♡ | 17 - Overdrive | ♡

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Y/n looked into his eyes. There was so much hidden behind them... so much pain and suffering, masking by a forgetful haze. She knew what it felt like to want to forget things- huge chunks of her life were spent living in a similar way to how Muichiro was living now. But you can't hide in the mist forever. At some point, you have to face the mirror.

She didn't say anything in reply. After all, she didn't need words. With a one hand, she cupped his cheek, and the other one tangled into his wet ponytail. She leaned in, but paused as their foreheads touched.

"Do you mind... if I kiss you?"

His eyes widened, his ears almost burning with heat. He slowly nodded.

Yes.. please do.

He was shaking with.. something else too. He didn't know how to describe what he was feeling. It was.. embarrassing, and it felt like his heart was about to leap out of his chest.

He felt light, dizzy.. his breath was shallow.

Am I blushing..?

He looked back at Y/n, her face getting very close to his. She started by simply grazing her lips against his; but it quickly turned to her kissing him slowly... but deeply.

I love you... Her heart was screaming at her. I love you, I love you, I love you!

When she pulled a way, a thin string of saliva connected their lips. She felt her entire body go hot with embarrassment when she saw it. Muichiro was watching her intently... to him, all of this was playing in slow motion for him.

He felt so many different things, his heart was racing so much.

I-I feel hot, and I can feel my ears burning. He looked down at their lips for a few moments before looking back up at her.

"You.. You liked it, right..?" His voice was shaky. She blushed, deeply.

"Um... y-yeah..." she mumbled, as if she was ashamed to admit how much she liked kissing him. She looked back up at him. "D-did... did you? Like it, I mean?"

"I.. I loved it-" he mumbled.

A small part of him wanted to lie and say that he felt absolutely nothing, but he was too honest for that.

"It was.. amazing.."

He realized that his hands had been holding onto both of Y/n's, but he had been squeezing really hard in his excitement. He suddenly noticed the red imprints that were left from his nails. She giggled slightly as his face dropped. He was staring at the nail marks he had made.

"It's okay, I don't mind you squeezing me." She looked away bashfully. His nervouness was so adorable to her.

"Although, maybe try not to squeeze with your nails next time..."

"Uh, s-sorry.. It's just, you're incredibly cute.. and-"

He covered his mouth with his hand, before moving it away again a few moments later.

"Sorry, that was probably inappropriate-"

It's so easy to say things I shouldn't say when I'm with her..

He looked away, as he tried to think of what to say next.

Should I say something to her? Should I just stay silent? Should I? Should I-

"No, no..."

She smiled modestly at the compliment. Secretly, she loved it when his words slipped out like that...

Ugh, I'm totally smitten with him!!!

She smiled at him, and he suddenly felt a wave of emotions overwhelm him- love, affection, embarrassment. He wasn't good at controlling his emotions.

His mind went blank, and his eyes grew slightly dull again. This was all so overwhelming... His brain could hardly handle it.


He wanted to say something to her, but he couldn't get any words out.

I feel.. so much happier when I'm around you...


You really are my reason to live.


You're adorable when you're embarrassed.


.. I love you.

Y/n watched his eyes as thoughts raced through his head. Emotions flickered and died like candle flames within their hazy, ocean blue depths, his pupils expanding slightly whenever they made eye contact.

"Muichiro..." She inched closer to him.

God... All I want to do is kiss him. Kiss him and hold him and listen to his voice... I could get lost in it all. I WANT to get lost in at all. I would run headfirst into his maze if it meant I could become lost in it forever. Lost in him forever...

Wetness gathered in the corner of his tear ducts, and his eyes went wide as she inched closer to him. It was too much emotion for him to handle. He felt so.. so happy.. and, and so much other things that he didn't understand.

He looked down at the floor, and couldn't contain his own heartbeat.

She.. Is she going to kiss me again? No... No, don't think that.. she has to say something important.

"Uh.. yes?" He said. My god, why is my voice so high pitched right now...

"I... Ah damn, I can never get my words out right when I'm looking at you..." She cursed her own sheepishness.

"I- I need to say something.. I'm just... not sure... how to..." She hung her head with embarrassment.

"Um, Muichiro Tokito, please will you, um.. ..." Her voice trailed off. She was just so nervous!

"Y-you're my boyfriend, right? And I'm your girlfriend... so... um... maybe we could go on a d-date?!"

Is she asking me on a date? Oh yeah, I'm her boyfriend!

It was still so much for him to take in.. It felt unreal.

I.. She loves me. She wants to spend time with me..?

He looked up at her, and smiled sweetly.

"Of course!" He exclaimed with a broad grin, almost like a child on Christmas.

He reached his arms around her and hugged her.

"Thank you." He murmured.  Y/n was surprised that he thanked her. After all, he was the one who was blessing HER with this whole experience.

Surely he must be used to girls like me fawning over him?

A chill crept up her back. She was still wearing her wet bikini beneath her shirt... She hadn't expected to be here so late, so she didn't pack a change of underwear. Clearly, that was a rookie error... And so was packing a white T shirt.

"Oh come on!" She sighed and looked down at herself. Her shirt was soaked and completely see-through. That, plus her soggy, hot pink swimsuit didn't exactly offer much warmth on a windy evening like this one.

She huddled against Muichiro for warmth as the cold wind made her shudder. He felt her hug him and instantly wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back, his smile turning into a wide grin.

It felt nice having the cool wind on his skin, though he imagined that Y/n must be very cold.. He pressed against her, trying to share his body heat with her.

Muichiro looked up at the sky, and started to speak.

"Y/n, can I ask you a question?" Muichiro sounded nervous. Y/n looked to him curiously, looking up at him through long eyelashes.

"Hmm? Of course, fire away."


Chapter 18 will be published on 29/08/23

1208 words

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