♡ | 25 - Lips | ♡

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A/N: Just to warn you, this chapter is gonna have some light smoochy stuff... I'M NOT GIVING ANY SPOILERS THO


Muichiro was so peaceful when he was asleep.

His face looked young and innocent, like a child sleeping within the safety of his own home. Muichiro slept with the face of a boy who had never known misfortune; a misleading appearance, to say the least.

To Y/n's disappointment, the knock at the door pulled him out of his sleepy trance, and his eyes fluttered open groggily.


"Yes, tank oo..." She bowed politely to the innkeeper and doctor before ushering them back out the door. With a sigh, she turned back to Muichiro with a guilty look on her face; Y/n felt bad for waking him up. He raised an eyebrow as she tried (and failed) to speak.

"Good... mornun... Oo.. kay?" Y/n tried to force words out, but she just sounded ridiculous. She laughed as Mui wiped tired tears from his eyes...

Not being able to talk is so annoying! Y/n thought to herself.

Muichiro started to laugh too, but his voice was still half asleep and drowsy sounding. Plus, it was deeper than usual. Y/n felt her stomach turn at how different he sounded... it was nice.

"Y-you sound funny.." Muichiro said to her between giggles. "How do you feel?" His amused expression was laced with concern. It was important to him that she'd recovered properly, neither of them wanted her voice to be messed up forever. Thoughtfully, Y/n cocked her head to the side.

"Not... bad!" She smiled, happy to have produced some audible words. Her smile quickly turned into a frown as she brought Muichiro's hands closer to inspect them.

"The blisters... aren't pretty, but they look like they should go down soon... Can you feel your fingers?" She traced her pointer finger all over Muichiro's hands, making sure he still had feeling everywhere.

"Y-yeah, I can f-feel them.. just not very well.." He murmured in a half sedated voice.

He could feel her fingers slowly running over his own, his hooded eyes following them as she moved.

My hands look swollen, but not too bad at least. The way she's holding them makes the pain a bit better...

Y/n nodded. "Well, that's better that nothing!" She whispered, careful not to damage her voice. "May I, look beneath your bandages and check the wounds?"

"Mm-hmm.." He mumbled, still half asleep and not even attempting to move his hand away. "Yeah, go ahead.."

Muichiro watched her brow furrow in concentration, her nose wrinkling slightly and her eyes narrowing. She was so cute, he couldn't look away.

Y/n couldn't help but giggle at his sleepiness... He was so wholesome when he was tired.

Cautiously, she peeled away small areas of the bandages, one by one. She nimbly worked her way around his wounds, making sure to check and clean every inch of his hands, plus up his arms.

I won't let this damage his hands... Y/n gritted her teeth. His hands have saved the lives of thousands of people, the least I can do is keep them attatched to him!

"You're not looking too bad, Mui." She stroked his head to comfort him. All he did was simply blink at her. She was so adorable, and him being drowsy only made her look better.

In his tired state, he didn't notice how close she was.. But the fact that she was stroking his head made him smile all the more.

"You're not looking too bad Muichiro..." Her soft voice echoed in his head, and his face grew slightly red... Although, he was too tired to react much.

A moment passed between them, and Y/n breathed in sharply. He had been staring at her lips, and she had been staring at his...

Are we thinking the same thing?

A few more seconds passed as they stared into eachother.

Y/n bit her lip and mustered up all her courage. The air around them seemed to crackle and pop as she held his tired head in her hands and cupped his cheeks.

She started to lean down, her hands growing shaky. He's my boyfriend, right? I hope he remembers... Otherwise he might freak out if I ask this.

"Mui, may I kiss you?" She chewed her lip and watched his sleepy eyes grow wide.

Muichiro's body seemed to react on its own, and his lips parted slightly. He was too tired to respond verbally, but he really wanted to say "yes" to her question...

Blushing deeply, Muichiro nodded his head slightly, hoping that she'd take it as a yes.

He looked up at her with a slight smile on his face. Hmm... that would be nice. I'd like that.

His heart was racing, and he seemed a bit flushed too. Noticing Muichiro's nod, she lowered her head and grazed her lips against his. For a moment, her courage failed and she simply held her head there, stuck in limbo... Luckily for her, Muichiro reached for the back of her head and gently pushed her lips onto his.

Y/n's eyes softened, her stomach fluttering as they kissed. Muichiro's head was in her lap so she could feel the tension in his shoulders evaporate as their lips collided.

He kissed me first! So he really does love me, huh...

Y/n surprised herself with how badly she wanted this. Kissing him... made it feel like alll the wrongs in the world were right. Kissing him gave her relief.

She tangled her hands in his dark hair and kissed him harder, finding herself becoming addicted to the feeling he was giving her. In response he tilted his chin upwards, letting her deepen the kiss until they both had to gasp for air.

Muichiro felt his heart melting. He was slowly leaning his face back towards her, hoping to feel her lips again.

In a split second, Y/n had jumped back down onto the futon next to him and was kissing him again. More than that, Muichiro was kissing her back... And neither one of them was stopping.

They'd never done anything like this before, their other kisses had been short and sweet. But neither of them wanted short and sweet anymore. Y/n wanted to kiss him forever, and hold him forever, and love him forever... Muichiro wanted just as much, and he wasn't too tired to realise just how happy this moment was making him.

"Mmm.." Y/n hummed into his mouth as he slid his hand behind her neck, holding her with an impossibly gentle touch.

Is he... enjoying this as much as I am?


A/N: I absolutely despise editing kissing scenes but OH WELL... Dw there's not gonna be anything unholy in the next chapter u don't have to be scared 😭 I'm not that kind of author <3

The next chapter will be published: 11/09/23 (or whenever tf I edit it)

1173 words

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