♡ | 26 - Lips (pt2) | ♡

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Warning: smooch-y stuff (no smut)

A/N: Someonethatisreadin0 This chapter is for u cuz ur the most down bad person in my comments (here's ur crown 👑)

Despite part of him feeling like he should, Muichiro didn't want to stop. It felt so amazing having Y/n this close, and he didn't want to ruin it.

His kisses grew deeper as his hands clutched at the back of her head. Both of their hairs were a mess, strands of knotted h/c locks were sticking to Y/n's sweaty forehead. Luckily, Muichiro didn't seem to mind.

The only thing on the mind of the mist hashira was that he wanted to kiss her for as long as possible. The strength of his feelings was embarrassing for him, but he didn't really care. In that moment, he just wanted to be close to her.

He leaned back ever so slightly to get her hair out of his face, as he continued to kiss her softly. Y/n gasped for breath as Muichiro pulled away... Taking a moment to study his facial expressions, she rolled onto him so that he was beneath her. Y/n saw his ears go bright red.

"Is this... is this okay?" Y/n knew she had to ask- it would be wrong of her to simply assume that he was happy. He was blushing a lot... Did that mean he was feeling good?

When Muichiro felt her weight on top of him, he felt all tingly. His face was bright red, and he had a slight smile on his lips. He felt a bit embarrassed to be pinned beneath her like this, but also excited.

"Y-yeah.. it's fine." He said in a soft tone.

Behind his sweaty brow, Muichiro's mind was running in circles. His mind was full of things he'd never thought of until now, and it was throwing him for a loop. All he could do was keeping kissing her as he tried to come up with the words for his feelings.

She's so warm... I can't take this anymore...

When their lips parted for a moment, he whispered the smallest of sentences. "I want more.."

Y/n's face went pink. What did he mean?

Her heart thumped in her chest and blood pounded in her head. He was making her crazy, just with his lips and tongue.

"H-how much more..." Y/n tried to sound calm, but in reality he was making her melt. She wasn't sure if he realized how nervous she just sounded... It didn't even occur to him since he was so caught up in her.

Muichiro leaned closer to her body, and gave her another kiss... This time on her jawline, then down to the side of her neck.

He felt her blood pulsing through her veins beneath his lips, he felt her heat. And he loved it.

He kept whispering "more" over and over again while his lips were pressed up against her neck. His words set her ears on fire.

Y/n sat up for a moment, catching her breath. Her mind was blank apart from one word...

More... more...

When she had her breath back, she grabbed him by the collar and pulled him in again. She felt his body press against hers, his muscles beneath his shirt, his hands in her hair and on her back...

She rolled over onto the second futon, pulling him on top of her this time. Their lips didn't break for a second.

Muichiro didn't hesitate to continue, to keep kissing her. He looked at her with passion. He wanted more, he wanted so much more..

He kept kissing, he wouldn't stop just yet.

He couldn't stop. Not when her lips were so soft and her hair was so smooth...

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