♡ | 16 - Amnesia | ♡

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Y/n can hear my heart beat.. she can feel me breathing.. I can't stop my blood flow from going faster, can I? This is nice, I shouldn't be this embarrassed..

"Mui, you look like a tomato..." she teased, idly tracing her hand along his abdomen. He sucked in a sharp breath at her touch, and she recoiled.

"Sorry, are you sensitive there? Who would have thought that you're ticklish, huh Mui?" With a giggle, she began to tickle him up and down, making him fidget and turn even redder.

Using, the water to help herself twist around, she kept on tickling him, laughing loudly. Y/n was still in his lap... but now she was facing him. Both of their faces went beet red at how close together they were. Muichiro's mind was racing.

Oh god.. What do I do now? She's right there... Our faces are so close together.. I can't- oh no.. I can feel her breath on my cheeks..

He took a deep breath.. Calm down, Muichiro. She's facing you so she can get comfortable, that's all..

He looked past her to see Tanjiro and the other boys giggling at them.

Oh... Oh god. His ears got redder.

Realising that they were being watched, Y/n leapt into action.

Instantly jumping from his lap, she splashed a torrent of water into his face. He choked on it in surprise. Y/n began to shout and laugh about something, confusing Muichiro

She's suddenly acting so odd, its just drawing more attention to us! Oh, I'm so embarrassed...

Beneath the water, she held his hand.

"Play along." She mutterered into his ear.

"HAHA, you're such an idiot, I can't believe you even became a hashira at all! Can't even dodge a water splash..." Y/n fake-mocked him as she splashed out of the water and sat on a rock.

Muichiro looked hurt for a moment, but then he understood. His mind started racing as he tried to think of the smartest way to respond to her words.

He took a deep breath, and began the act.

"Oh yeah? If I'm slow, what does that make you? A slug?" He said in his best condescending tone. His voice sounded a bit awkward.

After he spoke, he tried to hide the fact his ears were completely red by splashing her with water.

Hopefully she doesn't notice..

"Pfft, you're such a loser... Um... what was your name again?" She faked ignorance and cocked her head to the side, facing away from the crowd. With a wink, she waited for him to carry on the act.

"What? Do I mean that little to you? I thought we were at least friends enough for you to remember my name.." He exclaimed coldy, holding in a smile. "I guess I was wrong, then."

His ears went even redder than they were before. Y/n forced herself not to giggle, instead huffing and rolling her eyes (extra-dramatically so that the other slayers would notice).

"Dude, chill, we only met for like, 20 minutes, remember? Although, its no wonder you would forget that I don't even know you, since you're a damn amnesiac and all that-"

She paused.

Shit... I shouldn't have said that.

Tanjiro got to his feet at her words, looking angry.

Uh oh... did I take the act too far? I forgot that those two are friends... What do I do if he confronts me?

She made eye contact with Tanjiro. In split second, 1000 words passed between them. They both had the ability to read people's eyes... and luckily Tanjiro was a good person. His eyes widened with realisation, and he sat back down with a nod. Y/n breathed.

He knows it was an act... So he probably figured out that we're together aswell. She continued to swim away. Tanjiro saw it in my eyes... I know he won't tell anyone though. He wouldn't stoop that low, right?

As she was leaving the springs, Muichiro stood completely still. Her words played back and forth in his head..

"No wonder you would forget..."

"Damn amnesiac..."

Muichiro looked to where Y/n previously stood, this time not acting at all. He looked genuinely upset at the words she had spoken.

That was just rude.. Am I overreacting?

He shook his head. No.. I'm not. She... had no right to embarrass me like that.


Y/n swam around the back of the springs, and waited for Muichiro to meet her. He took longer than she expected him too... guilt and worry ate away at her insides. Did she go too far? Did she- Oh god... Did she hurt him with her words? Or worse, make him feel humilated infront of his fellow corps members?

She paced around, waiting for him to exit the springs

God... where is he? Is he okay?

Finally, he emerged from the hot springs, his face neutral, but his eyes cold.

Cold. Like they are around everyone else.

Muichiro reluctantly walked over to where Y/n was. He looked like he wanted to say something, but decided to keep quiet.

Is she going to apologize to me..?

Y/n knew instantly where she had gone wrong, as soon as she saw that familiar look in his eyes.

"Oh god Mui, I didn't know that the amnesia was something you didn't talk about... I mean, I assumed it was common knowledge... I'm so, so incredibly sorry for my ignorance..." she bowed her head deeply, her eyes full of shame.

He hadn't even told her directly about his memory problems; she had just heard it from rumour. Everyone knew about it... He was always known as the amnesia kid or the forgetful hashira... Was he not in on the jokes?

What have I done...

"I-It's okay..." Muichiro said with a forced smile. He knew it wasn't; but he didn't want to argue with her. After all, they shouldn't fall out over something like this.

He stayed quiet for a moment, his face becoming more and more gloomy. I can't help but feel hurt... but at the same time, I don't want to make her feel bad...

He shook his head and smiled again. "Let's forget about it."

Y/n wasn't convinced.

"If I've hurt you..." she murmured. "I want to take full responsibility so that it never happens again. You have to understand that I would never purposely hurt you, Mui. Never..." she clenched her jaw.

Don't get emotional, Y/n. This is your fault, you have to fix it.

She slid her hand into his and rubbed her thumb over his knuckles. He blushed when she took his hand and some of the coldness left his eyes.

He smiled slightly, and squeezed her hand gently.

He looked at her. "Really, I'm fine. The comment just took me by surprise..."

Y/n looked away shamefully and bit her tongue. Muichiro squeezed her hand, still having words left to say.

"But that's not all... I do want you to know something."

He took a deep breath. "When I forget my memories.. I don't want to forget you. You're the only thing I want to remember. So please- never, ever let me forget who you are. No matter what."


Chapter 17 will be published on 27/08/23

1219 words

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