♡ | 39 - Perseverance | ♡

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"I swear, I'll stay with you as long as I live. If my body heals properly, we'll have plenty of time. Who knows? We might even end up seeing the defeat of Muzan like you've always wanted."

Y/n felt her insides freeze up at his tone.



"Why are you talking as if you're gonna die or something? I assessed you in the field, your wounds weren't fatal?"

Muichiro didn't meet her eyes as she furrowed her brow at him. Frustration boiled inside her, and the injured girl shuffled upright in her bed.

"Mui, what aren't you telling me? Are you not healing? Is it because of that mark?"

Muichiro gritted his teeth, unable to face the girl next to him. She had seen him unlock his mark, she had fought beside him and given him the courage to unlock it... Could he really dump this on her after all that?

No... Not telling her will only make things worse between us.

"Y/n... Last night, Shinobu took me for some scans. The results were um... Well, my body isn't healing like it should be. The slayer mark seems to have caused my immune system to go haywire, and Shinobu said that um... She said she doesn't think she can help."

The mirror hashira's tone was thick with guilt; he really didn't want to have to tell Y/n this so soon, but he knew that there was no other choice.

"I'm so sorry Y/n, but I might be dying."


"I- What?"

Y/n couldn't feel anything.

He must be joking, right? That mark is supposed to make you invincible, not kill you?! There's no way he's being serious...

"Muichiro, this isn't funny..." The mirror hashira mumbled, staring wide-eyed at her companion. Now that she looked at him without rose-tinted glasses, he did look sick. His skin was grey and taught, the rise and fall of his chest was uneven, his lips were almost blue in colour...

"Y/n, I'm not joking. Just please listen-"

"No! No I won't!"

Reaching over to grasp at Muichiro's shoulder, Y/n shook him with a desperate look on her face. "Snap out of it! You can't die yet, so quit acting like an old man on his death bed!"

Muichiro's face remained blank. He was yet to make eye-contact with her, even as she shook him his gaze stayed trained on the floor. Tears built in the corners of Y/n's eyes at the defeated look on his face.

"You really... You really believe it, don't you? That you're dying?"

A small nod was the only answer she got. Releasing his shoulder and flopping back onto her side, realisation forced her to become level headed once more.

"You can't just give up. Haven't you heard Gyomei talking about all that subconscious mind baloney? If you're not fighting to survive, you're basically already dead! Quit messing around, damnit!"

Finally, the dejected mist hashira spoke.

"I- I wish it was that easy, but I can feel my condition getting worse and worse." He mumbled, a frown on his face as he fiddled with his hospital bedsheets.

Sympathy fought through the anger in Y/n's eyes as she took his hand in her's.

"I swear Mui.. you're not going to die. You have to believe that."

Muichiro's sparkling turquoise eyes were anything but blank now, and he couldn't hide his fear any longer. "But Y/n, what if I can't do it? I'm not as strong as I act you know. Off the battlefield, I'm just some kid who can barely even remember his own past. How am I supposed to fight a fatal injury like this when I can't even fight my own amnesia?"

Y/n flicked him gently on the forehead.

"Just trust yourself. That's all you have to do. If it helps, you can trust Shinobu and I too."

A choked sigh escaped his throat and he stifled a sniffle. "I know, you're right. I- I should trust you."

He looked at her, a small smile on his face as he blinked away his anxious tears.

"I trust you." He muttered. "You know everything about me, you wouldn't lead me in the wrong direction. But I just... Can't help but feel doubtful."

"Muichiro, you're a hashira of the demon slayer corps who just slayed an upper moon demon. More than that, you're the person I care about most in the world. So many people would be furious if they saw how easily you were giving up right now... Who are you, Zenitsu Agatsuma?" Y/n ended her miniature lecture with a joke, lightening the mood.

Warm light filled her eyes as she looked at him. "You can do this."

I believe with my whole heart that you can overcome this, Mui. I believe in you completely.

Muichiro sighed deeply and let out a strained chuckle. "What on earth did I ever do to deserve someone like you Y/n... You're much kinder than I am."

Before she could protest, Muichiro placed a finger to Y/n's lips and looked her in the eyes.

"Shhh, you got your chance to rant, now I have something to say. If you'll let me, that is."

With his finger still resting against her lips, Y/n nodded obediently and waited for him to finish his speech. It was clear to her from the focused look in his ocean eyes that he had something big on his mind.

"Y/n... I don't know if you'll understand, but-" He cut off his own sentence with another sigh; Muichiro barely even knew where to start.

God, I hope this isn't too foolish of me to say.

"I've felt like this for a long time- a really long time, and I love you so so much. So um... I think I might be your soul mate, Y/n. I think we were meant to be together. I love you so much, not just as my girlfriend, but as a part of myself. I'm sorry if that's a strange thing to say, I just have this gut feeling that-"

Muichiro stopped speaking once he saw the wobbly grin on Y/n's lips, and he let out a sigh of relief.

A/N: My screen is covered in eyelash glue plz send help

Chapter 40 will be published on: 14/11/23

1067 words

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