♡ | 11 - Conflicted | ♡

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She felt giddy in his arms. He was... carrying her? She could probably walk... Did he think she was too weak to do it herself? No, he was just being kind... Y/n didn't know how to feel.

Muichiro smiled warmly, and looked at her flustered face. She looks cute.. Her face is so adorable right now and- I feel my heart beating faster.

He gulped and looked away from her, trying to hide how cute he thought she looked. Then, he started carefully walking.. carrying her in his arms, with one arm wrapped around her legs, and the other supporting her back.

"Do you feel better?" He asked softly.

She stared at him, her eyes wide. The way he was making her feel... It was... scary. She was so giddy that it terrified her.

"Y-yes..." She mumbled, hiding her face in her hands. She was so embarrassed... was he really carrying her right now? She knew how it probably looked; like she was a weak ass damsel in distress who relies on the nearest man to get her out of trouble. But part of her... Part of her liked this treatment.

He was acting as if she was the most important girl in the world... She felt special. That was always going to feel nice, no matter how embarrassed it made her.

Muichiro was.. a little surprised by the way she was hiding her face in her hands. He could tell that she was embarrassed... He wondered why. After all, he was just trying to help.

He just kept walking, his eyes gently moving along her body as he walked. He couldn't help it.

She's so cute... What is this feeling? I have to find a name for it.. this is new... Hold it together, Muichiro! No time to think about that right now.

He kept walking, carrying her in his arms. In the distance, voices sounded, cutting through the quiet morning air like a dagger. Y/n quickly shuffled out of Muichiro's arms, almost tipping them both over in the process. Despite her embarrassment, she was still rattled from the poison, so her knees shook violently when she tried to stand on her own.

Muichiro quickly moved forward to help her, his brow furrowed slightly. Y/n huffed.

"Can I..." She looked at the sky and swallowed her pride. "Can I please... lean on you for a little while. Just while my strength comes back."

"Of course." He said quietly.

Casually, as if trying to spare her embarrassment, he walked over to her and offered his shoulder. "You can lean against my shoulder, I promise I won't let you fall." He reassured her.

"Thank you..." she pressed against him for support, her body screaming at her for trying to stand on her own.

Suddenly, the voices from the distance began coming closer. It was those kids: Tanjiro, Inosuke, Zenitsu and Nezuko. Oh, and Shinazugawa's brother, Genya. When they saw Muichiro, they began waving and running over to him. Y/n looked away shyly as they came nearer.

I- what? Who are they again?Muichiro looked up when the voices got closer.. and his face filled with surprise when he remembered the names of the other demon slayers running towards him.

He then looked at Y/n, trying to think of a way to solve the situation. Should I say who she is? Then again.. she might not feel up to it if she's still sick...

"Hey, guys." Muichiro addressed the group while Y/n looked at the ground. "Where are you going?" He had to try and sound casual when he asked the question.

Tanjiro beamed at him. "We're going to the hot springs! Mitsuri said she will sneak us all in for once!"

Y/n cocked her head to the side. Was he talking about... the swordsmith village hot springs? Surely they wouldn't be allowed in there yet?

She looked at Muichiro, trying to read his expression. He didn't seem bothered by the lower rank swordsmen entering the village... maybe these guys were special. An idea popped into her mind.

"Hey um... Do you mind if we come with you? I'm Y/n, by the way." She offered her hand to Tanjiro and he shook it with a smile. Muichiro tensed up next to her.

Does he... not like it when other people touch my hand? For some reason, his jealousy made her stomach flutter.

Muichiro's jaw was clenched. Why am I this bothered by it... I don't even know if we're even.. together or.. wait.. what am I thinking? I haven't asked.. I shouldn't ask.. I'm probably just imagining things! I've never even been with anyone before!

Muichiro looked at the Tanjiro and then back at Y/n, and took a deep breath.

No, what I felt back at the hospital with her was real.. So.. so.. should I ask her? It's not that big of a deal, right..? Maybe I should wait? What if it goes wrong?

"Yeah, sure thing!" Tanjiro exclaimed in reply to Y/n. He didn't seem to mind them tagging along, which relieved the mirror hashira. She was glad to be making new friends her age among the demon slayers.

"Muichiro, is that okay with you if we go to the hot springs with them?" She turned to face him. His brow was furrowed and he looked... conflicted.

"You okay, Mui?" She placed a hand on his back. Inosuke raised an eyebrow, Zenitsu wolf whistled. They were both met by an icy glare from the two hashira.

Should I say it? If I don't.. I might regret it for the rest of my life..

"Y-yeah, no problem." He said nervously.

In his head, he was screaming at himself to just say it, to take the leap of faith.. I have to do it!

"Uhh.." He began, his voice slightly shaking. I can do this, I need to do this.

"Y/n, I-" He stopped, his face lighting up red, and he covered his face completely.

"Hmm?" The girl looked concerned. She shooed away the other demon slayers and promised to meet them at the hot springs later on. Once they were finally gone, she focused all her attention onto Muichiro.

"Mui..." she murmured softly. His eyes were gleaming with emotion.

What on earth has got him this flustered?


Chapter 12 will be published on 20/09/23

A/N: I'm going to start putting word counts at the bottom of each chapter, just so that I can easily tell how long the story is getting. I've already written over 50 chapters that I need to edit, so it's gonna end up being pretty long lol! Oh well, I'm in love with this plot so its okay <3

1130 words

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