♡ | 31 - Altar | ♡

862 18 18

Tw: Grief

The pair skidded to a halt once they were finally alone, hands still clasped tightly together.

"So, Mui... what do you suppose we do now?" Y/n beamed at the bright eyed-boy. "We should celebrate, surely!"

Both young demon slayers knew that she was just making an excuse to spend more time with him... But they didn't feel too guilty.

"Celebrate? I'd love to!" He grinned softly, secretly plotting how he was going to spend time with her. "Actually, I have someplace I'd like to take you..."


"So... where are we actually going?"

Y/n looked around. The direction they were walking in didn't seem to have any roads on them, only falling leaves and forest peat. Muichiro flushed pink at her question, realising he hadn't yet explained his plan.

Oh no.. She's probably thinking I'm a complete idiot.

"Well.. I... uh..."

Words failed him for a few moments before he could continue.

"I live at my parents old house. I... I kind of inherited it."

Muichiro brought his gaze up from the ground to look at her. Despite his blank expression, Y/n could sense an unfamiliar sadness about him as he continued talking.

"I haven't had many guests there, as you can probably guess.. It feels a bit intimidating going there alone, so I haven't been in a while." There was a hint of guilt in the young boy's tone as he spoke.

Y/n's heart warmed and she softened her expression.

So his family is dead... That's horrible. He told me once that they were demon slayers but I always figured that was a lie... I appreciate him trusting me enough to bring me to a place like this.

"It's never easy to go back to an old house. All the memories- they feel as if they're engrained into the walls and floors." She looked at him, her eyes full of sympathy and understanding.

Y/n gently traced his knuckled with her fingers, comfortingly. Mui smiled softly at her actions.

"Yeah, you're right... There are a lot of memories there and they just resurface every single time I take another step into the house. It's not exactly my favourite place to visit."

They continued walking, Muichiro holding her hand slightly tighter now.

"And.. To be honest, I've always hated this place. After my parents.. Well, you know how it is."

He became a bit quieter. His distress was apparent now, yet he kept his gaze strong as he focused on the crunch of leaves beneath his feet.

"I wanted to show it to you. Yknow, to show you a part of myself."

"I'm honoured." Y/n murmured, her voice low and soft. She could see it in the distance now; a house standing alone in the trees.

Muichiro tensed as it came into view. She wanted to help him, but knew that her words would only overwhelm him.

It's okay Mui... I promise, everything will be okay...

Y/n willed for him to hear her thoughts. As they passed the trees, they could see the derelict building standing silently in the middle of nowhere.

"There it is.." Muichiro whispered with a small, sad smile.

Muichiro grabbed the handle of the door, and gently pushed it open. It creaked a bit, its hinges stiff with the lack of use. Y/n coughed gently as dust was thrown up by the movement.

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