♡ | 5 - Moonlight | ♡

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Muichiro and Y/n stepped outside, standing closer together than they were when they walked in. The moon was high in the sky now, and a gentle glow illuminated their faces as they walked... A pearly light glowed in Muichiro's eyes, making Y/n's insides melt.

He looks so cool... She thought to herself. A pink hue crept up her cheeks. Even though she was a hashira of equal rank, Y/n couldn't help but marvel at him. Even whilst they were simply walking, every inch of him oozed power and strength.

Muichiro looked up at the sky, and then at the girl next to him. She looks nice under the moonlight like this. I feel... what's the word? Oh yeah. Mesmerised.

A thought crossed his mind.

Ah right, I need to compliment her. I should make her feel as pretty as she looks...

He looked back up at her, his eyes honest and clear.

"Your face looks really pretty tonight, it looks.. like a painting. Or a doll." He said, his tone light and airy.

Y/n was taken aback by his boldness. He really did seem to speak his mind... She found it quite charming. She couldn't help but giggle.

"You like... my face?" She looked at him with wide eyes.

He panicked internally. Why did I just say that? She's going to get the wrong idea and think I'm being weird!

"Eheh.. oh, um, I.. I mean-" He started, and took a step back.

"S-Sorry, I just.. I-I shouldn't have said that." He replied. Damn it Muichiro, you always mess things up! You should just leave now before you make this worse.

He looked away, embarrased.

"No, no, don't go! I like your face too!" She instinctively grabbed his hand before he walked away. He looked back at her, surprised. She was taken aback at her own actions.

Does she... want to hold my hand?

"Sorry, I... didn't mean to grab you like that." She slackened her grip on his wrist, but didn't quite let go. Muichiro flinched slightly upon feeling her touch, and turned to face her.

Muichiro smiled at her. A pure, genuine smile.

Holding hands? Wow.. She really has a high opinion of me.

His eyes widened a bit as he looked at her hand, gentle surety filled his mind. He grabbed it, and smiled a bit more.

"Don't worry." He replied. "You don't have to apologize."

Her heart was singing as he took her hand. Giddiness overode her senses and made her feel like she was floating. Why do I feel like this... I barely know him!

His hand was surprisingly smooth; he had risen to the hashira level so quickly that his hands were not calloused by training. She looked up at the moon... It was full and bright. Much like his wide, turquoise eyes.

She smiled and looked at him.

"Should we go to work, Tokito?" She laughed and pointed towards the dark, ominous forest. Soft laughter trilled from his chest, a rare sound that made Y/n's ears go pink.

"Yeah, we should definitely go and hunt demons." He replied. He turned to Y/n, and nodded.

Together they walked forward, hand in hand. They both felt unusually safe for two teenagers walking towards a demon-infested forest.

Leaves crunched beneath their feet as they tread slowly along the path before them. As the pair neared the trees, a canopy of darkness overcame them; one so thick that even the bright moonlight couldn't filter through.

The thick, putrid stench of a demon's hunting ground hit Y/n in the back of the throat, bringing a dark grimace to her usually bright face.

God, I hate demons.. Everytime I go into battle, I can't help but feel full of rage. She clenched her teeth and squeezed Muichiro's hand as the aura of death and demons grew stronger. Y/n felt the air shift, and controlled her pulse with her breathing. She listened intently, trying to spot the threat.

There's a demon here... a strong one. But where? Is it.. in the ground?

Releasing Muichiro's hand, she crouched to the floor and placed her palms in the dirt. Whispers of bloodshed carried on the wind into her ears, and her hands trembled against the ground as she felt the vibrations of a demon's presence.

"Muichiro, do you feel that?" She whispered. He looked down at her, confused.

"Y/n, there are demon's in every direction here. Their scents and aura's conglomerate into one, that's what makes this forest so deadly. Come, resume your battle stance." He offered her his hand to help her to her feet.

Y/n did as he said, trying to shake away her unease. "You're right, I'm being silly. If a powerful demon was here, we'd sense it clearly for sure."

Together they ventured deeper into the forest. As they walked, Y/n suddenly hissed in pain, making Muichiro turn around in surprise. At his concerned expression, she chuckled and shook her head.

"I'm fine, just a thorn." With a brisk shake of her leg, the thorn detached and her pain was gone. They continued onwards, forgetting entirely about why they stopped.

Y/n didn't even notice when her leg began to go numb.


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