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I was straddling his lap while in his office, wrapping my arms around his neck as he kept his hands firmly on my ass. Our kisses were heated and hungry. We can't control ourselves sometimes.

"Ugh, Chan, please take a break,"

"Yes... I think I will,"

He was standing up, wrapping my legs around his waist, running my hands down his chest while a firm slap left an imprint on my ass, carrying me to the bedroom, laying me down before lifting his top over his head and throwing it to the side, hovering over me.

His hand glided up my thigh while his lips kept attached to my neck, marking what it was for him before his fingers brushed over my folds on top of my shorts.


Being pushed back on the back seats of his car, our clothes were already off and flung on the floor, leaving us in our underwear. Cold holds were kept firmly on my hips while wet, sloppy kisses were planted on my chest.

Arching my back, running my hands through his hair before moving them to his back, digging my nails into his skin, dragging them down, moaning loudly.


"Shhh, we're just getting started,"

A smirk formed on his lips before working his wet kisses down my body, traveling them down to the helm of my panties before looping his fingers under the scrap, slowly teasing and pulling them down


I held Changbin's shoulder with my back pressed against the pool wall. Our tongues danced with each other, battling it out for dominance.

Legs tangled around his waist while his fingers took off my bikini bottoms, placing them on the side next to his shorts, which he already removed.

His erect cock brushed against my folds, scratching the back of his neck, making him grunt before moving his hands to his cock and lining it up.

"Deep breathe in princess"


Music vibrations of the stereo in the studio echoed through the room, sounding out any noise.

Rolling my hips forward against his boxers, holding onto his bare chest, panting slightly while his hands drew shapes on my back, looking deeply into my eyes.

Placing a soft kiss on his lips, stopping my hips from grinding when he flipped us over, laying us back on the couch, taking control of the situation, keeping it sweet and passionate, pushing his finger deep inside my clit, moaning at the feeling. I was seeing this whole new side of Hyunjin, and I was loving it, to be honest.

"Oh Hyunjin"

"Shhh, my dumpling"

His hand and fingers started moving in and out at a slow, teasing pace, grinning as I turned to mush underneath him, biting down on my lip and not giving in until he picked up his pace.


Steam filled the bathroom; Jisung's back was pressed against the tile wall while I knelt in front of him, holding his cock while slowly pumping it up and down, then pulling away, teasing him.

"Ugh baby, don't tease me. I am sorry I teased you earlier."

A smirk appeared on my lips about how he teased me earlier in the recording studio by squeezing my thighs and drawing circles on them under the table.

"Oh, why not? It's more fun seeing you like this, babe."

I giggled before pumping him up and down again when his hand went to the back of his head.


After trying to bake cookies and brownies, I ended up slapping his ass while bending down, which ended up in this situation with cooking batter everywhere, empty bowls, and utensils on the floor.

Felix is standing between my legs, hands gripping my waist, lingering wet kisses on my breasts while my hands fiddled with his pants.

"I want these off. If I got no top or bra on then, I think it's only fair, Lix."

Humming in response sent vibrations against my skin, pulling away from my body, unzipping his pants and kicking them off, leaving him in his boxers as he was already shirtless, stepping closer to me; his boxers only showed his growing bulge.


Romantic music softly played, my hands were pinned down above my head, and our clothes were thrown around the bedroom.

The sheet just barely covered the lower half of his body while his right hand held my hands, and his left hand kept him propped up, leaving sweet kisses down my body.


"Oh, darling. The night has just begun."

Was all he said before releasing my hands, telling me to keep them there before moving his head down and burying it, running his tongue along the slit, making me arch my back.


The fire crackled, the lights dimmed, and the movie still played in the background. Pillows and blankets covered us while we were slowly kissing each other.

Jeongin's back was placed against the couch while I was sitting on his lap, tangling my hands through his hair and his hands on my thighs before guiding them up and down his lap.


"Happy Anniversary baby."

Blushing pulling out his erect cock and kissing him deeply, he grabbed a condom unwrapping it, sliding it on him.

Teasing my entrance before sliding down on him, groaning against his lips, this is going to be a night to remember.

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