♡ | 33 - Joyous | ♡

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This doesn't seem to be the right reaction.

Dread crept up Muichiro's spine.

Did I mess up? I thought me saying something like that would please her, and she's so red in the face... Does that mean she's happy?

No... If she's happy, then why did she react like that?

Muichiro was unsure as he looked back at her, his expression changing to fear and sadness. The familiar glazed look began to spread over his face as he watched her expression.

"I- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." He stated blankly, feeling slightly ashamed.

Does she not feel the same way I do? Am I in over my head?-

Y/n barely let him finish his thought. In a split second, she threw her arms around his shoulders and kissed him as hard as she could. She grabbed his collar and handfuls of his hair, holding him tightly with her fists clenched. This rush of emotion... it hurt. It didn't hurt in a bad way... but it's force was throwing her for a loop.

Muichiro was caught completely off guard, his eyes immediately lighting up again as her lips met his.

He couldn't think, couldn't move.

The boy just stood there for a few seconds, not doing anything.

Wait... She's happy? Oh my gods, she's actually happy!

Before he realised it, Muichiro was smiling. And when he did, he kissed her back, his face turning bright red at the realisation that she felt the same way he did.

I can't believe this, I was so scared for a moment there...

Y/n pulled away, gasping for air. Her hair was sticking up, and her brow was sweating, and her eyes were wide; this was the happiest she had ever felt.

"Muichiro Tokito, I swear to the gods that I will marry you! In this life, and the next life, and the life after that-"

She jumped to her feet and pulled him up with her. They spun in a circle, laughing uncontrollably, their joy a force of nature.

She said it..! She said it..! He screamed internally, feeling an unfamiliar energy flowing through his blood. Adrenaline, relief and love all fueled his excitement until he began to giggle. Then so did she.

Together they spun in a circle, giggling and spinning and giggling and spinning like schoolchildren in a playground.

One day we're going to get married! I'm going to marry her... She actually wants me to be with her...

He spun with her, loving every second of this moment. Y/n pushed a strand of dishevelled hair behind her ear, her eyes sparkling at Muichiro's apparent joy.

"I can't wait for us to be older... once we get married, we could get our own house! I should probably move out of Kagaya's shed before that, but still! We could decorate together, and watch movies together, and cook together, and do everything TOGETHER!!" She threw her head back and yelled the last word to the ceiling.

This is it... the best moment of my life so far... This is it! Finally, I know I'll never be alone again.

"Yeah, yes, all of that! I want all of that.. It's all my dreams too.. I.. I want to do things with you.. I want to be with you." He stammered, his words getting mixed up due to the adrenaline rush he was experiencing. Still, he couldn't hold in his excitement and kept on ranting.

"Y-yeah, we'll totally do all that! We could get a house together, and adopt some animals, sleep in the same bed." Muichiro said the last part a little quieter, his cheeks turning pink.

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