♡ | 3 - Training | ♡

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Muichiro's heart sped up a bit as he looked at Y/n. He also heard Shinobu's voice, but didn't show any signs of worry. His eyes moved over to her and he wondered why she was giggling.

"Hello, Kocho." He replied, his tone not changing. He was a bit confused as he looked towards Y/n again, she was marching off in quite a hurry. "Yes, uh, we should be going. Let's go, we have to train."

Muichiro spoke, starting to walk faster to match her pace. He looked at Y/n with a small smile.


"Wow...." Y/n gasped quietly. The training area was huge, even more so than she could have imagined. Cherry blossom trees lined the clearing like soldiers lined up for a drill, and the large pitch was scattered with their pink petals. Beneath those petals, the ground was scarred and flattened, beaten flat by the relentless training yet engraved with a few obvious slash marks that were yet to be trampled over. As she made her way over to the opposite side of the pitch, Muichiro took a deep breath, the wind blowing towards his face. Blinking slowly in concentration, he watched her walk leisurely away for a few moments before lunging towards her, trying to catch her with her guard down. To his surprise, the mirror hashira had been expecting the blow. Y/n twisted around and blocked him easily, throwing him to the side. The familiar rush of adrenaline kicked in, and she cracked a slight grin at the shocked yet pleased look on Tokito's face.

"You're gonna have to try harder than that to lower my guard-" She dived and swung for his legs, feeling the wind flow around her as she cut through in a streamlined fashion. The mist hashira leapt over her strike and landed behind her, throwing a punch towards her back which she slipped past with a quiet 'huff' of effort.

A small spark was created as their bodies passed through the wind, his clothes slightly brushing against her's. Y/n accidentally breathed in right as he flew past her. That scent... vanilla? It must have been his hair... She shook her head to clear her thoughts and regained her stance.

Sucking in a breath, she engaged total concentration and threw a blow against his stomach. He tensed himself, and the impact shocked up Y/n's arm. Damn... she hadn't been expecting to land a blow at all but hitting him was like punching a wall! Her eyes widened. Oh no, she had accidentally ripped his uniform!

Y/n paused, her eyes were glued to the spot of torn uniform. For such a young guy, Tokito sure was ripped...

"Agh-" she spluttered. While she had been distracted, he had delivered a sharp kick to her abdomen that she failed to block. The kick landed, as Muichiro chuckled a bit, his smirk growing.

"Good strike, Y/n, but you made it a bit easy for me." Muichiro teased. After he spoke, he bent over slightly, his clothes tearing a bit more, revealing his midriff.

"Um, do you need to stop and sort your shirt out?" The girl blushed and averted her eyes from the tear, refusing to be distracted again. Instead, she jumped into his air and aimed a kick at him from above.

"No, It's fine." He replied airily.

Muichiro dodged Y/n's kick, and grabbed her foot. He then tried to throw her off him, by swinging her away as if she was a hammer. "You pack a good punch, these uniforms are meant to hold up against demon claws so ripping it is impressive! You're rather talented, Y/n." Muichiro said, grinning a bit. "Although it might backfire on you; abs make a good distraction during battle."

Her insides were squirming with giddiness. He was so bold, but he didn't even realise how insanely flustered he was making her! 

"A ha... I guess you're right..."

She dodged 3 more blows from him. His technique was lightening quick, his blows perfectly delievered. Suddenly, he did something she had never seen before. His swept himself beneath her and took out both her legs, but then delievered a blow to the chest immediately after. She was flung back to her feet immediately after being knocked off them...

"What an epic move!" Her head spun and she attempted to steady herself. Suddenly she felt a lurch in her stomach and she had to cover her mouth to stop herself from retching. The move had rattled her from head to toe- She was as impressed as she was nauseous.

"Could you... teach me that? Or at least how to block it..." she chuckled, clutching her heaving stomach.

"I could.. show you the move if you wanted." Muichiro spoke, looking a bit concerned. "Are you okay?" He asked, sounding worried. A small bead of sweat dripped down Muichiro's face.

As he spoke, he studied her. She was small, but her muscles were the perfect balance between strong and flexible. The skirt of her uniform exposed her legs, he could see strength rippling beneath her skin. He gulped and averted his eyes, blushing slightly with embarrassment.

"Oh yeah I'm fine... It's gonna take more than that to knock me out of the game! Please, show me how you did it!" Her eyes widened at the thought of learning his move, she ended up inching closer to him and leaning towards him in excitement.

"Okay, I'm glad you think so.." Muichiro spoke, trying to ignore the twisty feeling that appeared in his stomach as she moved closer.

Muichiro thought for a second, and then took Y/n's hand. Breathing in deeply, he showed her how he did the move, making sure to execute it perfectly and in a rather quick fashion. Although the way the wind blew while he did made the move look even better than usual... As he finished, he let go of her hand.

"How was it?" He asked in a slightly nervous tone. Muichiro hadn't known her long, and wanted to impress her with his skills.

Her face was pink. The way he moved... it was like he was hypnotising her. His muscles rippled like steam from a pot, the tension diffusing into his strike as he twisted back to his stance. Her face turned even more red when she realised that she had been staring with her mouth open.

"That was... beautiful, Tokito." She smiled, looking into his glowing turquoise eyes. She hadn't yet seen them this close, they were really beautiful... he had nice eyelashes too. And nice skin. Really nice... She couldn't help but stare.

Muichiro's heart skipped a beat as he saw the way she looked at him. It seemed like she thought he was beautiful, or perhaps even.. handsome?

No way... a girl like her? Thinking that way about... me?

He gulped and looked at his feet.



Chapter 4 will be uploaded on: 15/08/23

A/n: I accidentally uploaded this a day early, sorry about that! I'll move the next chapter a day forward to make up for it.

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