♡ | 6 - Bloody | ♡

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By daybreak, there wasn't a demon in sight.

Y/n and Muichiro had cleansed the forest of all demons in record speed. They worked so well together, their techniques blended perfectly, like dye in water. Who would have thought that mist breathing and mirror breathing would make a good pair?

"Hey... Tokito.." Y/n suddenly felt a strange sensation. Was she sensing... a demon? No, that can't be right... We're standing in broad daylight?

Suddenly, her breath caught in her chest. Agony doubled her over, a blast of pain shooting from her leg all the way to her forehead- when she looked down, she felt sick to her stomach.

Her leg was black.

A long gash had split her skin from knee to ankle, but the blood that oozed out was black and stagnant, not red and thin. Poison was pumping through her veins, turning her blood to mud.

How had it managed to land a blow like that unnoticed? Her leg was mangled.. How the hell didn't she feel it? Did the poison numb her?

She gagged and choked on air. The poison was spreading fast, the veins in her wrists were turning from blue to black... She looked at Muichiro, panic written across her face.

"Y-Y/n?" His face was pale as he stared down at the wound. Frantically, he bent down and began inspecting it, holding back nausea. His face was white with anxiety.

He tried to think of something, but he just couldn't stop panic setting in on him.

"S-Shinobu-" Y/n choked. "Hurry-"

He quickly scooped her into his arms. Y/n felt stupid beyond belief.. How could she have been so reckless? She sensed the demon's presence, but it was just so faint and confusing.. It must have used a powerful blood demon art, or it wouldn't have gotten that close without being detected.

But why attack like this and then flee? None of it made any sense... It all spun around in her head as Muichiro ran towards the butterfly mansion, carrying her limp body in his arms.

"Please be okay Y/n..."

He continued running, and didn't stop. The soles of his feet pounded against the earth clumsily, all of his usual speed and grace had been sucked up into the tornado raging inside him. He shook slightly from the adrenaline, feeling blind terror stab at the walls of his heart.

I am not going to let her die. No.. no I'm not!

Foam built at her lips. All he could do was keep running with her in his arms, as fast as he could, desperate to get her to Shinobu for treatment. All he could do was watch as her head fell back and her eyes fluttered shut.


When he reached the butterfly mansion, 50 things began happening at once. Shinobu whisked her away and began stabbing her with needles full of antidotes, whilst another girl pulled a plastic mask over her face. Muichiro watched as they poked and prodded her, pumped her full of medicine and fresh blood... But then she started seizing. Her body began to jerk around uncontrollably... the sight made Muichiro feel sick. He looked on, with tears in his eyes.

No.. no no no no.. this can't be real..

There was nothing he could do to help her, he could only watch as the doctors started performing chest compressions. The machine that Y/n was hooked up to was emitting horrific shrieking noises, but Muichiro could barely hear it. He had dissociated completely as the world began falling apart infront of him.

The night's events began playing over in his head, but it was all a blur.


demon, °
• kill,
pretty, •
demon, °
° sword,
claw, •
demon, no
Y/n, •

no demon,
kill, °
° demon
kill, no no no

• kill... no





His senses were numb.

This isn't real.

It can't be real.

Tears were running down his face as he watched, a soft sob leaving his mouth. Please, don't die...


Chapter 7 will be published later today.

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