♡ | 9 - Scars | ♡

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Tw: healed scars


"You want to call me Muichiro, don't you? Sure, you can do that if you wish. It's no big deal."

Muichiro couldn't help but feel rather flattered. Something like being on a first name basis really meant that they were friends; it made him feel secure.

He continued to braid her hair softly, keeping his hands gentle and careful. Wandering turquoise eyes scanned her face, taking in every detail.

She's just so adorable! I swear, I can just watch over her all day..

"Y/n..." He said softly, bringing his hand down to her chin.

"Yes, M-Muichiro?" She stuttered slightly. It felt strange to use his first name... But it was a good type of strangeness.

"I- uh- Nothing.." He blushed softly, continuing to braid her hair. Then.. he felt something change within him.

What is this feeling?

I want to touch her, I want to kiss her. But wait.. that's silly, I barely know her. I shouldn't be thinking such things already, this is insane. Or maybe it's not? Maybe I just see her as a good friend, and it's normal to get attached like this.

But at the same time, she's so sweet and cute..

"Uh.. forget it, I-it wasn't anything." He stammered, battling with his own thoughts. Y/n raised her eyebrow curiously. He seemed so nervous... Usually he spoke his mind without a second thought, and didn't hesitate for the sake of anyone's feelings. This kind of shyness was out of character for him.

"You okay, Muichiro?" She reached her hand out to touch his cheek. It grew hot against her touch, and he blushed deeply. Muichiro looked at her, his eyes widening a bit.

He wanted to say something, but he couldn't.. His words suddenly felt stuck in his throat, and he could only stare back at her.

Shakily, he reached out slowly and took her hand in his. Her touch made his face warm up.

He smiled softly, and looked straight into her eyes.

I feel so happy right now.. What is going on?

"Y-you are really pretty, Y/n." He said softly. Did I really just say that out loud?

"Not as pretty as you... Mui~" she giggled at the use of the nickname.

He's being so bashful.. it's making me feel all warm and fuzzy. I'm so stupid for letting myself feel like this, but I just can't help it!

"Cmere, the poison is almost gone. We'll have to get up soon so we might aswell sleep for a while longer."

Gently, she placed his arm on her waist and pulled him closer to her. His breaths were shaky against her skin, his hands tangled in her hair. She stroked his head affectionately.

I feel so... giddy. I've never been this way over anyone before... I hope I don't mess this up with my inexperience.

Muichiro's head was spinning. We're.. going to sleep together? And how dare she call me a nickname.. This girl is making me melt!

"Y/n.." His voice was soft, and quiet.

His voice almost sounded.. dreamy? He was blushing quite a bit, but he tried his best to hide it.

"...I think we both know that you are prettier than me. Even when you're full of poison, I can't help but be enchanted by you."

He was still holding her hand, and his fingers were gently squeezing it.

"Okay then..." she mumbled sleepily. "I'll be the pretty one, and you can be the handsome one. Deal?" She smiled into his hair. The blush on his face was warm against her shoulder... For some reason, his bashfulness made her feel happy.

Muichiro laughed softly. "Fine, I'll accept that." His face was still red.

His gaze moved over her form, and noticed a few marks on her skin.

"You have quite a few scars, I'm sorry." Then, he moved his arm to make sure it was no longer touching against a scar.

"Can you tell me what happened to you?" He then asked gently, his fingers tracing along the scars on her skin.

"I'd like to know, if you're fine with it." He said, trying to sound comforting. Her smile dropped slightly, and her shoulders tensed. Could she tell him? Would she tell him?

"Well um..." she began nervously. "The ones on my back are from final selection. I was foolish and my emotions got the best of me, so I ended up bodyblocking a demon to help another girl... In the end, she didn't even make it." She paused, thinking deeply. Memories swam in her head.

"The um... the ones on my forearms... and um... some on my legs..." her hands shook slightly. She hadn't had to talk about this in a long time.. She barely knew this boy- could she drop a bombshell like this so soon?

Y/n knew that she had a messy past. A dark, twisted, scary past that often made people turn their noses up or grimace in disgust when then heard about it. The demon slayer corps had been a place for her to escape from it all; the shame, the fear, the judgement. Everyone here had been hurt... If they hadn't, they would be out in the world living normal lives.

Muichiro's eyes were clear and expressive. She could read between the hues of teal and blue, and she could see hurt there. He hadn't had it easy in life... But would he understand this? It's just so... complicated.

I trust him...

Breathing in deep, she chose to speak. Her eyes were half-closed, and her fists clenched as she whispered.

"T-those ones are um... self... inflicted. From a t-time when I was... um..." she was completely still against him now. "From a time when i had a weaker heart."

Muichiro looked at her, his eyes widening a bit.

"S-self inflicted?"

Chapter 10 will be published on 19/08/23

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