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He tried his best to stay focused, but the longer Y/n looked at him, the harder it got. Feeling guilty for ripping his clothes, she leaned in closer to him, a surge of confidence flowing through her. Y/n placed her hands on the tear in his uniform; her hands lightly grazed his chiselled abdomen.

"I'm awfully sorry for ripping this, please let me sew it up for you. Trust me, it'll be as if it's brand new." She murmured, her hands shaking slightly. They were quite close together... She could feel his breath on her shoulder and his eyes on the side of her face. Her confidence dwindled so she pulled away and fiddled with her thumbs, wondering if her offer had been too friendly.

When Muichiro felt her hands on his abdomen, he blushed a bit. His eyes darted down at her hands, and he tried to focus on what she was saying.

"Oh, no, it's okay. Don't worry.. um.." He spoke, his tone soft, although his mind was racing, he didn't get many compliments like this.

He then nodded, "Yes, please.. could you sew it up for me?" He then blushed even more, his pulse jumping beneath the spots that her skin had met his.

She smiled and stared at him bashfully.

"I have a sewing kit back at the house I'm staying in... Would you... mind coming along so that I can fix it for you?" Muichiro felt his face heat up even more as a soft gasp left his lips.

"Y..Yes, I don't mind at all. I.. um.. I'd love to." Muichiro replied. He took a deep breath.

"We should probably head back though.. I have a feeling that Shinobu is getting suspicious." He muttered. Y/n snapped to her senses.

"Oh gosh, she's probably thinking all kinds of things right now!" She blushed and looked at the floor. "Sorry if this training session manages to start any rumours, Tokito. You know how the butterfly girls are, they love to um... jump to conclusions."

"It's alright." He replied, smiling, although a slight tone of embarrassment was still in his voice. He looked at her. "Are you ready to go?" Muichiro asked, a hint of redness still dusted over his cheeks.

He then looked at his torn uniform a bit, then down at his midriff. As he stared at the hole, his blush grew again.

"I-I mean, we could wait a bit still, in case you want to finish your training." He said, somewhat awkwardly.

"No no, you're absolutely right. We should go so that we get back intime for nightfall." Her tone suddenly became serious. They wouldn't be able to spend too long getting to know one another; they had their jobs to do.

"My place is just behind the Ubayashiki mansion, it probably used to be a shed or something..." She blushed, embarrassed at her humble living conditions. Kagaya had been kind and given her a place to stay until she found a place of her own... But it's easier said than done to get a house when you're a 14 year old girl... even more so when you're employed by an agency not recognised by the government.

"Come on, I'll show you the way."

Does she really have to live in a shed even though she's a hashira? Muichiro thought to himself. It didn't seem fair that someone who put their life on the line for a living would have to stay in a place like that. He then remembered to answer her.

"Okay Y/n... lead the way." Muichiro replied, trying his best to not sound as nervous as he did. He was excited though, very excited.

When they reached the small house, she was nervous to let him inside. Memories pulled at her heartstrings as she thought of the lectures her mother used to give her.

"No boys in the house until you're 16. And make sure to clean before you have guests of any sort, I won't have you looking like a slob!"

Her voice rung in her head as she walked him through the dimly lit hallway. Muichiro followed her, and as they entered the front porch, he saw the shape of the house. It was smaller than he had first imagined.

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