♡ | 8 - Awake | ♡

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Their breathing synced up, and they slept in eachothers arms. The gentle rise and fall of Muichiro's chest made Y/n feel safer than ever... If it weren't for the drugs keeping her subdued, she would have been extremely flustered!


A few peaceful hours passed... But it would not last. When the drugs wore off, Y/n woke up in incredible pain; she began writhing around in agony, almost throwing Tokito off the bed in the process.

"T-Tokito? Why are you- GAh-" she yelled out in pain, almost making sleepy Tokito jump out of his skin. He kept holding her, trying to comfort her as she writhed around.

"J-just try to calm down! It's going to be okay..."

He kept rubbing her shoulder and back in a calming way, anxiously trying to ease her pain.

"I'll stay by your side, you'll be alright." His voice was soft, but concerned. Creases lined his forehead as he watched her spasm in agony, his heartstrings being pulled at painfully hard.

Y/n breathed deliberately, clenching her jaw tight. The antidotes were working their way around her body... which was a good thing. The only problem was that having 500 chemical reactions going on inside your body wasn't a pleasant feeling.

She clutched onto the shirt of Muichiro's uniform, her hand shaking. She made an effort to compose herself; she hated looking weak like this infront of him.

"God, this is so embarrassing..." she muttered, sweat pouring down her forehead as she fought the poison. "My first week as a hashira and I've already made a damn fool of myself."

"Hey hey, relax. It's completely okay, this isn't your fault." He stroked her hair, his mind beginning to wander a bit.

She's so cute.. her face is a bit red right now, and the way her hands are shaking is so adorable. Oh, but isn't she in pain? That's not good... don't get distracted, Muichiro.

"If anything it's my fault." He said, his warm expression dropping slightly witn guilt. "Now, relax alright? I'll be here with you until the poison is gone."

Muichiro's was never taught how to comfort people, so he relied on his instincts as he lay next to her. With a slight blush on his face he kissed her forehead again, since she didn't seem to mind the first time. Some of her tension released when he did that, making Muichiro smile with relief.

At least I'm doing something right.

Several more brutal hours passed as her body detoxified. At the forefront of her mind, Y/n wished that Muichiro wasn't there to see her in this state... but her heart and soul were grateful for his presence.

"You don't have to stay..." she began. She felt guilty for keeping him here when he had demons to slay. "The poison will be gone by the next hour, I can come find you when the medicine is done circulating... Please, don't feel obliged to stay here."

Her face went red and her eyes widened as he ran his slender fingers through her hair.

Oh wow... she thought. He's being so- He's just so... Her mind raced with emotions at his touch. She had never been cared for like this before. Not by someone like him.

The thought crossed Muichiro's mind that he could be out on duty instead of here.

I don't want to leave her here alone, feeling like this. I need to be here for her, until she's getting better... She would do the same for me, right? That's what friends do.

"No, I need to stay. I can't just leave you here, I'd feel too guilty. And.. well, what if something goes wrong? I want to make sure you're okay."

He was trying to give her a reassuring smile, as his hand slowly began moving through her hair. Caressing her head and neck, he started braiding her hair as gently as he could. Her shoulders became less tense, and he could tell that it soothed her.

I could stay here forever, and just braid her beautiful hair all day. It's..

He began thinking about something, and his heart started beating faster than usual.

Should I say it? No, this isn't the right time.. I've only known her for 48 hours... She might not think the same way.

He continued braiding her hair, looking down at her with warm and gentle affection glowing in his eyes. Y/n raised her chin slightly to meet his gaze.

His face... He always looks to be so deep in thought. I love the gentle way his eyes crease when he smiles to himself... WAIT A MINUTE, WHAT AM I THINKING? I've only known him such a short time, is it really possible for two people to become so close so fast?

She gulped as the question crossed her mind.

She shook away her thoughts and kept on gazing into his deep turquoise eyes. Muichiro wanted to say something, she could tell. In fact, she also had something that she wanted to ask him...

"Tokito... Can I ask you something?

He kept braiding, smiling softly. A small eyebrow raise showed this he was curious, and he cocked his head to the side.

"Yes, of course! What is it?"

"So um, I've been calling you Tokito to be polite but... Since we are becoming... f-friends... now, would it be okay if- Um, do you want me to- Ah damn, I'm muddling my words up.." Nerves flitted around in her stomach like fireflies as she fumbled over her speech.

"I'm basically asking for permission to call you by your first name. M-Muichiro..."

She looked away nervously. He was in her hospital bed, braiding her hair- surely that warranted them being on a first name basis? But oh, what if he thought it was too soon for that? She wouldn't want to offend him by making assumptions... Y/n chewed her lip to hide her expression.

Muichiro was amused, in a way.

It's kind of funny the way she wants to call me by my first name, but she's too nervous and embarrassed to do it. It's... cute.

"You don't need to ask for my permission in the first place, you can call me whatever you want."

He kept braiding, and gave a reassuring smile.

Y/n's heart felt warm at his reaction. His name sounded so beautiful on her lips, she was so happy to be able to use it now.








Chapter 9 will be published on 18/08/23

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