♡ | 7 - Relief | ♡

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beep... beep... beep...

Relief washed over Muichiro as the monitor slowed, and began to emit steady sounds. Y/n's limbs grew still again, and Shinobu sighed with relief. Then, for the first time since he had got there, she raised her head and looked at Muichiro.

"Tokito..." She began to speak, but stopped herself. No words of kindness would be any use. Instead, she relied on science to comfort him.

"She was stabbed with a venomous claw from a demon that I am familiar with. The venom reached her heart, and she went into cardiac arrest..." Shinobu sighed, her tone growing slightly angry.

"What the hell were you two doing alone in that part of the forest? Its only her first day as a hashira... The demon that did this has killed more than 50 people in the past few months... We were planning to send a hashira in... I was hoping to go myself. This demon... it attacks for fun. It administers a painful poison and then flees like a coward. If it came down to a fight, a Mizunoto level swordsman could decapitate it. But it chooses to hide in the shadows..."

Shinobu looked down at the unmoving girl, and then back up at Muichiro. He was listening, and felt cold terror flow through his veins at her words. 50 people...

They sat in silence, as the clock kept on ticking.


Muixhiro was tired. He had been sitting at her bedside for what must have been at least an hour now, and his mind had been running laps around him. All he wanted to do was see her blink, flinch, speak... anything to confirm that his own mistakes hadn't just killed her.

It was me... She knew the demon was there, and I dimissed her. It was me who got her hurt, I might as well have stabbed her myself.. It was... me...

Tears of guilt and shame welled in his eyes. Of all the stupid mistakes he'd made recently, this one was by far the worst. At least, the worst of the ones he could remember. He always did seem to forget when things like this happened... He knew it wasn't a coincidence, but didn't want to admit that to himself yet.

Suddenly, he felt something brush his wrist, ripping him away from his thoughts. Muichiro sniffed and blinked his tears away to see that it was Y/n's hand.

What?! She's awake? I have to be hallucinating, right?

Y/n's eyes were open, just slightly. Bright red blood vessels popped from their whites, and her gaze was full of fatigue. Although, when she realised who was sitting infront of her, the expression in her eyes seemed to brighten. A raspy sound emitted from her throat as she whispered his name.


He was speechless. Shock hit him like a truck, and he threw himself onto her and hugged her as tightly as he could

"I'm so.. so glad that you're okay." He started, barely able to speak. Moments ago, she had been half dead; this was too much for him to handle.

Shinobu smiled. "Welcome back." She murmured softly, before sauntering out the door to leave the pair alone.

Y/n flashed a weak smile.

Tokito looks so upset... I wonder why? I feel bad...

"Didn't... mean to... worry you." She mumbled, brushing the messy locks of hair from his face.

He took her hand and squeezed it, feeling her pulse as he did so. "I-I'm glad that you're okay.. I honestly thought that I was going to lose you."

Drowsiness began to set in as the drugs took effect, but Y/n still squeezed back.

He smiled softly through his tears, and kissed her forehead. "Oh, and don't apologise. It's not your fault, I just wanted you to be okay."

Surprise widened her eyes as Muichiro's lips made contact with her skin. He must have much more scared than he was letting on... I mean, why else would he kiss her? It's not as if he... No. She wouldn't let her sleepy, semi-delirious mind wander there.

Speaking of delirium... Y/n was experiencing a wonderful, medicine induced happiness. Almost as if she could take one the world! Although, she felt much more inclined to take a nice long nap... With Muichiro.

Limply, she placed her hand on the back of his neck. Her throat was swollen from the poison, so she could barely talk... But she didn't need words. She pulled him onto the bed and held his head into the nook of her neck, feeling him catch his breath in surprise. She was too tired to think... she just... wanted... him. She wanted to be near him, as close as possible... Her head swam. She felt his eyelashes flutter against her neck.

Muichiro was stunned. Where did this even come from?

She's holding me.. close to her neck... does she want me to lay next to her?

He looked up at her with a small blush. He was confused, slightly embarrassed, but he didn't move. Why is she doing this?

Her hand on his neck felt nice.. he felt at home.

He held her hand, unsure what was going on in her head.

"Sleep..." she mumbled, pulling him into the bed with her. She clinged onto him and nestled her face into his neck, breathing him in. His body felt so warm... so safe... Yes. She felt safe in his arms.

"Looks like the drugs kicked in..." Shinobu stuck her head in the doorway, suppressing a giggle at the sight of them. "She has absolutely no filter or social awareness right now, so no wonder she's acting so bold! Just play along Tokito, it'll wear off in a few hours." She winked and gave him a thumbs up.

Y/n was already snoring gently into his shoulder. Shinobu's words made him feel a bit more at ease with the situation, but a small blush remained on his face.

He looked down at the snoring girl, and smiled. She looked so peaceful...

So her mind wants me to be close to her, but her body can't do anything, so.. she's acting unconsciously?

Muichiro was unsure of what to do. Did her actions now represent her unspoken desires? Or was this sudden display of affection fabricated by the medicine? Should he move, or stay still? Should he choose his dignity, or her comfort? Should he do what he wanted, or what he knew he should do?"

He then looked at Shinobu. A curt nod showed her that he had made up his mind. Embarrassment plagued him, but he decided to push it away.

Ah, screw it. Let me have this.


Chapters 8 and 9 will be published on 17/08/23

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