♡ | 21 - Sudden | ♡

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It had now been 3 whole months since Y/n L/n became a hashira. It seemed like such a short time but... So much had managed to happen in those few weeks.

She'd been poisoned, met Muichiro, fought stronger demons... And fallen in love.


Icy leaves crunched beneath her feet as she strolled back towards the corps. Her mission had been short; most of them were. Now that winter was falling, demons were finding it easier to find human prey... clouded skies, longer nights... Winter was prime hunting time for demons.

Gentle breezes tickled her cheeks as she stared up at the bright white sky. It had been days since she'd been deployed to the empty mountain range, and her body was screaming for rest. At her side, her injured arm hung loosely, throbbing in protest against the icy atmosphere. A sigh of exhaustion escaped her lips as she continued to treck down the mountainside.

As she walked, she spyed a village in the distance. Scooting her way down the rocky hill, she approached in eagerly, hoping to be met with food and shelter. To her shock, Y/n didn't just find refuge; she also found her favourite person standing in one of the doorways.

With a broad grin, she ran over and tapped Muichiro on the shoulder with a beaming smile in her eyes.

Muichiro's head whipped around when he sensed a tap at his shoulder, and the boy was startled for a split second. Suddenly, he saw it was Y/n, and a warm smile immediately spread across his previously emotionless face.

"Y/n..?" He looked her up and down, and raised an eyebrow as he saw that she had a bandage on her arm. Tilting his head slightly to the side, he observed her dishevelled state. "What are you doing here..?"

"I just came from the west, my mission was in the town behind the mountains. I assume you're headed back to the corps now, too?" Y/n smiled. She had been alone in the mountains for three days so seeing him of all people felt refreshing. Muichiro nodded in reply, surprised at how merry she seemed despite the situation.

"Yeah, I actually just finished my mission too.. And yes, I'm on my way back." A seemingly thoughtful look appeared in his misty eyes, brightening their dull blue depths. "Shouldn't you be back there already..? You were deployed days ago."

Muichiro looked concerned; he didn't like the thought of her being out here injured for too long. Y/n chuckled awkwardly, not knowing whether to be flattered or offended by his concern.

"The mission took longer than expected... The demon was stronger than I originally anticipated!" She motioned towards her arm. "Still, I dealt with it. The town is safe for now... I trust your mission was easy?"

"Well, you could say that.."

He looked away, trying to hide the fact that he had already forgotten most of the mission's contents. It wasn't important to him, so it slipped his mind easily.

"Did you take care of your demon on your own..?" He asked. He knew that she was strong, but he still couldn't help but worry about her despite her skills.

"Yeah, it was no problem!" She grinned and shivered slightly. The wind had begun to pick up, and torrents of white powder were blowing around in the distance.

"Oh no..." She groaned in annoyance. "Don't tell me there's a snow storm coming?! That could delay us for days!"

Y/n thought for a moment, planning ahead. "We should ask if anyone has a place for us to stay for a while. There's no way we can walk through a snowstorm on these mountains... Do you have money on you?"

Before he could answer, she began digging through her pockets for change. Muichiro laughed at her; she sure was a survivalist.

"You're right, this could be a big problem.."

He sighed and looked around. The snow was indeed thick, and it was beginning to stick to the ground and nearby trees.

"Hmm... I have some money, but not a lot.." He scratched his head and looked at the snow again, studying it.

"You're right, this is gonna make us so late..." Muichiro muttered while he began searching his pockets.

He couldn't help but smile a bit at her as he watched her rummaging. Seeing her again after almost a week apart felt like a gulp of fresh air after being held underwater. Part of him was relieved by her precense.

Together they scanned a few roads, looking for lodgings.

"Hey, I'll be right back, I'm gonna check this sliproad!" Muichiro had to raise his voice slightly to he heard over the gathering winds, but Y/n nodded. Marching against the air current, she continued on, hoping that herself or Muichiro would find something worthwhile.

After a few minutes of searching, Y/n smiled with relief when she saw an inn in the distance... Although she could barely make out the words on the sign through the snowy winds. Fighting the weather with long strides, she powered over to the door and knocked sharply.

A small woman stuck her head out of the door and beckoned her inside. Y/n glanced around behind to look for Muichiro... but she couldn't see him. He must not have made it back from that road  yet...

"Excuse me maam, do you have two rooms available?" Y/n politely held out her handfull of change. The woman cocked her head to the side and tutted.

"Sweetheart, this isn't half enough for one room! But oh, the storm... I can't let you stay out there. I suppose you will have to come in." She seemed slightly annoyed, but led Y/n inside anyway.

When she was shown the room, Y/n rushed straight to the window. The white haze was growing thicker... Would Muichiro be able to find his way back at all? Panic was slowly creeping up her spine as she watched attentively, studying the snow for any sign of life beneath its white blanket.

Whilst Y/n pondered, Muichiro was wading through knee deep snow. It was falling heavily at this point, and he couldn't see his own two hands infront of him. The mist hashira was trying to find his way back, a civilian had told him about an inn back on Y/n's side of the village... To his dismay, when the storm grew worse, he noticed that he was lost.

Huh? Where's the inn..!? It should be right here...

There was no sign of it. He looked to his left and right but couldn't see a thing because of the heavy snowfall.

Muichiro was beginning to feel nervous. He couldn't see, hear, smell or feel; and he didn't know where he was. All he could do was flounder around through the snow, feeling the wet sludge begin to slowly envelope him, limb by limb.

This is a huge problem..


A/N: I couldn't be bothered too proofread this (cuz of my sleep meds) so if there's any mistakes don't judge me 😭😭

Chapter 22 will be published on 2/09/23


1206 words

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