♡ | 29 - Split | ♡

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Y/n could hear Muichiro calling for her. Breathing deeply, she leant up against a nearby tree and clutched her chest... The wounds from the snowstorm were playing up again as she hyperventilated.

What does this mean... will she tell Shinobu? I mean.. she's Kanao! Of course she's going to report something like this!

Y/n dug her nails into her arms and chewed her lip. More than anything, she was afraid of losing her seat as a hashira. The thought of losing Muichiro aswell only made her shake more.

Muichiro sprinted over to her once he found her hiding spot. Kneeling down beside her, he softened his voice until it was barely audible.

"Y/n... it's me, It's okay.."

He looked concerned, and gently reached over to take hold of her hand. Flinching slightly as he touched her, Y/n took back control over her breathing.

"She knows." Her voice was panicked, and her eyes were almost wild with anxiety. "Kanao knows! Oh god, what if she reports us? What if- what if-"

"Y/n.." The mist hashira murmured, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Calm down, okay.. relax.."

He wanted to reassure her, but he didn't know how. After all, how could they even hope to stay together if any of the other hashira found out? Despite his own thought, Muichiro didn't like seeing her so worried and just wanted to make her feel better.

He forced a smile, a small and warm expression.

He didn't know exactly what was going to happen, but he would be there for her, he would make sure of it. After all, they weren't going to let anyone keep them apart without a fight.

(3 days later)


She gulped. Y/n knew that Kanao would eventually tell someone, especially if that coin of hers told her to... But she was still disappointed when she received the message. Immediately, she ran up to the hill of flowers to meet Tokito.

What will we say to Shinobu... How on earth can we get out of this?

Muichiro stood waiting for her, on the other side of the hill. A frown was plastered on his face, his brow furrowed in slight concern about what was going to happen next.

"Y/n, we should talk..." He mumbled. She sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, we should. I assume your crow told you about the meeting with Shinobu? Kanao must have told her about..." her eyes were drawn to his collarbone; she knew there was a hickey under his uniform.

"... about us."

His eyes followed hers, as his face turned a bright red. They really had been foolish to leave marks on eachother, now everyone was bound to assume things about them that weren't true. Even though he was airheaded, Muichiro knew exactly how bad this looked for the both of them.

"W-Well.. yes.."

He sighed, not really knowing what else to say. He felt so nervous, his stoic disposition faltering slightly. Y/n sighed and began to pace acround him, the grass beneath her feet crackling gently as she stomped it flat.

"We have to figure out some sort of excuse! I could... punch you super hard and hope the bruise covers the mark? Or um... you could... um..." She racked her brains for ideas.

I can't let this split us up... he's too important to me..

Muichiro was also racking his brain for ideas, yet he had nothing. Nothing except for a stupid idea that made him even more anxious at the thought.

Although... What other options do we even have?

"Uhm.. I think I know what to do.." He said, finally sounding a bit more confident.

"I'll explain everything, to Shinobu..."

Her eyes widened.

"Y-you mean... you think we should come clean? But what if she reports us?"

Anxiety crept up Y/n's back. She trusted Muichiro completely, but she couldn't help but feel as if this was all going to blow up in their faces.

"How much would we tell her? I mean.. are we gonna have to explain about..." She motioned towards the area where his mark was.

"Y-Y/n, listen.. We love each other, I'm sure she would let it pass.. and if she doesn't, I'll fight for you, I'll do anything to keep you safe. I don't want us to be separated over something like this."

He spoke with a smile again, his own words comforting him.

"Let's go, I'll explain everything to Shinobu and I'm sure it'll be fine."

The surety in his eyes was so comforting... He was really convinced that it would all be okay. Her heart warmed

"We love eachother..."

That's right. We do love eachother. No matter how hard anyone fights to keep us apart, I refuse to let them. We will find a way... we will always find a way.

She nodded and took his hand. Together, they walked towards the butterfly mansion, trying not to let the reality of what they were about to do sink in.


As they walked, the mist hashira couldn't help but look at Y/n.

Muichiro was trying to remain calm, but was struggling to. He was so worried about what would happen, but he knew that he couldn't turn back now.

Y/n knocked on the door of the mansion and was greeted by... Kanao. Shinobu's tsuguko's face paled when she saw them, even more so when she saw their interlocked fingers.

"Y/n... I- I'm so sorry!" She bowed her head and quietly apologised. At first, Y/n was angry... but Kanao seemed genuinely sorry. She knew about her whole coin thing, so Y/n couldn't force herself to be mad for long.

"It's okay Kanao. Everything will be okay."

The mirror hashira was speaking as much to herself as she was to Kanao. Nervously, she repeated those words over and over in her head.

Everything will be okay, everything will be okay, everything will be okay, everything will be okay...

Muichiro held her hand still, and smiled, even if his face was completely red.

He was trying to calm himself down as they entered the mansion. He wanted to reassure Y/n, so he gently squeezed her hand. Everything was going to work out, and he wanted to make sure that she knew.

"It's okay, Y/n.. Everything will be fine." He spoke softly, still holding her hand. She gulped and nodded, looking at him for mental strength. His eyes were so pure and reassuring... As long as she was still allowed to look into them, everything would be okay.

Kanao led them to a room, and when she opened the door, Shinobu was inside. The insect hashira sat on a cushion in the middle of the floor, with two others infront of her. Her expression was unreadable.

"Thank you Kanao. Have a seat, you two." She motioned for them to sit. Y/n squeezed Muichiro's hand one last time before they walked in.



Chapter 30 will be released on 21/09/23

1211 words

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