Seven Days

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Seven whole days with my boyfriend of 3 years, Seungmin. Seungmin promised to spend every day for one week with me before he and the boys went on tour. Unfortunately, I couldn't go with him due to work commitments, but Seungmin kept his promises. What a week it was!

Monday 30th October

Seungmin took me to an art museum where we spent half the day staring at paintings and reacting to them. At one point, we found a painting of dogs. Of course, Seungmin was interested in it, so don't tell him, but I secretly took a photo of him staring at the picture.

After the art museum, we went out for a late lunch or early dinner, chatting and giggling for hours, like it was our first date before Seungmin. I took a walk through the park hand in hand.

"Y/n, I know this is only the first day of the perfect week. There will be loads more surprises and love to go around."

Looking deep into my eyes, pulling me close to his body, our chests almost touching, before cupping my face with his free hand.

"I love you,"

"I love you too, Puppy."

Tuesday 31st October

IT'S HALLOWEEN! Seungmin and I went to Bang Chan's 'Up All Night' Halloween party at his house. I joked about going a general human and having Seungmin go as my puppy dog in a full costume like PuppyM, but he didn't like that idea, so we went as Sherlock Holmes and Watson instead.

Once at the party, there was a Vampire, Elsa, Chucky, Draco Malfoy, Harlee Quinn, A Witch, and a  Woody, but to be honest, it looked good.

Partying all night, drinking, eating, and singing karaoke was perfect. Even at one point, Changbin got up and did Queen Card while dancing. Watching him do it as Woody was funny, but he slayed it as usual.

"You going up to sing Min?"

I asked, watching Seungmin, who shook his head, pulling me closer and kissing the side of my head, pouting cutely, making Seungmin laugh.

"Go on, Seungmin! I'll do it with you."

Jeongin spoke, dragging him on stage with him. I got close to the stage, getting a front-row view as he and Jeongin said, " My Universe," of course, he kept looking at me, making me melt and all flustered.

The party went on to the early morning hours, and I am just glad the boys have a whole week off as vacation. There are many things about Chan, but he knows how to throw a hell of a Halloween party in the dorms.

Wednesday 1st November

Today was a chill day for Seungmin and me, and it was perfect. Most of the boys, except Jisung and Minho, visit friends and family, while those two stay in the dorm while they do their own things.

Seungmin and I were chilling on his bed in his room, which he shared with Jeongin. He put 'Spirited Away' on for us, tangling our legs together under the covers with a bowl of popcorn in the middle of us.

Laughing, crying, and sometimes a quick kiss here and there throughout the movie was bliss; after movie after movie, Seungmin and I gently fell asleep in each other's arms.

We woke up a few hours later, but Jeongin shook us gently to let us know dinner was almost ready. We didn't realize until later that Jeongin had taken a photo of us cuddling and sleeping together and sent it to the group chat with the caption.

'Two cute Puppies 🐶🐶'

Thursday 2nd November

It's amusement park day! Thrilled with rides, food, screaming, and laughter. The boys tagged along, which improved the experience, and of course, they gave Seungmin and me some space and some rides to ourselves as well.

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