♡ 44 - Procrastination ♡

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As she was faced with Hinatsuru's concerned expression, the memories that had suddenly sprung into her mind morphed into a sort of warm nostalgia. Wiping the single falling tear from her cheek, Y/n met the Kunoichi's gaze.

"Y-yes, I'm great! This punch is just so good that it's reduced me to tears!" Grinning childishly at her own joke, the mirror hashira watched Hina's eyes shine a little with relief as they both began to laugh once more.

"Well, I appreciate the compliments, my dear- Oh goodness, what is going on over there?"

Hinatsuru shook her head in the direction of the crowd, and shot Y/n an apologetic look before rushing out from behind the drinks bar. Amongst the demon slayers, a seemingly drunk Uzui had managed to climb up on a table. Two women, who Y/n presumed to be his other two wives, were surrounding him with aggravated expressions on their faces. Smiling to herself, Y/n began to look around for Muichiro.

Where has he run off to?


"Genya, what the hell do I do?" Muichiro bit his lip and bounced a little on the spot, making the younger Shinazugawa brother roll his eyes. "I completely forgot about that dumb speech, I didn't think it was a big deal until I saw how many people are here! Shit, I'm gonna blow it-"

"Quit babbling, pipsqueak! It'll be fine, just wing it!" Genya downed another cup of something in one swift motion, throwing the cup over his shoulder with a sloppy grin. "It ain't a big deal, nobody cares about some dumbass speech."

Muichiro delievered a swift kick to Genya's calf and narrowed his eyes. Sighing, he pinched his nose and turned away.

"Fine, if you're not going to help me, I'll go find someone else-"

"No, wait up! That's not what I meant dumbass!" Genya scowled and grabbed Muichiro's sleeve, pulling him back into the little corner he had settled down in. "I'll help you write your speech, but I have to warn you, I'm not exactly famous for my literary skills."

An almost relieved look washed across Muichiro's face. "Thanks a bunch Genya, there's no way I'd be able to get this done in 15 minutes by myself."

"No proble- Wait a sec, did you say 15 minutes?!" Genya rolled his eyes. "You're such a procrastinator, I worry about you sometimes yknow." Raising an eyebrow and snatching away the notebook that Muichiro had been clinging to his chest, Genya began to furiously scribble words on to the paper. Smiling to himself, the mist hashira gave himself a mental pat on the back.

Good, now that I've got that burden off my back I can go and look for Y/n-

Oh yeah, where did she go again?


As the time for the main event of the gathering drew nearer, the crowd only grew thicker. Shouldering through the other demon slayers, Y/n and Muichiro found it harder and harder to move freely as time went on.

In all honestly, the main problem was that both hashira were too short to see over the crowd. Well aware of this fact, Y/n huffed and stood on her tiptoes. As she desperately scoured the crowd for a flash of turquoise or a hint of misty precense, her senses zoomed in on a familiar looking head a few paces away.

Finally, I was beginning to think he'd ditched me to get out of the speech!

"Hey, Mui-" Reaching for the shoulder infront of her, Y/n's eyes narrowed apologetically as she realised she had grabbed arm of the wrong boy. He didn't seem much older than her, and was clearly of a low rank... Not thinking much of the incident, the mirror hashira turned around to resume her search; only to feel a harsh grip against her wrist.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?!"

A/N: Oh. My. GOD! This chapter is almost a whole month late, I'm so sorry! It's short asf but I feel like its best to just publish what I've done so far, since that ought to help cure my writers block. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate, Happy Hanukkah and Yuletide aswell! This book being resurrected is your gift lol, I posted a Christmas headcannons chapter at the start of the winter so you cam consider that a holiday special! The next chapter will be out as soon as I finish it, however I won't set a date until I'm sure my writers block is gone. I want to create quality chapters that I can be proud of, and sometimes that takes a little longer for me. However, I still love writing and reading all your comments, so I'll try my best to continue despite the setbacks! I love you all, and thank you for the support! <3

810 words

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