Ferris Wheel

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You said, grabbing your best friend's hand of 5 years, dragging him through the funfair, giggling, trying to get through the coward to the Ferris wheel.

Han Jisung, your best friend and the one you had a crush on since you met him, just chuckled at you dragging him. It was a good idea to spend time with you after being away on tour for three months by taking you to the fun fair that came into town.

"Okay, Y/n, calm down. We still have time", you heard Jisung laugh, keeping up with you.

Jisung was afraid of heights but wanted to go on the Ferris wheel; to your surprise, it was his idea, which you accepted.

You both waited in line, so you returned to your conversation and smiled.

"I have missed our time together. We should do this more, well I am hoping we do, Y/n", Jisung spoke softly, slightly tense; you raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off because maybe it was because he was nervous about the ride.

"I hope so, too. I would spend time with you, Ji", you said, smiling, trying to ease the tension in the atmosphere.

Jisung headed to the ticket booth to get your tickets for the ride and started chatting to the man about something; you just smiled and scrolled on your phone while waiting for Jisung to return.

*After a while*

Once Jisung got the ticket, the pair of you got on the Ferris wheel; it started moving, making you jump and cling to Jisung's arm.

Jisung stiffened at the reaction but relaxed, pulling you closer to him and wrapping his arm around your waist.

"You are okay, Y/n. I got you."

"Are you not scared, Ji?"

You asked, looking up at him, his eyes were screaming with nervousness, but he just shook his head.

"Nope, I am okay with this ride...it's just something else I am nervous about."

The ride stopped, and you and Jisung were at the top. The view was beautiful; you could see all the tops of the buildings, the streetlights were lit in pretty colors, and the wind was quite calming.

"This is such a beautiful view, Jisung, look!" you were so busy enjoying the view that you knew Jisung was already looking at his version of a beautiful view.

"Yes, the view is beautiful."

You turned to look at him to see him staring at you, making your cheek turn bright red and looked down.


"No, Y/n, please let me speak! I am madly and utterly in love with you. I know we have been best friends for years, and my idol lifestyle is difficult, but I am determined to give it away. I want you in my life forever and always!"

The words just fell out of his mouth; it shocked you significantly because you were also in love with Jisung but didn't want to ruin the friendship or make things awkward.

"Jisung...I love you. I always have"

"You have?"

"Yes, but I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to ruin my chances. I thought you liked Minho, and we are best friends."

"Look, Minho is quite dishy."

You looked down slightly, but Jisung's finger pulled my face under my chin.

"But I am madly in love with you."

He pulled you close before connecting your lips. The kiss was soft and gentle but warm. Your lips moved in sync.

After 2 minutes, both of you pulled away, looking down, blushing at your feet.

"Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"


You looked up at him, smiling widely before pulling you close to his embrace and sharing another kiss. The Ferris wheel started moving again.

"Wait a minute. Did you pay the ticket guy to stop at the top?" you asked, looking up at Jisung, who had the biggest grin on his face and was looking away at the view.

"It is a beautiful view. You are right."

You playfully rolled your eyes as he didn't answer your question, but that didn't matter; you now had Jisung in your life, but you always did.

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