♡ | 38 - Messy | ♡

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I have to wake him up... He must be having a nightmare that's causing his heart rate to spike!

Y/n yanked at the edge of her hospital bed and reached as far as she could, before feeling a tugging sensation in the skin of her arm.

Shit... I'm still hooked up to the machines!

Looking back at Muichiro and then back at the machine, the young demon slayer squeezed her eyes shut.

With a grunt, Y/n reached for the tubes in her arm and ripped them out with a sickening squelch. Blood trickled down her fingertips and dripped onto the floor- she hardly noticed.

"Hhm.. hmmph.. humph.." She panted, clutching her ribs. Blood smeared from her arm onto her abdomen, yet she gritted her teeth and took a step forward.

Just a few more steps... Just get to him. He's so close, once you've woken him up everyone will be safe again.

Suddenly, a wave of nausea overcame her, followed by a horrifying crunch.

Oh shit. Leg injuries.

Y/n fell with a crash into the machinery next to her, causing her own monitors to emit high-pitched shrieking sounds. In the distance, footsteps pounded up the stairs.

"Is everything- WHAT THE HELL?" Aoi screamed when she saw the pool of blood gathering at Y/n's gown. Shinobu stood behind her, mouth agape.

"Stupid, stupid girl...!" Shinobu ran up to her and yelled: "What have you done?! Are you insane?!"

Y/n raised her head at Shinobu's words, and clenched her jaw so hard that a vein jumped beneath her skin. She dragged herself to her feet, leaving a huge red mess behind her. Shinobu attempted to bandage her arm, but she shoved past her towards Muichiro.

She bent over his bedside and grabbed his shoulders.

"Wake up... Wake up!" She shook him gently, desperate to see his eyes open. Shinobu and Aoi were screaming at her, but she drowned out their voices.

"Please, please Mui, wake up! Don't go yet! You have to calm down so that you don't reopen your injuries!" The frantic girl shook him harder, making Shinobu scream louder in response. The butterfly hashira grabbed Y/n and hauled her away from Tokito; but it was okay. Because as she was pulled away, she saw his eyelid twitch. His lashes fluttered, and his eyes opened.

"Hmm, Y/n? AGH-!"

The second Muichiro woke up, he felt a searing pain within his chest. It was almost as if his very heart was about to burst, and he threw back his head in agony. Panic raced through him and he fought to climb out of his bed.

"LAY BACK DOWN FOR GODS SAKE!" Shinobu shook her fists at him and shoved him back between the sheets, making him wince in pain. "WILL YOU TWO STOP CAUSING PROBLEMS FOR 5 MINUTES SO I CAN HEAL YOUR WOUNDS?"

Annoyance burned on her face as she turned back to Y/n. Squawking orders at Aoi, she forced the mirror hashira back into bed (not before giving her several hard smacks on the head as punishment for the commotion).

Despite her fury, Shinobu wasn't unreasonable. Once Y/n explained that the machine has malfunctioned, the insect hashira went bright red and apologised profusely to Muichiro. Although, that didn't stop her from giving Y/n a long, hard lecture.

"- and there were much safer ways to go about that situation! If you'd pulled out the tubes incorrectly you could have caused nerve damage, plus shaking Muichiro like that in his condition was utterly stupid! I brought you into the corps, I trained you in the basics of medicine, how could you forget, blah, blah, blah..."

Eventually, Shinobu was satisfied with the genuinity of Y/n's apology and stormed out of the room to fetch them some more medicine. Aoi seemed to feel a bit sorry for them both and unlocked the wheels on Muichiro's hospital bed, shuffling it over slightly to the left. She did the same to Y/n's but to the right, so that their beds met in the middle of the room.

Y/n glanced up at her as she left, smiling gratefully. Then, she turned to Muichiro.

"Sorry for making such a fuss, I really was just trying to help. Like I said to Shinobu, the machine-"

"It's fine, Y/n." He replied, his voice tired and hoarse. Neither of them knew what to say for a moment after that, and they fell into a sleepy trance.

Muichiro was so tired that he could barely think, but his eyes never once strayed from hers.

"I'm gonna.. take care of you." Y/n mumbled sleepily. "I'll make sure you get better fast. You were.. you were amazing in battle, Mui. Congratulations on unlocking your slayer mark."

Her stomach twisted at the last few words she said.

When I look at that mark, all I see is... No. I have to be supportive. This can't be easy for him either, he didn't choose to unlock it.

She rubbed his knuckled affectionately, now able to reach him thanks to Aoi's shifting of their hospital beds.

"Y/n, I... You helped me unlock it. Without you, none of what I did would have been possible. So please, don't make me out to be the hero." His voice was soft as he spoke, his eyes fluttering closed.

Her eyes widened a bit.

"R-really? You think I helped you unlock it?" Y/n was surprised. She didn't know an awful lot about how those marks worked, but she trusted Muichiro's instincts. If he said she helped... He must be right.

One on hand, I helped him achieve a great power. On the other, I help him achieve an early death.

"Do you feel any better now you've had medicine? It's alright if not, I only ask so I can help." She smiled warmly and held his hand tighter, forcing the previous thoughts from her mind.

"A little more than before, thanks. You don't know how much it means to me that you care."

Muichiro paused and sucked in a raggedy breath.

"I can't move... Can you come a bit closer?" He mumbled softly, a heavy blush on his cheeks.

"Y-yeah! If that would make you feel better..."

Hesitantly, Y/n moved over to rest against his side, being careful to avoid his injured arm. She also layed on her back, as to not damage her ribs further.

"Thanks, that makes me feel a bit better. I don't know why, but it almost feels as if the pain in my limbs fades a little with you here. Is that weird?"

His tone was soft, almost a whisper.

Muichiro held her close to him, gently caressing her hair. His chest was rising up and down a little more evenly now, although he was still breathing heavily and his heart was beating much faster than usual.

It was evident that he was in a lot of pain, yet still, he was still smiling.

The tired boy held her hand and kissed it with closed eyes. "I love you... I love you, I can't... I can't bear the thought of not having you by my side."

Y/n buried her face in his shoulder and smiled into his bandages. His tiredness was making him cute and sappy... She loved it.

"I'll be by your side, forever and ever." The mirror hashira promised.

Until you're 25... The dark thought sprung into her mind, sending a twinge of nausea straight to her stomach. Y/n stubbornly shooed it away, but clutched onto Muichiro's sleeve slightly tighter.

"I don't ever want to leave you... I love you so much. Please, never ever leave me."

A/N: RAAAAAH Muichiro angst

I'm sorry that this chapter is late, some very serious things have been happening in my life and they've prevented me from writing as much. I'll try my best to keep to an upload schedule, but don't be surprised if some chapters are late for the next few weeks

1351 words

Chapter 39 will be published on 07/11/23

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