♡ | 42 - Nervous | ♡

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Y/n peered out into the clearing, the orange rays of the setting sun casting an ethereal glow over her face. Standing there, the young hashira felt like some sort of princess; Mitsuri had swept up her h/c hair into an intricate braid, adorned with one of the love hashira's own cherry-blossom hairpins. Truly, she had never felt this beautiful before. Smiling to herself and patting down her skirt, Y/n began to look around for Muichiro.

The mist hashira had been left alone by Sanemi and Genya once they spotted Y/n's arrival. He stood behind a tall oak tree, his hand over his mouth and his face flushed red. He had only barely caught sight of Y/n... Already, this was becoming too much for him to handle.

Shit... She makes me too nervous! How can she possibly look that good?

Back in the clearing, Y/n was a little confused. She was certain that this was the spot they agreed on.

"I hope he's okay..." The girl mumbled to herself. Thoughts of Muichiro's injuries playing up crossed her mind, but she promptly shook them away. After all, Shinobu had given him permission to do this, so he must be in good enough shape. "Maybe there was some sort of hold up?.."

Muichiro came up from behind her and cleared his throat, making her jump slightly.

As she turned around, Y/n's breath was taken.

"Wow Mui... You look so good!" A massive smile lit up her face as she bounced over to him before wrapping him up in a hug. Cheeks red and heart racing, the flustered boy returned her embrace.

"Y-you look... amazing." He mumbled into her shoulder. Y/n giggled and pulled away from him, grasping his hand instead.

"Cmon, we really need to hurry. The event started 5 minutes ago, and we need to make sure we don't miss the time slots for our speeches!"

Smiling bashfully at the ground, Tokito Muichiro found himself unable to reply. Instead, he let himself be pulled along behind Y/n, guided by their interlocked fingers.


Y/n had never seen the sound hashira estate look so perfectly chaotic.

Uzui and his wives had offered to let Kagaya host the event at their house... And it was obvious why. Out of all the hashira estates, Uzui's was clearly the most suitable for partying in. The entire building was alive with music, lights flashed in every colour and the scent of fruit punch was on the air. Y/n couldn't help but laugh, and an amused sigh left Muichiro's lips as they took in the scene before them.

"Count on Uzui to turn a simple gathering like this into a party..." Muichiro mumbled, flinching a little from the change in volume as they opened the heavy front door. The room behind it was teeming with people, demon slayers of all ranks joined together to celebrate this victory against Muzan. Oh, and to get drunk. They were definitely all there to get drunk.

"Wanna find a quiet spot?" Y/n yelled over the music, and Muichiro nodded. Scrambling hand-in-hand through the crowd, they eventually made there way into what seemed to be an empty room; luckily, it was much more quiet than the room they had been in before.

As they shut the door behind them, a familiar face popped up from behind a large table; Iguro Obanai's heterochromic eyes widened as he spotted Y/n, and he cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Oh- It's just you. What are you doing in here?" Something about him looked a little strange... his hair was slightly dishevelled, his pale cheeks were dusted pink, and his black-and-white striped tie was pulled loose.

Y/n waved at him and smiled, ignoring his strange reaction to her appearance. "Don't mind us, Muichiro and I were just looking for a quiet place to get away from all the noise-"

Wait... What is Mitsuri's hairpin doing on the floor in here...?

Y/n paused, realisation dawning on her. Staring Iguro in the eyes, she raised an eyebrow at him and cocked her head to the side.

"Is Kanroji hiding behind that table?"

The snake-eyed man looked away with a guilty smirk on his face, not wanting to reply. "Why would you think that, Y/n?"

The mirror hashira rolled her eyes. "I can see her hairpin on the floor."

Suddenly a hand darted out from behind the table to grab the clip, followed by a series of familar girlish giggles. Y/n burst out laughing and Iguro looked down at his lover with an exasperated expression, slightly baffled by her awful hiding skills.

Muichiro's face was bright red when he realised what they'd just intruded on, and Y/n buried her face in her hands, trying desperately to stop laughing. Grabbing her companion's hand once more, she lead him out the door... Although not without shooting Iguro one final eye roll before they closed it again.

As soon as they were out of the couple's earshot, the two young hashira almost wet themselves laughing. Running away from both the busy entrance and the room the couple were occupying, they finally managed to reach a relatively empty hallway. A little breathless, Y/n couldn't contain her disbelief.

"Oh my god, do they have no SHAME?" Y/n's eyes were glistening with tears of laughter as she digested what just happened. "I mean, they didn't even lock the damn door?!"

Rounding a corner to avoid the other partygoers, they came to a stop at what appeared to be a balcony. The cool night breeze gave Y/n some relief from the stuffy air indoors, she breathed it in gratefully and looked up at the stars that were peeking from the darkening sky. Leaning against the railings, the mirror hashira felt Muichiro's precense behind her.

He had gone quiet. It took a moment for Y/n to stop oggling the stars but eventually she looked back and met his eyes. He was staring at her... Staring at her with eyes brimming with affection.

"Mui?.." She began, but stopped when he slid a hand against her waist and gently pushed her up against the railings of the balcony. Y/n sucked in a breath at the feeling of the cold metallic bar against her back; she breathed it out again when she felt Muichiro's hand move to the soft skin of her neck. Blinking at her with his impossibly blue eyes and then leaning in, the boy began to murmur in her ear.

"Yknow... I have a feeling I've asked you this before. Everytime I think about being close to you like this, I get deja vu..."

Y/n's chest rose and fell as Muichiro breathed against her cheek. Heat rushed to her cheeks and she could feel herself losing composure... She had no idea how he managed to remain so calm all the time.

"H-huh? Ask me what?"

Out of the corner of her eye, Y/n saw the edge of his mouth curve upwards.


A/N: Idec if its my own writing, Muichiro will ALWAYS have me giggling n kicking my feet

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I actually managed to write it on time and produce something decent <3 I genuinely love writing this book and most of the comments are so lovely, you guys make my day fr. You make it worth the hours of editing in the middle of the night even when I have to get up early the next day 😭

Chapter 43 will be published on: 03/12/23

1276 words

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