gathering around his lips as he spoke. Y/n could only blush in reply, all words out of reach as she fumbled for a reply.

There really aren't enough words to describe how much I love you.


Eventually, the pair made their way back into the mansion. The music was slowly dying down as the clocked ticked closer and closer to 10pm, when Kagaya and Amane were set to arrive. Then, the hashira who made contact with the slain uppermoons were each to give a short speech, both to celebrate and honour the dead.

"Hey Mui, I'm gonna go get a drink." Y/n smiled nervously, trying to hide the butterflies in her stomach. Public speaking wasn't something she was familar with, and presenting something this important infront of the entire corps felt like a much bigger deal now that she was standing amongst them all. Muichiro nodded and made his way over to Genya and Tanjiro... Leaving Y/n alone in the crowd.

Mumbles and murmurs filled the hall, generating a social buzz in place of the previous loud music. Y/n stood on her tiptoes to look above the sea of heads; the atmosphere had definitely shifted now, everyone seemed much more relaxed after a few drinks and some celebration. Smiling to herself, she veered in the direction of the fruit punch stand.


"Mhm, this is so good! Thanks Mrs Uzui!" The feeling of refreshing punch hitting her throat made Y/n sigh in satsifaction, making the girl behind the counter giggle. She was one of Uzui's wives, a young woman with long black hair and beauty mark beneath her left eye. The mirror hashira recognised her as Hinatsuru... Tanjiro told her that she fought bravely against upper moon 6, despite not being a demon slayer. Heart welling with respect, Y/n bowed deeply to her in thanks as she continued to drink.

"My my, I think this is the first time I've ever seen a hashira bow to a Kunoichi!" Her laugh was pretty and musical, it seemed to match her face perfectly as she leaned over the counter to give Y/n a soft pat on the head. Quickly coming out of her bow with red cheeks, Y/n smiled shyly at the female Ninja.

"Aha, sorry for being so formal. I'm Y/n, the mirror hashira."

As Y/n introduced herself, something in the warm purple eyes of the woman seemed to shift with realisation. Excitement gradually crept up her face, and she leaned in to ask a hushed question:

"Wait- The Y/n who killed upper moon 4?"

If the hashira's face could possibly become more red, it did.

"W-well, not exactly, I mean Muichiro was there-"

"Oh my god, that's so cool Y/n! A girl of your age not only becoming a hashira, but taking on an upper rank demon?!" Her merry laugh rang out once more, and she pulled back to pour a few more drinks while she spoke. "I'm Hinatsuru by the way, but Hina is fine. Forgive me for my old-fashioned mindset, I just find it really impressive that a girl like you managed to rise up the ranks in a world like this. No offense, of course!"

Y/n laughed back at Hinatsuru and smiled, shaking her head. "Oh, none taken, I know exactly what you mean! It's a bit annoying get looked down upon sometimes, but all I have to do is prove those people wrong and then nobody can judge me. I've never found it that hard, to be honest."

Hinatsuru's eyes shined and she stared for a moment longer, seemingly in disbelief. "You must pack quite a punch to become a hashira, especially at your age... Congratulations, Y/n. Not just for the defeat of Upper moon 4, but for everything you've achieved as young woman. I envy your spunk and dedication!"

A moment passed, and something heavy settled in Y/n's chest. Snippets of old memories flashed through her mind, and suddenly Hinatsuru's voice sounded just like her mother's.


Y/n... Make sure to become like the people you look up to...


You're a kind girl, never let anyone else's cruelty take that away from you...


If you choose, you can use your strength and empathy to help others...


No matter which path you choose to follow in this life, your mother will always be proud of you.


"Y/n? I'm sorry, have I said something wrong?" Hinatsuru came over from behind the counter and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. Her expression was unfocused, much different from the passionate gaze she was sporting a moment ago. A little concerned, the ex-Kunoichi shook her shoulder gently.

"H-huh?" Y/n blinked, accidentally forcing out a tear she didn't know had been building. Wiping it on the back of her hand, Hinatsuru smiled down at her.

"Y/n... Are you okay?"


A/N: I didn't plan to end this chapter with angst but here we are! I already took my sleep meds so if there are any grammatical errors don't judge me, I'm legit half asleep 😭 Sorry this chapter is late btw yall

1053 words

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